План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку на тему «Покупка подарка» (6 класс)

Материал опубликован 10 July 2021

Матвеева Виктория Вячеславовна

Магистр филологии

Балтийский федеральный университет имени Иммануила Канта


План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме «Покупка подарка»

Аннотация: в статье рассматривается обучение покупке подарка с использованием английского языка. Статья представлена в виде плана-конспекта современного открытого урока на материале учебника «Английский в фокусе» для 6 класса.

Ключевые слова: план урока, план-конспект, открытый урок, английский язык, обучение, изучение, покупка подарка, сценарий урока, игра, диалог.

Subject: English

Topic: buying a present

Lesson: №60

Grade: 6

Level: advanced

Program: «Spotlight» J. Vaulina, J. Dooley

Unit: №6 «Leisure activities»


Group characteristics:

There are 11 students.

Almost all children are from well-to-do families.

Basically, the psychological environment in the group is good.

The level of team cohesion is about 70%.

The level of motivation is above average. A basic, school preparation is strong. Two students can be classified as pedagogically neglected, and 4 students have got learning abilities and a desire to study.

With a good organization of the educational process you can make most of the group work.

For active participation in the open lesson I managed to attract 7 students who showed that they have good knowledge of the English language. During the open lesson the microclimate in the group was friendly and comfortable.

Open lesson script


General educational: activation of the use of lexical units on the topic "Shopping"; improving grammar and speech skills.

Developmental: development of skills of work in cooperation, in creative activity, in self-expression and in self-actualization through various types of work.

Educational: developing the ability to work in a team; increasing interest in learning English; acquaintance with the world of foreign peers using the means of the studied foreign language; mastering the norms of etiquette.


Formation of the ability to listen and repeat sounds and words.

Formation of actions to build a speech utterance in oral form.

Formation of actions for the classification of objects.

Familiarization of students with the dialogue model and the organization of reproductive dialogue according to a given model.

Formation of assessment and self-assessment of their activities.

Lesson equipment:

A computer, a projector, an interactive whiteboard, columns; 2 video- and 2 audiorecordings; colored cards with marks, stars; animal toys; gift pencils.

Board decoration:

Lesson topic; transcription of sounds; grammatical verbal supports; new words; homework.

Lesson forms:

Individual and paired.

Lesson plan:

Organizational moment – 1 min.

Hello, children! Sit down, please. Let`s start our lesson.

A phonetic drill – 1 min.

(Sound recording from №5, p. 62)

Teacher: Listen and repeat: [ ɔ: ], port, chalk, [ ɜ: ], girl, form, firm, shirt, short, talk, Turk, walk, work, war, were.

Output of a topic – 3 min.

(Students watch a video on a website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjtsaqh10w0)

Teacher: What is the woman doing on this video?

Pupils: The woman is buying a present.

Teacher: So what is the topic of our lesson?

Pupils: Buying a present.

Teacher: When do you buy presents for your friends?

Pupil: On a birthday (The student receives a star)

A game "Gifts" - 5 min.

(Work with support on the board)

Teacher: Use this model to make sentences to tell what you would like to get on your birthday: «I would like to get a …»

(Students think of a birthday present and receive a star for their answer)

P1: I would like to get a …

P2: I would like to get a …

P3: I would like to get a …

P4: I would like to get a …

P5: I would like to get a …

Teacher: Lets`s use another verb to make sentences. Do you know what is the English for «To give»?

Pupil: «To give» (The student receives a star)

Teacher: Yes. You`re right!

(On the board: «I would like to give a …». Students choose a toy and receive a star for their answer)

P1: I would like to give a …

P2: I would like to give a …

P3: I would like to give a …

P4: I would like to give a …

P5: I would like to give a …

P6: I would like to give a …

P7: I would like to give a …

Teacher: Now I know what presents you would like to choose.

A physical activity break - 1 min.

(Students listen to a song and watch a video on a website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TDAqMDxu4w. They also repeat movements)

Learning new material - 8 min.

(Sound recording from №2, p. 62)

Teacher: Listen and repeat phrases from exercise 3 on page 62.

(students listen and repeat phrases from №3, p. 62)

Teacher: Let`s do exercise 2 on page 62. You will have to choose who said a phrase: a shop assistant or a customer. Who is a shop assistant?

Pupil: A seller.

Teacher: No.

Pupil: A shop assistant (the student receives a star)

Teacher: Yes. You`re right!

(students write down a new word)

Teacher: Who is a customer?

Pupil: A customer (a student receives a star)

(students write down a new word)

Teacher: First we read a number and then a word «Euros». Repeat: 18 Euros.

(on the board: «€18»)

Pupils: 18 Euros.

(students read phrases from №2, p. 62, choose who said the phrase and receive a star for the correct answer)

7. Revision of new material - 15 min.

(students make up a similar dialogue changing purchases and prices and read in pairs by roles)

Pupil 1: Good morning. How can I help you?

Pupil 2: I am looking for a birthday present for a friend.

Pupil 1: What about a Teddy bear?

Pupil 2: That's a good idea. How much is it?

Pupil 1: It costs €35.

Pupil 2: I'm afraid that's too expensive.

Pupil 1: Let me see. How about a ball? It`s only €20.

Pupil 2: That's great. I'll take it.

Pupil 1: Here you are.

Pupil 2: Thank you.

Pupil 1: You`re welcome. Bye!

Pupil 2: Bye!

(other students evaluate them using colored cards and say what the mistakes are, and then the teacher gives her opinion and a final mark)

8. Giving homework - 2 min.

(on the board: «Learn a role from the dialogue»)

9. Reflection and self-assessment - 4 min.

Teacher: You`ve got 4 stars! Children, will you agree if he gets «five»?

Pupils: Yes.

(the student with the most stars receives «5»)

Teacher: Did you like this lesson?

Pupils: Yes!

Teacher: Was it interesting for you?

Pupils: Yes!

Teacher: What new have you learned?

Pupil 1: Who is a shop assistant and a customer.

Teacher: Good! What else?

Pupil 2 : How to say «Euros».

Teacher: Very good! I like your work very much. I have got some presents for you: pencils.

(students receive gift pencils from the teacher)

Pupils 1-7: Thank you!

Teacher: You`re welcome! The lesson is over. Bye!

Pupil 1-7: Bye!




Evans V., Dooley J., Podolyako O., Vaulina J. Spotlight 6: Student`s Book. Moscow: Express Publishing, 2008. P. 62.

You Tube. Unit 5 In a gift shop. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjtsaqh10w0

You Tube. Just Dance Kids 2 – I`m a Gummy Bear. URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Q7-tzCCh3w


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