12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Открытый урок английского языка в 9 классе. УМК Кузовлев В.П.

Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.

Warming up questions:

How are you?

What date is it today?

That’s right. How often do you listen to music?

Do you have a favourite singer or a favourite group? Who are they?

What kind of music do you like?

Do you play a musical instrument?

Are the lyrics of the song important for you ?

Do you like the songs in your own language of in a foreign language?

Tell me please, what themes about music we talked about during the last lesson.

+We’ve discussed music/the history of pop and rock music…

You’re right. But now I want to know more about your tastes in music. Open please your SBs on the p. 43. Read please the title of our lesson.

+ What music do you like?

- Can you tell me the aim and the tasks of our lesson?
+ to introduce new vocabulary

+to practice new vocabulary

+ to improve our ability to talk about our tastes in music

+to practice in grammar

+ to develop listening and reading skills

+to promote our interest in English culture

Now I would like you to listen to the texts on the p.43 in you SBs. Is everything clear? Can you translate some phrases from the texts?

Let’s do an exercise 2) on the p.44. Which of these ideas belong to Ben and which of them belong to Robert?

What can you say in favour of or against classical music, rock or dance music? The slide can help you to express your opinion. – Высказываются дети.

Let’s now talk about new vocabulary. We’ve learn some new words during the last lessons. Now I want you to fill in these charts on the blackboard.


Music can be(adj):

Tuneless; sentimental; choral; classical; original; tuneful; catchy; complicated; aggressive; unique; romantic; worth, modern, dangerous, destuctive

Jobs connected with music:

Conductor; singer; composer; pianist ; songwriter;


Jazz; rock; rock and roll; country; hip hop; techno; dance, rhythm and blues

Now I’d like to remember the rule that we’ve learnt last time. Tell me please when we use Ving form after verbs and when we use infinitive?

+Ving после can’t help, can’t stand, feel like, look forward to

+like, hate, love, go on, continue, start, begin Ving/To V1

+I stopped listening – я прекратил слушать
I stopped to listen to… - я остановился, чтобы послушать.

I see that you know the rule, so do please the sentences on these task cards.

Helen likes _______(learn) something new about her favourite singer.

I can’t help ________(listen) to pop music

Yesterday I met my old friend in the street and I stopped ______(talk) with him.

Ответы: to learn/learning, listening, to talk.

You’re right. Tell me what music do you like and why?( stand up and express your opinion)

Have we reached the aim and tasks of our lesson?

+Yes, we have. We introduced and practiced new vocabulary, practiced grammar, developed our listening and reading skills, improved our ability to talk about our tastes in music, promoted our interest in English culture

I am happy to hear that.

Рефлексия на слайде : Now I know/I can….

Thank you very much for the lesson. Your hometask is exercise 2 on the page 27 in your Activity Books.

I give ______ 5s and others got 4’s. Thank you for the lesson.

Презентация для открытого урока Music 9 класс УМК Кузовлев
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