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Кирушева Н.Я.23
Урок английского языка в технологии педагогических мастерских по теме «Проблемы подростков»

Цель: развитие и закрепление умений в устной и письменной речи по теме «Проблемы молодежи».

Задачи: образовательные:

обогащать и активизировать словарь.

активизировать изученные грамматические структуры.

развивать навыки восприятия устной речи.

развивать навыки письменной речи.


развивать навыки коллективной работы.

способствовать становлению благоприятного психологического. климата в группе


расширять кругозор, обогатить представления.

развивать речь.

способствовать укреплению навыков рефлексии, самооценки.

I Индуктор. Let’s begin our lesson with listening to a song. It is one of the Beatles songs. It was written by J.Lennon and P. McCartney. And while you` re listening to the song, please, try to understand about what or who the song is. (The song is played and students write their ideas).

II Самоконструкция.

So, what is the song about? And what is the name of the song do you think? ( “She is leaving home”.- Students give their answers.)

So what is the theme of our lesson? (teenagers’ problems).

Now I’d like you to write the reasons why young people choose to leave home. (Participants work individually).

III. Социоконструкция. (Работа в парах) Discuss the reasons in pairs.

IV. Социализация. (Деление на группы.)

1. Discuss in groups and write down the most serious ones. (Обсудить в группах и написать основные причины ухода подростков из дома)

2. But teens have problems not only with their parents. Do you think teens in England have the same problems as teens in Russia? They write about their problems to the youth magazines. (Работа с текстами. Приложение )

А) Match a heading to a letter then match a heading to an answer from Daisy.

B). Now read their letters and compare if you have something in common.

B) Which of the problems do you find important?

C) Which of them do you consider unusual?

D) Choose one of the letters and write a reply.

V. Афиширование. (Представление выполненных работ). Read your answers.

VI Разрыв.

Do your classmates have the same problems? How do they solve them? Who can help young people to cope with their problems? What do you think is there a true story behind THE BEATLES’ «SHE’S LEAVING HOME»? It will be your home task to find out this question.

VII Рефлексия. I’d like you to answer one of the following questions:

What has surprised you?

What’s the most important word of the workshop?

It is important to…

Использованные ресурсы 1. http://festival.1september.ru/articles/413295/ - Изучение темы: "Проблемы молодежи по письмам американских и британских подростков" (Фурсаева О.М.) 2. The Beatles- She’s Leaving Home

Приложение 1

I. Match a heading to a letter

1. I live on a farm, and I have started thinking about animal rights. Now I am a veterinarian. My problem is that my parents are furious. My Mum doesn't cook anything different for me, so every night all I eat is vegetables and bread and cheese. I don't think this is fair. Why can't she cook me something tasty? Michelle, 17.

2. My parents went away on holiday recently, so I decided to dye my hair. I am blonde and I dyed my hair black. Now it looks awful and I don't know what to do. A couple of days ago my parents came home, and when my Mum saw my hair, she went completely mad. Now, as a punishment, she says I can't dye it back. What should I do? Lucy, 16.

3.I'm 16 and I have never been out with a girl. I've never even kissed one. My friends have all had a lot of girlfriends, but girls don't seem to be interesting to me. Now I tell everyone that I have a girlfriend in France, but I don't think they believe me. What should I do? Richard, 16.

A)To dye or not to dye? B) Never been kissed, D) Food for thought,

Match a heading to an answer from Daisy.

People of your age, especially boys, often tell stories about their experiences. I’m sure some of your friends are telling stories too. You shouldn't tell lies, because that will make you feel more worried, and people will learn the truth sooner or later. Don't worry about not having a girlfriend. Your time will come.

I think you're being a little selfish. You chose to stop eating meat, not your parents. Your nether is probably a very busy woman. I think you should cook for yourself. Baked potatoes are very easy.

с) I think you should dye your hair back to its original color. Tell your mother first that this is what you are going to do if you want to, but I'm sure she'll be pleased to see her 'old' daughter again.

II. Look at some letters written to Daisy's problem page. What should the people do?

Not fair.

I get 1.50 pounds a week pocket money, but most of my friends get much more. When I ask my Mum and Dad for more, they say I can have more if I help in the house, but I don't see why I should. Mum's at home all day, and it's her job to look after the house, not me, What do you think? Sharon, 14.

Weighty problem.

Girls don't find me attractive, and I think the reason is that I'm fat. Ever since I was about seven I've been on the chubby side, but it didn't worry me until now. I'm quite intelligent and have lots of friends but not the type I'd like. What should I do? Peter, 14.

Bullies at school.

Please help me, because I'm in trouble. There are bullies at my school who hit me and kick me, and they say I have to give them. Please tell me what to do. Jeremy, 14.

Roses are red.

I am in love with a girl who is very attractive. A friend introduced us. She doesn't know how I feel. I have her address and telephone number, but I don't know what to do. Should I call her? I could send her some roses or chocolates, but I can't decide which is better. If I send something what should I write on the card? Andrew, 15.

Problems with lessons.

I'm very worried because the lessons at school are too difficult for me. I don't understand them, but the others in the class know what the teachers are talking about. Who should I talk to?

We have exams soon, and I know I'm going to fail them. My parents will be furious, because they think I'm doing OK. Please help. Suzie, 17.

My friends steal.

Some of my friends steal things from shops after school. Usually it's sweets, but some of them steal bigger things too, and sell them or just give them away. They keep telling me to go with them, and call me names because I don't want to. They say I'm a coward I don't want to steal, but I don't want to look stupid, either. What should I do? Simon, 13.


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