Методическая разработка для проведения открытого занятия «Достижения и инновации в области науки и техники за рубежом» по специальности «Обеспечение информационной безопасности»

Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации
федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования
«Российский экономический университет им. Г.В. Плеханова»
Московский приборостроительный техникум
План открытого занятия
Дата проведения: 28.04.2022
Преподаватель: Николаева Наталья Гаррьевна
Специальность: 10.02.05 Обеспечение информационной безопасности автоматизированных систем
Учебная группа: БИ50-2-20
Тема занятия: «Достижения и инновации в области науки и техники за рубежом»
Цели занятия:
Методическая цель: Активизация познавательной деятельности обучающихся на занятиях в процессе работы с наглядными пособиями, дидактическими материалами, а также с использованием информационных технологий.
Дидактическая: Способствовать овладению знаний и умений применить их на практике, создание условий для выработки у студентов умений и навыков структурирования лексического материала по теме занятия.
Способствовать развитию умения правильного применения лексических единиц в устной и письменной речи, способствовать развитию навыков говорения, способствовать развитию фонематического слуха с помощью аудирования.
Способствовать формированию представлений о достижениях человечества в области науки и техники, интереса к культуре англоговорящих стран.
Задачи занятия:
Сформировать у обучающихся представление о лексике по теме «Достижения и инновации в области науки и техники за рубежом», научить студентов использовать изученные слова и выражения на практике;
Научить студентов понимать содержание текста, микротекста, содержащих новые лексические единицы, искать необходимую информацию в тексте;
Научить студентов формировать связанное монологическое высказывание по теме с опорой на ключевые слова;
Мотивация учебной деятельности: Использование информационных технологий.
Тип занятия: Комбинированный (повторение и усвоение пройденного материала, изучение нового материала, систематизация знаний).
Вид занятия: Практическое занятие.
Методы обучения: Словесные, наглядные, практические, проблемно поисковые, репродуктивные.
Материально-техническое и методическое обеспечение: Проектор, компьютер, видео и аудио материалы, раздаточный материал, презентация.
Межпредметные связи: Информационные технологии, математика, физика, история.
Организационный момент Приветствие, перекличка, оглашение темы занятия, постановка целей и задач занятия. Teacher (T): Good afternoon, students! First of all, let’s check if all the students are present today. Thank you. Now we are ready to start our lesson. The theme of the lesson today is «Achievements and innovations in science and technology». Working at this topic we are going to get acquainted with significant achievements and innovations which play a great role in our everyday life, learn new words on this topic.
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Основная часть Warm up activity T: Let’s bruch up the words which we learned when worked at the topic “Achievemens and Innovations in science and technology in Russia”. Look at the board. Read and translate the words from the previous lesson: invention, breakthrough, efficient, store information, substitute, provide, significant, launch, demand, equipment, gadget, artificial, complicated, digital. These words we will use while working at our new topic. In order to consolidate the words, let’s match these words with their meanings: | 8 мин | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
T: Now, please, сhoose the suitable word: We agree that it’s a/an annoying/ complicated issue. We haven’t found a solution yet. The artificial/natural intelligence will help the mankind to overcome problems. This invention/discovery appeared to be a breaktrough in space technology. We’ve got devices to store/ memorize information. This library can provide/ enroll you with literature on Artificial intelligence. T: Today we are going to work at the second part of the topic “Achivements and innovations in the field of science and technology abroad” Here you can see the words and word combinations to our basic text which is called «The miracles of technics and technology». Let’s read the given words and learn how to pronounce them corectly. Vocabulary
T: Here’s the text. Your task is to read it, understand and be ready to do exercises on this text. Pay attention that the autor of this text is a student whose name is Joanne. We live in the age of technics and technology. We are surrounded by them. We travel by car, by train or by plain. We tell by phone. We eat meals cooked in electrical and microwaive ovens. We send our letters by e-mail and find some information in the Internet. We can’t live without these things. I think this is a real miracle. Technics and technology give us new chances; they change our views on the world. But some of these miracles are more important for us than others. That’s why I decided to make my list of such technical miracles. Here is this one. Space rockets and shuttles. We knew a lot of interesting things about our Universe. We can learn cosmos. We saw other planets and have even landed on the Moon surface. The people found such phenomenon as zero gravity. The first flight took some minutes only but the modern astronauts spend on the space stations for years. And we hope we aren’t alone. Telephone. When Bell invented the phone, he couldn’t suppose what life would wait for his invention. The old large dial telephone apparatus and the telephonist’s voice were changed by dial-in-handset and then by modern mobile phones. We can call to our friends and relatives almost everywhere. The modern phones are compacted and you can take it in the travelling or at the job. There are special mobiles for cars. You can not only call but send SMS and MMS, make pictures and video and use the Internet. Plane. We can travel over the world and the way which have taken a lot of days or month before does some hours only. A dangerous travel was changes by a comfortable flight. You can have meals or buy something or sleep. You visit Paris today and you will be in Rome tomorrow. It’s comfortable and our life grows more interesting. Computers. We can’t imagine our life without computers. They help us in our job and studies. If the first computers were used by engineers only, the modern ones have wider application. We write programms and texts, copy and print documents, make and print pictures, copy, save and read books, see films, play computer games, or talk by Skype. The fisrt large computers which took the whole rooms are changed by modern compacted notebooks, net books and tablets. Some computers help doctors perfom operations. Smartphones overlap functions of tablets and phones. They are put in a small women’s bag or in a trousers pocket. You can take it in a plain and a train, on job and holiday. The Internet gives us a lot of possibilities: not only finding some necessary information but writing e-mails to our friends and colleagues, booking hotels and tickets, making orders and buying clothes, books and other things by electronic catalogues, saving and seeng films. We can find our schoolmates and people who studied in the same year in our college, institute or university. The internet allows to find and make new friends. That’s why the Internet is a very important part of our life. Dishwashers and washing machines. These are necessary for women. They make our life easier and save our time which we can spend with our relatives and friends. We keep our hands from such problems as an allergy or a wrinkled, irritated hand skin, which women have had before. I chose six miracles of technics and technology only but you can denominate yours. I think everybody has own list connected with his experience. T: Now students, I hope you understood the text, let’s do some exersises on it. Find the English equivalents of the following in the text: Более широкое применение, разговаривать по скайпу, стиральная машина, изобретение, приземлиться на поверхность луны, электронные каталоги, посудомоечная машина, делать фотографии, опыт, проводить операции, телефон с набором номера на трубке, невесомость, печатать документы, совмещать функции. Make up your own sentenses with these words and word combinations. Answer the questions to the text. What does Joanne consider as the miracles of technics and technology? Why do space rockets and shuttles take a first place in Joanne’s list? What kinds of telephone do you know? Who invented a telephone? What advantages do mobile phones and smartphones have? How have computers changed since their invention? What can you tell about computers application? Do you agree with Joanne’s opinoin that the Internet is a very important part of our life? Why? Why does Joanne consider dishwasher and washing machine as a miracle. What miracles of technics and technology do you know? T: Now students, you are going to listen to three people, they are speaking about the gadgets they can’t live without. Be attentive and say what these gadgets are. (2 times) Auditing Sara Tyson (New Zealand) age 16, high school student. I’m not really into computers, gadgets and things like that, but I have to admit I can’t really imagine life without my iPod! It’s amazing being able to store the whole of your music collection on one tiny device. I like to listen to it when I’m walking to and from scool. Also I’d find it almost impossible to be without my mobile phone. I just couldn’t organize my social life without it and my parents only allow me to stay out late on Saturday if I keep calling them. They just want to know where I am. I’ve just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. It’s fantastic. I’ve taken so many photos of my friends. In fact, I am even considering a career as a photographer. Andy Cooper (UK)Physics student I’m a complete technofreak, so it’s hard to pick up just three things I couldn’t live without! Firstly, though, I guess no one these days can survive without their mobile. Mine has got quite a good voice recorder on it so I often use I to record my university lectures so that I can listen to them again at home. It’s really handy. The second thing I really love is the portable DVDplayer that I won in a competition last year. I’m studying at a University far away from my home town so it’s really nice to be able to put on my headphones and watch movies on the long bus journey back. I’m a bit ashamed to admit it but I’m totally hooked on my playstation 2! I know I’m 19 but I’m still very keen on it. I can play for hours. Tina Appleby (USA) accountant I ‘m a businesswoman so I suppose, it goes without saying, that I really couldn’t live without my laptop and PDA. I’m not a naturally organised person so my PDA, in particular, helps me out. I use it as a diary, I change documents on it when I am on the move and yes, I evan play games on my way to work! It keeps my whole life together to the extent that I would feel quite lost without it! And my laptop allows me to store all the information my clients need. I don’t have to carry lots of heavy files when I visit them. Apart from work, I‘ve always had a passion for photography, so my absolute favourite gadget at the moment is my new digital camcorder. I’m having so much fun making home movies. I edit them using software on my laptop. It’s a great past time. T: Now say Who (Sarah, Andy or Tina) Needs a particular gadget for her hobby? Values something that they didn’t buy themselves? Isn’t very keen on technology? Uses a gadget to help with his/her studies? Would feel disorganised without a particular gadget? Feels embarassed about something he/she likes? Is allowed more freedom because of a gadget? T: And now I will give you some microtexts which you have to read and guess what invention, gadget or phenomenon used by a man is described: This thing is a massmedia that gives people opportunities for both entertainment and getting rapid information.The idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision goes back to 1875. But it wasn’t until 1926 when the Scottish engineer (John Braid) turned the idea into practical reality. The fist pictures were black and white and were not very clear. Early this thing cost as much as a small car and few people could buy them. In 1936 the original system was improved and the first programme was broadcast in Britain. Nowadays almost everything we do in the modern world is assisted and controlled by this thing. They are used so often because they are more efficient than human beings. They have better memories and can store a lot of information. In fact, this thing can do everything we can but faster and better. They can control different machines, navigate, even play chess and compose music. This thing provides a lot of services, from being able to message anyone to the immediate access to the Internet. This convenience is the reason why we use this thing every day and can not imagine our life without it. The inventor of this thing is an American engineer Martin Cooper. The name of this thing came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I physician Wiiliam Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Dave and others did vital work on this thing. With television, this thing is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petoldriven thing in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. This thing has given people great freedom to travel. This thing has connected people from all parts of the world. People are getting more and more involved in the computer world. Children forget about all other toys when computer games are at hand. Almost all modern projects, designs and calculations are impossible without computers. The newest invention is the virtual reality, which can be changed according to the wishes of the man. It has turned out to be so attractive that there is a danger that it can substitute the whole world for its users. T: We have read some information about the most significant inventions, now I would like you to make up short dialogues about the things you have read in microtexts and there use in your every day life. While making up the dialogue take into account the information from the microteext, vocabulary which you have learnt at the lesson. In addition, the lexical units are presented on the board. You are given 10 minutes for preparation. T: Now, let’s check the dialogues. T: Now students, it’s your turn to speak about gadgets, devices or phenomena which you use every day. Think over the information you’ve got and start speaking. I’ll give 5 minutes for you to get ready. T: Let’s listen how you use technologies in your everyday life. | 3 мин 3 мин 10 мин 5 мин 7 мин 10 мин 5 мин 5 мин 10 мин 10 мин 8 мин | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Подведение итогов: анализ работы Good job, students! The marks for your work at the lesson are: 1. 2. 3. Thank you for your involvement in the lesson. See you soon. Bye. | 3 мин |
Приложение №1.
Комплект раздаточного материала: Карточки с микротекстами по теме занятия.
1.This thing is a massmedia that gives people opportunities for both entertainment and getting rapid information. The idea of a machine able to broadcast both sound and vision goes back to 1875. But it wasn’t until 1926 when the Scottish engineer (John Braid) turned the idea into practical reality. The first pictures were black and white and were not very clear. Early this thing cost as much as a small car and few people could buy them. In 1936 the original system was improved and the first programme was broadcast in Britain.
2.Nowadays almost everything we do in the modern world is assisted and controlled by this thing. They are used so often because they are more efficient than human beings. They have better memories and can store a lot of information. In fact, this thing can do everything we can but faster and better. They can control different machines, navigate, even play chess and compose music.
This thing provides a lot of services, from being able to message anyone to the immediate access to the Internet. This convenience is the reason why we use this thing every day and can not imagine our life without it. The inventor of this thing is an American engineer Martin Cooper.
The name of this thing came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I physician Wiiliam Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Dave and others did vital work on this thing.
With television, this thing is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petoldriven thing in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. This thing has given people great freedom to travel.
This thing has connected people from all parts of the world. People are getting more and more involved in the computer world. Children forget about all other toys when computer games are at hand. Almost all modern projects, designs and calculations are impossible without computers. The newest invention is the virtual reality, which can be changed according to the wishes of the man. It has turned out to be so attractive that there is a danger that it can substitute the whole world for its users.
Основная литература:
Электронное издание: Голубев, А.П. Английский язык для всех специальностей: учебник/Голубев А.П., Жук А.Д., Смирнова И.Б.-Москва: КноРус,2019.-274с.-(СПО).-ISBN
Дополнительная литература: Левченко,В.В. Английский язык. General english: учебник для среднего профессионального образования/В.В.Левченко, Е.Е. Долгалева, О.В. Мещерякова.-Москва: Издательство Юрайт, 2019.-127 с-(Профессиональное образование).-ISBN978-5-534-11880-3.-Текст:электронный//ЭБС Юрайт[сайт]-URL:https://biblio-online.ru/bcode/446490