Открытый урок по английскому языку в 8 классе на тему "Мультфильмы". Rainbow English.

Материал опубликован 3 February

Открытый урок "Мультфильмы"PPTX / 32.28 Мб

/data/files/p1738595802.pptx (Открытый урок "Мультфильмы")

Игра по английскому языку "Мультфильмы"DOCX / 2.89 Мб

/data/files/w1738595865.docx (Игра по английскому языку "Мультфильмы")

Movie vocabularyMP4 / 4.98 Мб

/data/files/d1738595899.mp4 (Movie vocabulary)

MoviesMP4 / 4.39 Мб

/data/files/o1738595931.mp4 (Movies)

Disneyland & Walt DisneyMP4 / 16.32 Мб

/data/files/s1738595962.mp4 (Disneyland & Walt Disney)

АудированиеMP3 / 2.48 Мб

/data/files/e1738595997.mp3 (Аудирование)

​​​​​​​Ход урока:

Вступительная часть. (1 минута)


- Good morning, dear students!

- Good morning, dear teacher.

-I am very glad to see you, sit down, please! What date is it today?

- Today is the ______________. (26th of February)

-Thank you!

Фонетическая разминка. (3 минуты)

- During our lesson we are going to improve our reading, listening and speaking skills. Let’s begin our lesson with pronunciation drill. Look at the board, please. Listen to me and repeat the new words after me.

a cartoon [ka:'tu:n] — мультфильм

a comedy |ˈkɒmɪdɪ| — комедийный фильм

a musical |ˈmjuːzɪk(ə)l| — мюзикл

adventure |ədˈventʃə| - приключение

applaud |əˈplɔːd| — аплодировать

childish |ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ| - ребяческий (характерный д ля ребёнка)

enjoyable |ɪnˈdʒɔɪəb(ə)l|  — приятный

gripping |ˈɡrɪpɪŋ| — захватывающий

imagination |ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n|  — воображение

imagine [I'maedjin] — воображать, представлять себе

Good. Now let’s read these words once again without my help. (3 students read the lines.)

Very good! Thank you!

Постановка проблемы, цели и задач урока. (1 минута)

Dear friends, we have read the new words and now look at the picture. What can you say about the theme of our lesson?

What are we going to speak about today?

Yes, you are right!

Today we are going to speak about cartoons.

What do you think is the goal of our lesson? (To learn information about cartoons)

What are the aims of our lesson? (To learn new words, to speak about our favorite cartoons, directors, our emotions…)

Основная часть.

Тренировка лексических навыков

Dear students, where can you watch cartoons? (at home, at the cinema)

You have handouts on your desks. We have an interesting text about funny situation at the cinema. Please, look at the sentences of the listening task for 1 minute. And then we will listen to the text where you will say which is true, false or not stated.

Are you ready?

Listen to the text please and complete the task. (6 минут)



Great! Do you like to go to the cinema?

Let's remember what genres of films and words associated with films exist. (смотрим видео 2 минуты)

Now let’s match the types of the films with their description. (3 минуты)


What is your favorite type of films?

Now let’s do the exercise with the text. At home, you have read the text about Walt Disney. We have 4 parts of the text. You are to put them in their logical order and speak briefly about a world-famous creator of cartoons. (5 минут)



So what is the first paragraph? What about the next part of the text? The third paragraph? And the last one?

What interesting things have we learned about the life of Walt Disney? What facts do you remember most? Share with us.

Dear students, let's test your English grammatical knowledge. Now we will complete the task with a text about the famous Russian cartoon “Just you wait!”. Complete the text with the derivatives formed from the words on the right.




Do you know what is the most popular amusement park in the USA? This is Disneyland. Let's see what this park has. (видео Диснейленд 1 мин)

Dear students, let's imagine ourselves as a cartoon character and play a game.

You can see handouts with images of cartoon characters and their characteristic features. Please choose one character and describe it. Your classmates should guess your cartoon character. You have the example. (7-10 минут)

Заключительная часть. (3-5 минут)

Подведение итогов.

- Students, tell me please, what have we learnt at our lesson?

-We have learnt new words, new types of films, information about Walt Disney.

Each of you has a self-assessment sheet. Please rate your achievements here. You have 4 columns: poor, fair, good and excellent. Поставьте галочку в нужной для вас колонке, чтобы показать, как вы оцениваете свои умения в английском языке.


Объявление домашнего задания, отметок за урок.

- Students, Your homework is…

Thank you very much, goodbye!

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