План урока с использованием Scrum-технологии: A classic reader. Чтение классики.
План урока с использованием Scrum-технологии:
A classic reader. Чтение классики.
Класс - 7
Учитель: Ильина Надежда Вячеславовна
Тема урока: Чтение классики.
Цель урока: развитие навыков работы с текстом: чтения и аудирования. Задачи урока:
перенос лексико-грамматического материала модуля в ситуации в ситуации речевого общения на основе материала модуля.
повторение и закрепление в речи грамматического материала
развивать коммуникативные способности.
Виды деятельности: говорение, аудирование, чтение и письменная речь.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Оборудование: учебник, аудиопособие к УМК, карточки с лексическими опорами, ноутбук, экран, мультимедийная презентация по грамматической теме used to, доска.
Планируемые результаты:
Личностные – знание и умение правильно поддержать беседу
Метапредметные – умение анализировать, сравнивать, делать выводы, самооценка самоанализ, выражение своих мыслей, своей точки зрения, терпимо относиться к чужому мнению
Предметные – знание лексике по теме «Чтение классики». Знать правила образования разных грамматических конструкций, уметь использовать их в речи.
Технологическая карта урока английского языка в 7 классе
по теме: A classic reader
1. Организационные моменты:
I. Приветствие
II. Фонетическая зарядка
III. Речевая разминка.
2. Проверка домашнего задания
3. Работа с текстом: Аудирование. Чтение. Перевод.
4. Развитие умения поискового –ознакомительного чтения
5. Расширение лексического запаса
6. Общение. Вопросно-ответная работа по текущей теме
7. Физкульт. минутка.
8. Грамматический материал - письменно
9. Рефлексия деятельности на уроке, выставление оценок
10. Домашнее задание.
1. Организационные моменты:
Teacher: Good morning, children.
Pupils: Good morning, teacher.
Teacher: I’m glad to see you.
Pupils: We are glad to see you too.
Teacher: Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson with phonetic exercises. Look at the backboard, please, and read the poem, please.
When you drop me on the floor
I get stepped on - my sides are sore;
Torn-out pages make me groan;
I feel dizzy if I'm thrown;
Every mark and every stain
On my covers gives me pain;
Please don't bend me, if you do
I don't want to talk to you;
But we will both be friends together,
If you protect me from the weather
And keep me clean so that I look
A tidy, neat and happy book.
2. Проверка домашнего задания:
What was your homework? Let's check it? please.
3. Основная часть.
Students, attention, please! Today we have got an unusual lesson. We go to the amazing trip, to the beautiful country of «Reading». Do you like to read books? Good, I like to read too. And now, on the twenty fifth of September, we start our trip. Look at the blackboard, please. Here you can see our map. We must do some tasks, and in the end of our trip we find a big treasure.
Students, you have to share on 2 teams, and you do it by drawing lots. (карточки разного цвета, делим на 2 команды). На доске висит ватман с поделенными колонками (сделать, в процессе, проверка, сделано).
I will explain the rules of our work. Stickers of different colors, we will be gluing in different columns, depending on the process of completing our tasks. Each task will be distributed among team members, so your success depends on the work of each individual. As the stickers move, we will come to our treasure, which we must find. Are you ready? We begin.
Open your books, please, p. 18. Read the plot, please. How do you think, what about this story? Any other ideas?
The first your task for the first team is to find the translation of new words and expressions from exercises 3, p. 18. You write these words in your notebooks with translation, you have 4 minutes to do it.
The second team, your first task is to explain the grammar rule used to. The information you can find from p. 19, ex. 5. You have 4 minutes to do this task.
Ok, let`s check. The first team start, and the second team is to write down the translation in your notebooks. Good job, write you are.
Ok, let`s check. The second team start, and the first team is to write down the grammar rule in your notebooks. Good job, write you are.
We are gluing our stickers in the third column. Next our task is to watch a short video, and the task is for two groups at the same time. After watching, we do some tasks about this video. You watch the video twice. Let`s start. (Сайт РЭШ, смотрим видео, делаем 2 упражнения на отработку).
Ok, everyone, stand up, please! Stand up. We start our physical education minute.
Up, down, up, down. (руки вверх, вниз)
Which is the way to London Town? (шагаем на месте)
Where? Where? (руку к глазам, повороты влево, вправо)
Up in the air, (смотрим вверх)
Close your eyes (закрываем глаза)
And you are there! (разводим руки в стороны)
Sit down, please. Continue our work. I think that the next sticker we can glue to the third column. Agree with me? Ok, we do it.
And now, we start to test our new knowledge and skills for our main goal- to find a treasure. We start with the new words. (устный опрос, стикер переместили в колонку сделано).
Next is to do the task from p. 19, exercise 5 (b). Every team must write 3 sentences, using used to. You have 3 minutes to do this task, after that we check it. (написали, выбрали 3 человека, прочитали, стикер переместили в сделано).
And now, the last our task is to write a short dialogue, connected with the story (путешествие к центру земли) using new words and expressions. Two teams do this task at the same time. You have 4 minutes to write your dialogue, after that we check it. Remember, that you don`t only read the dialogue, but use your emotions, your body language.
Excellent job, right you are. I think we can glue all our stickers in the column DONE. Students, we find our treasure, and we have got new knowledge and skills, thank you.
Students, thank you for your hard work on the lesson today, we do all the tasks today, and the time is to make the reflexing. You have got 3 cards on your tables, I ask you questions and you raise a card with the appropriate color and emotion.
1. Do you like the lesson?
2. What do you think all the tasks of the lesson were completed?
(Выставление оценок, прощание). Thank you for your work today, goodbye, students.