12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Учитель английского языка и по совместительству любящий классный руководитель 6 класса. Я очень люблю английский язык и стараюсь всё больше погружаться в него и увлечь за собой своих учеников. А еще, владею японским и изучаю корейский:-)
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Нижний Новгород
Материал размещён в группе «Учителя английского языка»

Entry 1.

Descriptive essay


          My teaching practice in the Academic lyceum # 2 started on September 3. First, I had to attend one-week preparation session, where teachers of this lyceum explained the rules of this study place to me and the other students who chose to have practice there. During this session I learnt about typical lesson procedure, classroom management, different ways of delivering information and organizing lessons in this lyceum. Moreover, we were told that we should keep discipline, wear uniform and be always well prepared for our lessons.  At the end of this session, we had to choose our partner and mentor with whom we should work during the whole teaching practice. So, I decided to work in pair with my group mate, *****, and we both agreed to be assistants of the lyceum English teacher, John Arkinson.

         The second week of my teaching practice was dedicated to observation of our mentor’s lessons and conducting a lesson in pair with my partner. My partner and I were given two groups of third-year lyceum students and were supposed to teach them B1 level of English according to CEFR. As there was no particular curriculum with topics for teaching English in the first semester, we were told that our task would be to teach and develop one of the integrated skills during each lesson. So, we had to prepare and print some handouts for each lesson, and our mentor provided us with a laptop and speakers when we needed to show a video or play a recording to our students. Besides this, all our classrooms were equipped with a blackboard, chalk and board rubbers.

           According to the schedule, I had to conduct three pairs with groups 03-13 and 04-13 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, observe my partner’s lessons on Monday and Wednesday, organize extracurricular activities on Friday and attend meetings with our mentor on Saturday. It was not very difficult as my partner and I mostly had the first and the second pairs in the morning, and only on Friday and Saturday, we had to stay after three lessons to learn more about students’ interests and needs during the office hours and conduct a speaking club or participate in planned meetings.

          In conclusion, I would like to mention that our mentor and other lyceum teachers were very friendly and helpful. So, I could ask for their help or advice any time when I needed it. That is why, it was a great pleasure to be a student teacher and have my teaching practice there.

Опубликовано в группе «Учителя английского языка»

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