Материал к урокам английского языка «Rights, Law, Order» (По УМК Spotlight)
Rights, Law, Order
Types of crime.
arson - поджог
burglary – кража со взломом
drugdealing – распространение наркотиков
forgery - подделка
fraud - мошенничество
hijacking – угон самолета
kidnapping – похищение человека
mugging – уличное ограбление
murder – убийство человека
pickpocketing – карманная кража
robbery - ограбление
shoplifting – кража из магазина
smuggling -контрабанда
speeding – превышение скорости
theft - кража
vandalism - вандализм
People related to crime.
a burglar – вор взломщик
a criminal - преступник
a defendant - подсудимый
a detective - детектив
a forensic scientist - судмедэксперт
a hacker - хакер
a hijacker – угонщик самолета
an investigator - следователь
a lawyer - юрист
a judge - судья
jury - присяжные
an offender - правонарушитель
a prison officer - тюремщик
a prisoner - заключенный
a robber - грабитель
a thief - вор
a witness - свидетель
Verbs related to crime.
to accuse of - обвинить
to arrest - арестовать
to break into – проникнуть посредством взлома
to break the law – нарушить закон
to burgle - взломщик
to charge smb. with – предъявить обвинение, привлечь к суду
to commit a crime – совершить преступление
to imprison – imprisonment – поместить в тюрьму
to investigate - расследовать
to protect the residents, the citizens, the local people, etc. – protection - защитить
to prevent – prevention - предотвратить
to prove – proof - доказать
to punish– punishment - наказать
to reach a verdict – вынести приговор
to rob - ограбить
to sentence - приговорить
to steal- stole- stolen - украсть
to witness – быть свидетелем
Words related to crime.
evidence - улики
trial – судебное разбирательство
Part I
On December 10th, 1948 the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in New York. It has thirty articles and protects the right to life, work, housing, free thought and many other things.
Still, people are sometimes deprived of their rights. In some countries, for example, children are denied the right to go to school. In others, people are in prison because of their political views. For this reason, there are many organizations in the world that fight for human rights.
Part II
Unfortunately, we have to admit human rights are violated. They are violated by the government, by a variety of officials and by criminals who have always existed in any society. The reasons why people commit crimes and break the law are unclear.
There are different types of crimes we can become victims of. They are arson, assault, blackmail, burglary, genocide, kidnapping, forgery, shoplifting, smuggling, vandalism, murder, fraud, hijacking, robbery, speeding, drink driving, illegal parking and so on.
Punishment always depends on the degree of the crime. It may be a warning, a fine, community service, different terms of imprisonment and, at last, death penalty or capital punishment.
There are different people whose job is to make sure justice is done. They are police, investigators, forensic scientists, solicitors, judges, guards and so on. Sometimes members of the public are asked to participate in trials as jury.
However, there is an opinion that it is much more important to prevent crime than to punish it. I completely agree with this point of view.
The key is education. Children should be brought up with respect for the law. They must be taught to tell the difference between the bad and good, to appreciate the right values in life. Then they will grow up to be law-abiding citizens. At the same time, we often hear that more severe punishments can be a solution to the problem. I don’t think that it can stop a potential criminal from breaking the law. They always hope to get away with it. It doesn’t mean I deny the importance of high security prisons or the latest alarm systems in homes, but I am convinced that prevention is the best protection.
Answer the questions.
When was the UDHR adopted?
How many articles has it got?
What are the basic human rights?
How can human rights be violated?
Whom are the rights violated by?
What kinds of crime do people commit?
What does the punishment depend on?
What kinds of punishment are there?
Who are the people whose job is to make sure justice is done?
How is it possible to prevent crime?