Урок английского языка по теме "buying souvenirs" для учащихся 5-го класса к учебнику "Spotlight".

Материал опубликован 23 April в группе

Урок английского языка по теме «Buying souvenirs»

Организационный этап. Hello, children! How are you? Do you like shopping? Do you like buying souvenirs? What souvenirs can you buy? (презентация: слайд № 1)

Let’s read the words and remember them (презентация: слайд № 2-11). Good for you! Now your task is to match the words and the pictures (https://learningapps.org/watch?v=p2dnsk05j21).

Мотивационный этап. Постановка целей и задач урока. Look somebody is calling us. Lets meet her! (презентация: слайд № 12). (Примерный диалог учителя с собеседником: Hello, Ann! That is my friend Ann from the UK. How are you? … Oh how awful! Can we help you? ... Nice! So you wanted to visit Canada, the USA, the UK and Australia, right? … Good! I’ll call you later…)

So, have you understood what she wants to do? Yes, you are right. She wanted to visit English-speaking countries but she caught a cold. And she asks us to help her.

Can you tell me what we are going to do today? (презентация: слайд № 13).Make the plan of our lesson today (Р/м № 1).What English-speaking countries do you know? Now your task is to match the names of the countries and the countries on the map (Р/м № 2). You will work in pairs. Let’s check (презентация: слайд14-15). Our trip starts! (презентация: слайд № 16).

Организация восприятия и осмысления нового материала. Our first destination is Canada (презентация: слайд № 17). What do you know about this country? Nice! Look at the phrases. Which sentences does the shop-assistant say? Which does the customer say? Work in pairs, you’ve got 1 minute (Р/м № 3) (презентация: слайд № 18-19). Your time is over, let’s check. (https://learningapps.org/watch?v=puxa6zyxn21). You’ve done the task perfectly. This is the souvenir from Canada (small skates, or any other souvenir that the teacher has got).

Первичная проверка понимания. It’s time to travel to another English-speaking country, to the USA (презентация: слайд № 20). What interesting facts do you know about this country? Look at the dialogues on your desks. You are going to fill in the gaps with the words below. Work in pairs and you will have two minutes (Р/м № 4) (презентация: слайд № 21). Let’s read the dialogue. This is the souvenir from the USA (a key ring, or any other souvenir that the teacher has got).

Организация усвоения нового материала. Our next destination is the UK (презентация: слайд № 22). I am sure you know a lot of interesting facts about this country, don’t you? Look at the sentences of the dialogue, they are mixed. Put them in the correct order. Now work in groups (Р/м № 5). You’ve got two minutes (презентация: слайд № 23). It’s time to check. This is the souvenir from the USA (an umbrella, or any other souvenir that the teacher has got).

Творческое применение нового материала. The last country we are going to visit is Australia (презентация: слайд № 24). Do you know anything about it? Imagine that you are doing shopping and you want to buy a souvenir. One pupil is a customer and the other is a shop-assistant. Your task is to choose and to buy a souvenir. You will have five minutes to make up the dialogues (презентация: слайд № 25). Let’s listen to your dialogues. Great! I like your dialogues. This is the souvenir from Australia (a mug, or any other souvenir that the teacher has got).

Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока. Our trip is over. Did we help Ann?

Now follow the link and answer the questions. Think about the results of today’s lesson.


Домашнее задание. Your home task will be to follow the link (https://www.baamboozle.com/game/763689) and to do the task. Our lesson is over. Good bye!

Ссылка для скачивания презентации к уроку и др.:


Р/м № 1

Р/м № 2

Р/м № 3

Р/м № 4

Р/м № 5


в формате Microsoft Word (.doc / .docx)

Не полноценный ресурс.

23 April

Ответ #461459 был удален 25 April 2024