Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе на тему «Прошедшее простое время»
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Past Simple переводится на русский язык как прошедшее простое время Past Simple переводится на русский язык как прошедшее простое время время Past Simple употребляется для выражения однократных или регулярно повторяющихся действий в прошлом.
Указатели времени в The Past Simple Tense: yesterday [[ˈjɛstədɪ]] — вчера; the day before yesterday — позавчера; two days ago — два дня тому назад; last year [lɑːst jɪər] — в прошлом году; last month [lɑːst mʌnθ] — в прошлом месяце; last week [lɑːst wiːk] — на прошлой недели; last summer [lɑːst ˈsʌmə] — прошлым летом; last night [lɑːst naɪt] — прошлой ночью ; in 2013 (любой год) — в 2019 году.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 Вот глаголам, погляди. Добавляем мы "-ED". Но ко всем не добавляй. Правильный глагол узнай! Как с глаголом подружиться? Ты ищи его в таблице. Форму номер два найдёшь И в PAST SIMPLE попадёшь.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Verb 2 Если глагол правильный Глагол с + ed Если глагол неправильный Второй столбик таблицы неправильных глаголов
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 ed [d] После звонких и гласных звуков [t] После глухих и шипящих звуков [id] После звуков t , d
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Правильные глаголы 1 форма глагола 2 форма глагола live open clean dress wash cook dust
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Правильные глаголы 1 форма глагола 2 форма глагола live lived [d] open opened [d] clean cleaned [d] dress dressed [t] wash washed [t] cook cooked [t] dust dusted [id]
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Неправильные глаголы 1 форма глагола 2 форма глагола sit sat have had can could be was, were do did take took send sent
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 Humpty-Dumpty Sat on a wall, Humpty-Dumpty Had a great fall; All the King's horses And all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty Together again.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 There was an old woman Who lived under a hill, She put a mouse in a bag, And sent it to the mill. The miller did swear By point of his knife, He never took toll Of a mouse in his life.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 Малышка Анна – несносный ребенок. Вчерашний день не стал исключением. Напишите, что она делала вчера. Little Ann is terrible! She runs about her room. She jumps on the table. She opens the cupboards. She throws Tom’s toys. She washes her dolls with water. She cries all the time. Yesterday little Ann …... She ……
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 Little Ann is terrible! She runs about her room. She jumps on the table. She opens the cupboards. She throws Tom’s toys. She washes her dolls with water. She cries all the time. Yesterday little Ann was terrible. She ……
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Statements subject + verb 2 Yesterday little Ann was terrible! She ran about her room. She jumped on the table. She opened the cupboards. She threw Tom’s toys. She washed her dolls with water. She cried all the time.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Questions Did +subject +verb 1 ? Вы знакомы все со мной, Правда я теперь другой. Знали вы меня как DO. Я оделся на ходу. Это правило велит, Я в PAST SIMPLE буду DID. Если я в вопрос проник, Основной глагол поник. Будет мной он прикрываться, Но нельзя ему меняться. В первой форме он стоит. Сам о прошлом он молчит.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Questions Did +subject +verb 1 ? Did you eat ice-cream yesterday? Did you play computer games last week? Did you go to sleep at 8 p.m. yesterday? Did you do homework two hours ago? Did your Mum walk yesterday? Did your Mum go to gym yesterday? Did your Dad clean the room? Did you visit Granny yesterday? Did you cook pizza last Sunday? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Negative Subject + did not /didn’t +verb 1 За него, друзья, скажу, Что с прошедшим я дружу. В отрицание, в вопрос Я везде просуну нос. Эта форма - форма DID Замечательно сидит. Подлежащее любое Вмиг веду я за собою. Did you go to the sea? У друзей своих спроси. Кто на море не бывал I did not тебе сказал.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Negative Subject + did not /didn’t +verb 1 I didn’t ride a bicycle last week. I didn’t pick berries last summer. I didn’t open a window yesterday. I didn’t play any game at night. I didn’t sit by the lake yesterday. I didn’t write poems two days ago. I didn’t sleep long last night. I didn’t visit my relatives last month. I didn’t walk in the park last year. I didn’t listen to the music yesterday. I didn’t meet my teacher in the evening.
Past Simple Fill in the gaps I…(go) on an excursion yesterday, because I …(have) holidays. My mate…(not go) to the cinema last week, because he … (be) ill. … your mother (cook) a tasty pie for your last birthday? Why …you (not go) to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries? I …(be) so upset. Children … (visit) many interesting places during their last trip.
Past Simple Check yourself I went on an excursion yesterday, because I had holidays. My mate did not go to the cinema last week, because he was ill. Did your mother cook a tasty pie for your last birthday? Why didn’t you go to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries? I was so upset. Children visited many interesting places during their last trip.
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