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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Гармажапова Цыден Батоболотовна36
Россия, Забайкальский край, п. Могойтуй

Ход урока в 10 классе по теме «Спорт».

1) Организационный момент

2) Речевая зарядка (вопросы по тематике «спорт»)

II. 1) Look at these word-clouds and say what we will talk about today (учащиеся определяют тему урока)

t1638017686aa.png t1638017686ab.jpg

Now watch two short video clips and say who they are about. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2EfL1j4KYE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVi4QEe_140 отрывки)

Do you know who Muhammad Ali was? Where was he from?

Yes, he was a legendary American boxer. He won a lot of boxing championships and he’s world-famous for his records.

What’s the difference between these two videos? What did happen to him? Muhammad Ali got Parkinson’s disease after his sports carrier and it was the result of his profession. So what problem will we discuss today? (учащиеся определяют задачи урока)

2) But before we start let’s play a game. Match the words and the pictures (флэш-игра по видам спорта)

3) So what are the advantages and disadvantages of doing sports? Make up two groups and fill in your part of the table using the text (одна группа заполняет плюсы, другая-минусы на основе текста)

4) So now work in pairs and share your ideas and fill in your empty column:

A: What do you think about doing sports?

B: I’m positive/negative about doing sports because ….

5) I know that many of you do sports and I’d like Ann to tell you about her most precious prizes she has won at chess competitions (ученица рассказывает о призах). When did you start playing chess? Why do you like chess? What are the disadvantages of doing sports for you personally?

6) In future you will have families and children. Will you make them do sports? Why? Let’s discuss this problem in groups:

-“I want my children to do sports because….”

-“I don’t want my children to do sports because….”

-“I’m not sure if I want my children to do sports because…”

Remember to use opinion phrases.

III . 1) What have we learnt today?

2) How do you feel about your work today?

3) Homework: a short composition “Advantages and disadvantages of doing sports”

-100-120 слов

-структура текста



Advantages and disadvantages of doing sport

Doing sport might influence our life in positive or in negative ways, as it has some advantages and disadvantages which should be considered. If you are lying in your couch trying to make up your mind about doing exercise or not, it is opportune to examine what kind of benefits can you take from sport.

First of all, it can help to keep us fit or to get back in shape, so you could have a well-trained body, a better and more positive image of your appearance and consequently you could increase your self-esteem.

Secondly, it can improve the quality of your life, make your immune defense system stronger and avoid health problems, indeed those who practice regularly sport are less likely to be overweight, to have heart attacks, hypertension and high blood pressure.

Third, sport can be an excellent cure for stress, anxiety, depression and sleeping problems because it has a calming action and it works as a natural drug since when you are doing physical activities your body produces endorphins which control emotions helping us to feel happier.

Furthermore people who do sports develop different social skills by playing and interacting with other people; it is also possible to enhance leadership and critical thinking skills through teamwork and game strategies.

In addition to this, sport can improve upon our attitude towards life. Sport makes people organized and better disciplined in their life activities. It builds the character. Sport helps you to become a better and stronger person.

Nevertheless sport implies some disadvantages as well: first, doing sport requires time, so you should be good at organizing all your tasks, second, sometimes sport requires money too, especially if want to go to the gym

Third, if you play sports, you can be more susceptible to injuries and do long-term damages, therefore be careful!

Furthermore sport, particularly if you play in competitive level, can have detrimental effects, like pressure to win and play well at all costs which can lead to the damaging decision of using drugs to get better performances

Competition in sport on one hand can be positive if it constitutes an incentive to obtain better results, on the other hand it can be a real danger for those who start  to be obsessed by the idea of being the best and are not able to accept defeats

In conclusion, doing sport can be a real double-edged sword, as it has many pros but just as many cons


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