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Бормина Виктория Александровна57

Тема урока “English-speaking countries”

Цели урока:

Учебно-практическая – проверка знаний лексики по теме «Англо-говорящие страны», развитие умений и навыков устной речи, развитие навыков понимания иностранной речи на слух, навыков чтения и письменной речи.

Познавательная - расширение и углубление культурологических знаний, формирование и развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся, повышение общей культуры общения, создание положительной мотивации к изучению иностранного языка;

Воспитательная - формирование уважительного отношения к иностранному языку, культуре других народов; развитие умения активно и плодотворно работать в коллективе;

Развивающая - развитие навыков языковой догадки, языковой реакции, памяти, внимания, мышления, восприятия и инициативы.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий

Оборудование: картинки, презентация Power Point, раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

Организационный момент. Постановка задач урока.

Good morning, dear students. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

I hope everybody is ready to start. Well, today we are having a revision lesson. First of all, I’d like you to guess what topic we are going to discuss. Let’s try … Have you got any ideas? …

The theme of our lesson is «English- Speaking Countries»… Our task is to revise the material talking about the traditions of English-speaking countries

Речевая разминка.

Now let’s travel to different countries. I’d like you to complete my sentences.

The official name of Great Britain is …

The British flag is called …

The national emblem of England is …

The daffodil is the floral symbol of …

The emblem of Ireland is …

The symbol of Scotland is …

This country is …

The nature of Australia is very …

The largest city in Australia is …

The Russian flag consists of …

Other Russian symbols are …

The biggest city in America is…

The American presidents is …

The capital of Great Britain is…

The capital of Canada is…

The capital of the USA is…

The capital of Australia is …

The capital of Russia is…

Начало игры.

Visit card

- The first step is the visit card of your team. Your task is

to name your team

to elect the captain

to choose the motto

Let’s begin the first round.

1. Монологическая речь по теме

Now you’re going to tell about your country (подготовленный текст). But before, one student from each team should write an association – scheme.


Thanks. Your information was useful. Each team gets …. points. But you can get much more points.

2.  game «The Weak Link».

I am sure you know this game or have watched it on TV and know its rules. But I have changed them a little. The weak link will be that student, who won’t answer my question. The theme of the game is «English- Speaking Countries». The leader chooses 2 students from the team. They’ll answer my questions in a fast way. After each round the weakest link will leave our game. So many right answers, so many points. So, answer my questions, please.


[ учитель задает заранее подготовленные вопросы по пройденным материалам]

So the 1st team gets ….

The 2nd team gets….

The 3rd team gets...

3. Our next round. You’re going to tell the information about another country, according to the association-scheme.

(Ученики рассказывают про страны своих соперников, опираясь на схемы на доске. Ответы оцениваются насколько точно и много информации ответила команда).

4. Работа с текстом “British Character”.

As you know, the main English-speaking country is Great Britain. I want you to read the text about British character. Read the text to yourself and do one of the exercises that follow.


The British are said to be polite and well-mannered people. Polite words or phrases such as “Please”, “Thank you”, “Excuse me” or “Sorry” are used very often in Britain.

The British people are reserved. They don’t like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations. But they are not unemotional. They control their emotions because they are taught that it is best not to show their feelings. The English hardly ever lie, but they don’t tell you the truth either.

Englishmen tend to be rather conservative, they love familiar things. They are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. Britain has more living symbols of its past than many other countries. Traditional uniforms are still preserved in Great Britain.

Every Englishman is said to be a countryman at heart. The English countryside is many things to many people. It means peace and quiet, beauty, good health and no crime. Most Englishmen love gardens. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies among Englishmen. They usually prefer a house with a garden to an apartment in a modern block of flats.

The British people are considered to be the world’s greatest tea drinkers. They drink it at meals and between meals. The English tea is usually strong and with milk.

The British love animals very much. Millions of families have “bird-tables” in their gardens. The English take good care of their pets. They are pet lovers.

Учитель раздает листочки с заданием, после прочтения текста.

Fill in the gaps with the following words: gardening, tea, conservative, well-mannered, pets, polite, unemotional. Complete the translation.

The British are said to be __ polite __ and__ well-mannered_. – Говорят, что британцы _вежливые___ и _ (благо)воспитанный .

They are not _ unemotional _. In fact, they don’t like to show their feelings. – Они не _ неэмоциональные. На самом деле, они не любят показывать свои чувства.

Englishmen are considered to be conservative as they keep up their old traditions. – Англичане считаются консервативный , так как они хранят свои старые традиции.

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies among Englishmen. - _ садоводство - одно из самых популярных занятий англичан.

The English are the worlds greatest _ tea _ drinkers. – Англичане известны во всем мире как большие любители чая.

They love _pets very much. – Они очень любят домашних животных.

Команда, выполнившая задание первой, получает +1 балл за скорость.

Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. Синквейн.

Our trip is almost finished. To sum up I’d like to say that you worked hard today. Thank you very much for your interesting conversation. Now I want you to write a novel.


Одно слово. Существительное или местоимение, обозначающее предмет, о котором идет речь.

Два слова. Прилагательные, описывающие признаки и свойства выбранного предмета.

Три слова. Глаголы, описывающие совершаемые предметом или объектом действия.

Фраза из четырех слов. Выражает личное отношение автора к предмету или объекту.

Одно слово. Характеризует суть предмета или объекта, обычно синонимичен.

Ученики по желанию читают свои синквейны.

Thanks to everybody! Now I want to say the results of the lesson

The 1st team got ….. points

The 2nd team got … points.

The 3rd team got …. points.

So the winner is the team …….. So, you get an exellent point for your good job.

The lesson is going to the end. Thank you for your active job!

See you tomorrow.



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