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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Логинова Татьяна Николаевна29

Данные упражнения разработаны учителем Логиновой Т.Н. к учебнику Биболетовой. М.З, Трубаневой Н.Н. «Enjoy English» для дополнительной отработки и закрепления грамматического материала по теме «Условные придаточные предложения».

Ex.1. Fill in UNLESS or IF. (5 points)

I’ll open the window ______ I get too hot.

We’ll have a picnic on Saturday _____ weather is bad.

_______ you go to bed late, you’ll be tired in the morning.

_____ you promise to clean your room, I’ll take you to the funfair.

I’ll never talk to you again ____ you tell me the truth.

Ex.2. Fill in the correct tense. (10 points).

If Tim _____ (win) the lottery, he would buy a yacht.

If it rains tomorrow, we _______ (stay) at home.

If I _____(know) about the meeting, I would have come.

If Sheila had studied hard, she _______ (not/fail) her exams.

If I _____(be) you, I would learn how to drive a car.

If we had waken up earlier, we ______ (catch) the train.

If he ______ (not/do) his homework, he will get a bad mark.

If Mary worked harder, she _____(get) a promotion.

Unless she _____ (work) harder, she won't pass the exam.

If you put oil on water, it _____ (float).

Ex.3. Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals. (10 points)

Dick didn't read this book so he can't tell you about it.

Lucy refused to help us because she is very selfish.

You didn't wake me up. Now I'm late for my appointment.

I don't like fast food. We didn't go to that restaurant yesterday,

They won't go to the theatre tomorrow because they saw the play at the dress rehearsal.

Ex.1. Fill in UNLESS or IF. (5 points)

I can’t finish my homework _______ you help me.

____ it rains, we’ll go for a work.

____ you work hard, you may be promoted.

____ you work hard, you won’t be promoted.

___ he arrives on time, we’ll have dinner together.

Ex.2. Fill in the correct tense. (10 points).

If I _____ (have) time, I would take up a sport.

If he has to work late, he ______ (call) you.

If I _____ (not/miss) the bus, I wouldn’t have been late for school.

If you had worn warm clothes, you _____(not/catch) a cod.

If I _____ (be) you, I would look for a new job.

I ____ (visit) you if I had known you were in hospital.

If he _____ (not/play) the fine, he will go to prison.

If I were you, I ____ (talk) to the bank manager.

I'd have helped you if you _____ (ask).

Unless she _____ (work) harder, she won't pass the exam.

Ex.3. Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals. (10 points)

Mary didn't go to school yesterday so she doesn't know about our trip.

Tom agreed to go to the restaurant with us because he is an outgoing person.

The pupils didn't understand this rule because they are inattentive at the lessons.

He isn't a first class sportsman as he didn't train enough last year.

She forgot to go to the bank. Now she can't go shopping.


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