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Санкт-Петербургское государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Санкт-Петербургский технический колледж управления и коммерции»

г. Санкт-Петербург

Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме «We are going on a business trip. Making travel arrangements».

Данный урок является уроком обобщения и систематизации лексико-грамматического материала по теме, УМК «Business English». Целью занятия является совершенствование навыков устной речи учащихся по теме «We are going on a business trip. Making travel arrangements». Для достижения цели на уроке использованы современные технологии и активные методы обучения, что позволило улучшить результативность овладения английским языком, повысить мотивацию учащихся.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран, учебник «Business English».

Цель: Совершенствование навыков устной речи по теме.


1) Систематизировать лексико-грамматический материал по теме.

2) Продолжать формировать навыки аудирования.

Ход занятия

Организационный момент: речевая подготовка Warming-Up activities.

Name 5 things that you associate with travelling.

Answer the questions. When was the last time you travelled? Where did you go?

Put the words in order to make a quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

He/ who/ wants/to travel/ happily/ must/ travel/ light.

Основная часть занятия.

Nowadays people often travel for work. Let’s discuss some questions here. Обсуждение темы, ответ студентов на вопросы.

Why do people go on business trips?

На слайде размещены варианты: meet with customers and clients, visit suppliers, attend a conference, visit somewhere to check the progress of a project, fix some equipment, apologizing to a customer, visit a prospect (a company or person that you think could turn into a paying customer).

What travel arrangements do we need to make before travelling?

На слайде размещены варианты: itinerary, ticket, e-ticket, accommodations, reservation, amenities, layover, transfer from the airport, coach, business class. Параллельно происходит обсуждение значения слов.

После обсуждения и ответов на вопросы выполняем упражнение на карточках Match the words with the definitions.

1. Itinerary

2. Layover

3. E-ticket

4. Accommodations

5. Reservation

6. Coach

7. Business class

a) a comfortable bus for longer journeys

b) an electronic pass to board a plane

c) a place where travelers can stay

d) an agreement that something will be held

e) a stop midway through a journey

f) a detailed plan of a journey

g) a large expensive seating area

Далее приступаем к тренировке Listening skills, слушаем текст и заполняем пропуски словами (текст на карточках): itinerary, business class, layover, accommodations, e-ticket, coach, reservations.

Dear Mr. Tyler,

I am pleased to confirm your 1) ________________ for trip from Sydney to London. I have booked you on a 2) ____________ ___________ flight SQ174 from Sydney Airport to London Heathrow. Departure is at 8:05 am on August 19th. This includes a 19-hour 3) __________ in Singapore.

I arranged 4) ________________ at the Singapore Orchid Hotel, which has a wide range of luxury amenities. You will arrive at London Heathrow at 3:55 pm on August 20th. Your 5) ___________ is attached to this mail.

On arrival at Heathrow you can reach the center of London either by train or 6) __________. First class train fares start at £26. Alternatively you can rent a car at the airport. Please let me know your preference so I can make the necessary 7) _______________.

Thank you once again for choosing Merit Travel. If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Jana Lemon

Merit Travel

После работы с текстом выполняем упражнение 4 на употребление слов из текста в учебнике на странице 31. Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank: rent, first class, fare, arrival, amenities.

1. Businesspeople fly ______________because it is more comfortable.

2. The train ____________from the city to the capital is very expensive.

3. The hotel has several ________________ such as a swimming pool.

4. Upon _____________passengers should go to baggage claim.

5. Carol will ______________ a car while she is on business in New York.

Следующим этапом работаем с диалогом в учебнике на странице 31, упражнения 5, 6. Listen to a conversation between a travel agent and a businessman. Mark the costs that the travel agent must investigate.

1. Business class flights to London

2. Accommodations in Singapore

3. Coach fares from Heathrow to London

4. Renting a car in London

5. Accommodations in London

Listen again and complete the conversation

Agent: Oh, hello Mr. Tyler. Did you receive the _____________?

Businessman: Yes, I did, thank you. But I had one or two questions.

Agent: Sure, fire away.

Businessman: Firstly, about the ________________ in Singapore. Are the ______________ included in the price of the airline ticket?

Agent: Yes, it is. It’s part of the _____________ __________ package.

Businessman: That’s great. Secondly, how much are _________ ___________ from Heathrow to the center of London?

Agent: I can find that out for you.

Businessman: That’d be great. Can you also find out the cost of _____________ a car for five days too, please?

Далее студенты составляют свои диалоги, опираясь на прослушанный диалог и инструкции в упражнении 7. With a partner, act out the roles below, based on the dialogue from task 6.

Student A: You received your itinerary for a business trip. Ask student B about cost of accommodations, transportation options and costs. Make up a destination.

Student B: You are a travel agent. Answer questions of Student A.

Подведение итогов урока.

Обсуждение со студентами вопросов по теме с использованием лексики, обобщенной на уроке.

What are the benefits and challenges of business travel?

What travel arrangements do people have to make before going on a business trip?

Список литературы: Business English УМК John Taylor, Jeff Zetter - Express Publishing, 2013.







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