12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Алексеева Надежда Борисовна19

Урок на тему «What can Tom do every day? (Что может Том делать каждый день?)»

Тема: What can Tom do every day? (Что может делать Том каждый день).

Цель: Повторить глагол can (мочь, уметь). Научиться читать букву Ii в закрытом слоге.



- организовать коммуникативную деятельность в рамках темы.

- отработать чтение буквы Ii в закрытом слоге.

- работать над произношением и интонацией.

2. Развивающие:

- создать благоприятные условия для снижения тревожности.

- развивать внимание.

3. Воспитательные:

- формировать инициативность как личное качество учащихся.

- формировать у детей положительное отношение к иностранному языку как

учебному предмету.

Оборудование: DVD проигрыватель, магнитофон, сюжетные картинки, алфавит, картинки с животными, проектор, стальная доска, магниты, учебники, упражнения на карточках, буквы для составления слов.

Организационный момент.

Stand up pupils! Hello, hello, how are you?(I’m fine, thank you. I’m O’K thank you.

Hello, hello, how are you?) – I’m fine thank you! I’m O’K thank you. Sit down please. My name is Nadezhda Borisovna. I am very glad to see you! Look round and see the visitors are here, say them “Hello”. Now let’s begin our lesson.

Today you are the artists of the theatre. Look at these cards, who is it? (Показываю карточки с животными, а дети их называют, кто назвал, тому отдаю эту карточку). You will be a parrot. You will be a dog…

Речевая зарядка.

All artists learn to speak well. Repeat after me [r], [r], [r], run, run, run, red, red, red,[w],[w],[w], swim, swim, swim, what, what, what,[p],[p],[p], skip, skip, skip [ng],[ng], [ng], sing, sing, sing.

Повторение глагола can. Слайд 1.

That’s to be healthy all artists make exercises every day. I’m a fox, I can run. (показываю). What can you do every day? ( Дети отвечают в соответствии со своими картинками и показывают действия. I’m a parrot. I can fly…

Artists must sing very well. Let’s learn the song. (Сначала проговариваем)

I can ride my big, blue bike. Слайд 2.

You can fly your big, red kite. DVD

He can play and she can say,

It’s a very happy day.


Аудирование. Слайд 3. Магнитофон.

Children, our artist Tom make some exercises, too. Open your textbooks, page 62, exercise number 1, look at the pictures, listen to the recording and say what does Tom do every day? Are you ready? (Tom sings. Tom swims. Tom skips.) Translate please.

Чтение буквы Ii. Алфавит. Магнитофон.

Artists, do you know the ABC? Let’s remember. (показываю буквы дети называют) A,B,C,H,….

What is this letter? (I). We name this letter [ai], but read it in some words as [i]. Exercise number 2, listen and repeat. (запись на магнитaфoне).

Exercise number 4 in the textbook. Let’s listen and repeat. (магнитофон).

Now read these words, please.

Задание на закрепление. Письмо.

Take your exercises. Put down the right letters. Карточки с упражнением.

P_g, s_x, swi_, s_ip, b_g, si_g. Слайд 4.

Pupils look at the blackboard. You can see some letters. Please, make the words out of these letters (p, i, g, s, w, i, m, s, k, I, p, s, I, x, I, t, b, I, g,) pig, swim, skip, six, it, big.

Read and translate these words.

Физ. Минутка.

(отрабатывать мимику, развивать внимание)

Artists, let’s play. Stand up please. Do you know the words? Fat-slim, big-small, tall-low, ugly-pretty, sad-happy. I will say the word and you will show me it. (Я называю слово и изображаю, дети повторяют, затем я их путаю, говорю одно, а показываю другое). Thank you. I’m happy to see you with smiles. Sit down please.


Работа над произношением и интонацией. Слайд 5.

I see you know all the letters, many words, can sing, but can you tell the poems and write them as real artists? Exercise number 6. Listen to the poem and translate.

A pig went to town to buy a stick

What? A pig with a stick?

A stick for a pig?

Who ever saw the pig with a stick?

Слайд 5(7,8,9,10,11)Let’s listen one more and translate it. Try to learn the poem. (Проговорили, выучили).

Let’s write new poems with another words. A cat with a hat. A dog with a frog. A mouse with a house. A fox with a box. (картинки с подписями на доске, а также трафарет стихотворения с пропусками). Who wants to try to make a new poem and read with intonation? (сочинили стихотворения, прочитали выразительно).

Итог урока. Слайд 12.

Well. You are very good artists. So tell me please how do we read the letter Ii in some words? [i]. What can we do to be good artists? ( We can run. We can do the exercises. We can sing and read the poems well).

Прощание с детьми.

O’K. You are right. I’m very happy to work with you. Thank you very much. I wish you all goodness. Good bye.


Организационный момент.

Stand up pupils! Hello, hello, how are you?(I’m fine, thank you. I’m O’K thank you.

Hello, hello, how are you?) – I’m fine thank you! I’m O’K thank you. Sit down please. My name is Nadezhda Borisovna. I am very glad to see you! Look round and see the visitors are here, say them “Hello”. Now let’s begin our lesson.

Today you are the artists of the theatre. Look at these cards, who is it? (Показываю карточки с животными, а дети их называют, кто назвал, тому отдаю эту карточку). You will be a parrot. You will be a dog…

Речевая зарядка.

All artists learn to speak well. Repeat after me [r], [r], [r], run, run, run, red, red, red,[w],[w],[w], swim, swim, swim, what, what, what,[p],[p],[p], skip, skip, skip [ng],[ng], [ng], sing, sing, sing.

Повторение глагола can. Слайд 1.

That’s to be healthy all artists make exercises every day. I’m a fox, I can run. (показываю). What can you do every day? ( Дети отвечают в соответствии со своими картинками и показывают действия. I’m a parrot. I can fly…

Artists must sing very well. Let’s learn the song. (Сначала проговариваем, переводим)

I can ride my big, blue bike. Слайд 2.

You can fly your big, red kite. DVD

He can play and she can say,

It’s a very happy day.

Аудирование. Слайд 3. Магнитофон.

Children, our artist Tom make some exercises, too. Open your textbooks, page 62, exercise number 1, look at the pictures, listen to the recording and say what does Tom do every day? Are you ready? (Tom sings. Tom swims. Tom skips.) Translate please.

Чтение буквы Ii. Алфавит. Магнитофон.

Artists, do you know the ABC? Let’s remember. (показываю буквы дети называют) A,B,C,H,….

What is this letter? (I). We name this letter [ai], but read it in some words as [i]. Exercise number 2, listen and repeat. (запись на магнитaфoне).

Exercise number 4 in the textbook. Let’s listen and repeat. (магнитофон).

Now read these words, please.

Задание на закрепление. Письмо.

Take your exercises. Put down the right letters. Карточки с упражнением.

P_g, s_x, swi_, s_ip, b_g, si_g. Слайд 4.

Pupils look at the blackboard. You can see some letters. Please, make the words out of these letters (p, i, g, s, w, i, m, s, k, I, p, s, I, x, I, t, b, I, g,) pig, swim, skip, six, it, big.

Read and translate these words.

Физ. Минутка.

(отрабатывать мимику, развивать внимание)

Artists, let’s play. Stand up please. Do you know the words? Fat-slim, big-small, tall-low, ugly-pretty, sad-happy. I will say the word and you will show me it. (Я называю слово и изображаю, дети повторяют, затем я их путаю, говорю одно, а показываю другое). Thank you. I’m happy to see you with smiles. Sit down please.


Работа над произношением и интонацией. Слайд 5.

I see you know all the letters, many words, can sing, but can you tell the poems and write them as real artists? Exercise number 6. Listen to the poem and translate.

A pig went to town to buy a stick

What? A pig with a stick?

A stick for a pig?

Who ever saw the pig with a stick?

Слайд 5(7,8,9,10,11)Let’s listen one more and translate it. Try to learn the poem. (Проговорили, выучили).

Let’s write new poems with another words. A cat with a hat. A dog with a frog. A mouse with a house. A fox with a box. (картинки с подписями на доске, а также трафарет стихотворения с пропусками). Who wants to try to make a new poem and read with intonation? (сочинили стихотворения, прочитали выразительно).

Итог урока. Слайд 12.

Well. You are very good artists. So tell me please how do we read the letter Ii in some words? [i]. What can we do to be good artists? ( We can run. We can do the exercises. We can sing and read the poems well).

Прощание с детьми.

O’K. You are right. I’m very happy to work with you. Thank you very much. I wish you all goodness. Good bye. 

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