12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Александра Анатольевна201

Технологическая карта урока английского языка.

Учитель: Жукова Александра Анатольевна

Класс: 7 А

Раздел: «The World teenagers’ competition»

Тема: «Средства связи»

Цель урока: Развитие умений изучающего чтения и введение лексики по теме «Средства связи».

Задачи урока:


активизировать новый лексический материал по теме;

развивать умения изучающего чтения;

совершенствовать слухо-произносительные навыки;

ознакомить с русскими и зарубежными изобретателями.


- формировать навыки межличностного общения, развивать умения работы в группах и парах.


- создать условия для формирования у обучающихся познавательного интереса к истории повседневных вещей.


- УМК Биболетовой Мерем Забатовны Enjoy English для 7 класса,

- компьютер,

- проектор,

- наглядность,

- доска,

Этап урока Содержание деятельности

Речь учителя

Действия учащихся (речевые/ неречевые)

Формы взаимодействия



Цели и задачи этапа

I. Начало урока


Организационный момент,

2 мин.

Good morning, sit down, please. Who is absent today? What is the date?

Фронтальный опрос

Ввести в атмосферу англоязычного общения.

2) Речевая зарядка

активизация лексического материала в речи.

Проверка домашнего задания.

5 мин.

We are going to start from checking your home task. We are going to listen to the stories about famous people. You need to ask questions to guess who are we talking about. Please,.. come to the blackboard.

Ok, thank you.

Учитель-класс, Фронтальный опрос

Следящий, выявление групп учащихся по уровню владения языком.

Развить навыки и умения устной монологической речи.

Проверить домашнее задание. (Закрепление пройденного лексико- грамматического материала.)

II. Основная часть урока:

Говорение (Мотивационно-целевой этап.)

Now look at the blackboard. I have some photos for you. How all these pictures can be connected? (We don’t know) It’s ok, than we will put them away for awhile. And add some more pictures.

Look at these pictures.

-Who can guess what are we going to talk about today?

- Do you use them?

What means of communications do you use to communicate with your friends and family?

- Absolutely right we all use different means of communication. But do you know about their history?

- Do you want to find it out?

1 - learn smth new about means of com-n*

- Where do you think we will get the information from?

2 – improve your reading skills*

- Do we usually discuss the text? The best way to do it is to work in groups.

3 – work in groups.*

means of communication

Yes, we do

computer, telephone, phone

No, we don’t

Yes we do

from the text

Yes, we do

Фронтальный опрос


2) Фонетика

Sound F.

Look at the words. (telephone, telegraph, photo, physics, dolphin, laugh, formal, careful)

What do they have in common?

Right you are.

But we can divide then into 3 groups – what are they?

Now, let’s listen to the word and then read then one by one.


Ph as F-sound, gh as F-sound, F as F-sound

Фронтальный опрос

Карточки со словами, компьютер

3) Чтение

Look at the ex.64 p.22. Now you’ll read the text. You need to entitle it and answer two questions. …, read them please. So, you have 3 minutes to look through the text.

So, let’s answer the questions.

Now we need to entitle the text. Let’s divide into 3 groups: discuss your variants of the title and choose the best one. Explain what sentences helped you to choose the title.

…, please, tell us your variant?

Ok. Well done. Now I’d like you to do ex. 65 p. 23. You need to complete the sentences using the text. Please, 2 min. for you. Do it in written form, please.

Ok, now exchange your exercise-books with your neighbor. Now let’s check the exercise, you need to put marks for it: if there are no mistakes – than it’s a 5, 1 mistake – 4, 2-3 mistakes – 3, more than 3 – 2.

Ok, give the exercise-book back to the owner.

Now, I’m going to read you some facts from the text. You need to agree or disagree with me. If the sentence is false – correct it please.

Many years ago people used the light of fire to send messages.

The electric telegraph was invented by A.G. Bell

P.L.Shilling was the Italian scientist.

The telegraph could carry voices.

The telephone was invented in 1847.

The 1st telephone exchange was opened in Moscow in 1982.

Great! Thank you.

(keys: 1) drums and fires, 2) the invention of the electric telegraph)

1)yes, I agree

2)no, I disagree. It was invented by Shilling

3)no, I disagree. He was the Russian scientist

4)no, I disagree. It couldn’t

5) Yes, I agree with you

6) no, I disagree. it was opened in 1882

Учитель – класс. Индивидуальное выполнение задания каждым учащимся.


Взаимоконтроль и текущий контроль со стороны учителя

Активизировать новый лексический материал по теме;

Развивать умения изучающего чтения

III. Заключительная часть урока

5 мин.

1) Подведение итогов, самооценка деятельности учащихся на уроке.

Do you remember our pictures from the beginning of the lesson? So, how these inventions and inventors are connected?

Now, please, answer my questions.

Do you think the lesson was useful for you? Why was it useful?

Work in pairs - discuss the answers with your partner. So, those who think that the lesson was useful – rise your hands. *посчитать* and those who think that the lesson was useless – rise your hands. Ok, thank you. Take you places, please.

Do you think you were useful for your group?

Ok. Thank you very much.

So, did you learn something new about MofC-n?

Did you improve your reading skills?

Did you work in groups to do the task?

Great. Now write down your home task.

Shilling invented the telegraph in 1832. Bell invented the telephone in 1847

Yes, it was useful because I’ve learnt some new information.

Yes, it was useful because I improved my reading skills.

Yes, it was useful because I can use this information on other lessons.

No, it was useless because information wasn’t new.

Yes, I was useful because I was active

Yes, I was useful because I gave good ideas

No, I was useless because I wasn’t active

No, I was useless because I didn’t give any ideas.

Yes, we did

Yes, we did

Yes, we did

Индивидуальная и групповая работа.

Компьютер, проектор, экран.


2) Домашнее задание

Student’s book р. 31 № 37, 38

Student’s book


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