План урока английского языка на тему «High technologies» к УМК В.П. Кузовлева для 10 класса

Материал опубликован 28 September 2018 в группе
Lesson plan
Topic: High technologies: «Strange but true inventions». 
• To encourage students to keep a record of new vocabulary 
• To give students practice in reading for specific information.
Age group
Teenagers and young adults
B1, B2 (10 grade)
60 minutes +
1. Handouts  http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/copy 
Short plan of the lesson:
1. Warmer
2. Pre-reading Character – a look at the main character 
3. Context – biographical note on the author 
4. Reading Textual intervention divided into four sections
5. Work  Language of inventions 
The aim of this lesson is to give students practice in reading for specific 
information  and to learn some useful information about Australian authors and their writings. Students will also have an opportunity to practise pronunciation, word stress and some cultural and language aspects (For example, in English speaking countries first names are often replaced by nicknames). That’s why the pupils have an opportunity to know some peculiarities of the English language in some English speaking countries. In this lesson students will read to a poem for specific information « The Copy » by Paul Jennings. They try to guess about the meaning of the words before reading to the audio and think over the whole point of the story. They also try to guess about the meaning of the title of the story.
 Warmer (7-10 minutes)
• Checking up the hometask: The pupils ( students one by one tell the biography of the author Paul Jennings)
The pupils answer
Teacher: Well done! Have you read any stories of this author? Did you like them?
What will we do for today? (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)
Teacher: Today we’ll speak about this Australian author, about his works. 
The teacher gives different pictures with different characters of the story. The teacher writes the phrase on the blackboard «Who am I?». The pupils associate themselves with the characters of the story and try to guess as much information about their character as it is possible. Then pupils try to ask each other one by one several questions about a character of his or her partner. ( The pupils try to tell the main aim of the lesson themselves)
А pre-reading vocabulary activity: 10 minutes
• Putting students in pairs or small groups and doing a pre-reading vocabulary activity. 
Teacher: You have practically guessed about some information of the main characters of the story. Now have a look at the following phrases which were all taken from the story The Copy, 
by Paul Jennings and answer the questions.
1. How many characters are there?
2. What do they look like?
3. How old are they? 
4. What do they do? . 
5. What is the relationship between them?
Teacher gives the pupils special phrases with the usage of which they answer the questions. (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)
The expressions that follow may help you: 
I think it looks like ……………………... 
This may be ……………………………. 
I think it sounds like …………………… 
Perhaps it is ………………………….…
Context – biographical note on the author (10 minutes)
The teacher suggests the pupils to read much more information about the Australian author. The pupils should read different parts of his biography and put them in a correct order. Then they check it up. The teacher helps them to cope with the task. After it the pupils answer the teacher questions about the author’s biography in a written form (handout http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/copy_preread.pdf). The pupils tell the teacher what new information they picked up from the text.
Reading Textual intervention. 10 minutes
Teacher: Now let’s read the story. What message does it convey? Who are the main characters? Why is the story intitled so that?
 Elicit the pupils’ ideas and write them on the board in a list. Add any other.
Teacher: Do the exercises after reading of the text. (handout http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/copy_reading.pdf)
Work Work Language of inventions  (15 minutes)
Teacher: Read this poem again and Create an advertisement for one of Dr. Woolley’s inventions, such as his warm clothes pegs, or any other imaginative but useless invention he might have created. The pupils train to use one of some of the following advertising techniques: Short and appealing sentences; 
1. Rhyme 
2. ƒ Rhythm 
3. ƒ The imperative 
4. ƒ Adjectives 
5. ƒ Eye-catching layout 
6. ƒ Repetitions 
7. ƒ Onomatopoeia 
8. ƒ Metaphors 
9. ƒ Alliterations 
10. ƒ Slogans 
11. ƒ Images / drawings  
12. They do this task to pick up English.
(handout http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/copy_wordwork.pdf)
Then the pupils are divided into several groups and they are given sheets of papers with a summary of the story which they have already read (handout http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/copy_after.pdf ). They try to correct mistakes in it. 
(Cheсking up the pupils’ answers)
Teacher: Please, do a creative task. Look at the pictures of strange inventions and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. (handout http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/sites/teacheng/files/copy_after.pdf )
The pupils discuss some strange but true inventions.
The refleсtion ( 3 minutes)
Teacher: How does the story make you feel? Bored? Excited? Depressed? Encouraged? Discouraged? Inspired? Motivated? Explain your answer. (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)
 Hometask Teacher: Your hometask will be to your own invention and try to present in to the other pupils in an interesting way. (2 minutes)
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