План-конспект урока по английскому языку к УМК В.П. Кузовлева на тему «Family matters. Our pets» для 10 класса

Материал опубликован 30 September 2018
Lesson plan
Topic: Family matters. Our pets. «The cat that walked by himself» by Rudyard Kipling
• Practice of listening for specific information
• To encourage students to keep a record of new vocabulary 
• To encourage students to work on a collaborative task.
Age group
Teenagers and young adults
B1, B2 (10 grade)
60 minutes +
1. Handouts (http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/sites/podcasts/files/LearnEnglish_Poems_TheCatThatWalkedByHimself_0.pdf)
2. Transcript : The opportunity of listening a poem on-line (http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/stories-and-poems/cat-that-walked-himself)
3. Online Etymology Dictionary (http://www.etymonline.com/)
4. Dictionary of Old English (http://en.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enwiki/6844514)
5. http://www.people.su/youtube_video-koshka-kotoraya-gulyala-sama-po-sebe-the-cat-that-walked-by-himself
In this lesson students will listen to a poem for specific information «The cat that walked by himself» by Rudyard Kipling. They try to guess about the meaning of the words before listening to the audio and think over the whole point of the story.
 Warmer (7-15 minutes)
• Checking up the hometask: The pupils ( students one by one tell the biography of Rudyard Kipling and show a presentation)
For example, (The pupils’ answers could be the following). The best known of his works are The «Jungle Book»
 «The Cat that Walked by Himself»
Teacher: Well done! Have you read these books? Did you like them?
What will we do for today? (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)
Teacher: Today we’ll speak about this author and poet, about his works and his world-famous poem «The cat that walked by himself».
А pre-reading vocabulary activity: 10-15 minutes
• Putting students in pairs or small groups and doing a pre-reading vocabulary activity. Ask them to copy the text and to 
Teacher: Rudyard Kipling used to tell his daughter stories like "How did the camel get his hump?" The stories end with a poem as a summary. This one tells us why many people prefer dogs to cats. 
Teacher Why people do prefer dogs to cats? Have you got any pets? Which of the do you like most of all? Why? (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)
The teacher gives the pupils the task to match the words and phrases in the table to their definitions.
Teacher: Underline any words or phrases they don’t know. I wiil give you 5 
minutes to work together, find out the meaning of the unknown words or 
phrases. Teacher encourages pupils to guess the meanings from the context, to ask 
each other and share their ideas, to use dictionaries or to look up words and 
phrases on the Internet.
• The teacher tells the pupil about a poetic language and gives some examples. ‘muse = amuse (to make happy)
fluffle = to make small movements 
The teacher asks the students to look at the words and phrases and to discuss the best way of recording them in a vocabulary notebook.
Teacher: Rudyard Kipling’s «The cat that walked by himself» is one of the best known poems. Read  the first line in each stanza and the two last lines of the poem. Who does Kipling address the poem to? Who is the main character of the story? (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions. They work in groups.)
Listening and reading the poem: (7 -10 minutes) 
Teacher: Now let’s listen and read the poem. What message does it convey?
 Elicit the students’ ideas and write them on the board in a list. Add any other.
A comprehension task (15 minutes)
Teacher: Read this poem again and match the underlined words/ phrases with their meanings below.
There is a list of meanings, look at it:
1. behave - act, conduct one's self, deport one's self, demean one's self, acquit one's self, ~ one's self 
2. cave - den, grotto, grot. 
3 silly - senseless, witless, stupid, foolish, simple, weak, childish, inept, weak-minded, brainless, shallow 
4. attend - accompany, escort, follow, go with, go along with, keep company with. 
5. pretend - make believe, make a show, profess, feign, sham. 
(Checking up the pupils’ answers)
Teacher: Please, do a comprehension task. (handout)
The refleсtion ( 3 minutes)
Teacher: How does the poem make you feel? Bored? Excited? Depressed? Encouraged? Discouraged? Inspired? Motivated? Explain your answer. (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)
 Hometask Teacher: Your hometask will be to write a summary of the story and learn it by heart. (2 minutes)
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