Технологическая карта занятия по внеурочной деятельности «Виртуальное путешествие по Лондону»
Tourists of London
The Symbols of London A double-decker A black cab A telephone box A post box Bobby
Crossword 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. * 9. 10. * 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What is the English for… 1. Путешествовать 2. Зоопарк 3. Автобус 4. Парк 5. Город (большой) 6. Улица 7. Красивый 8. Паспорт 9. Дом 10. Знаменитый 11. Жить 12. Старый 13. Новый 14. Друг 15. Жаркий 16. Дождь? Find the keywords
CHECK YOUR ANSWERS 1. T R A V E L 2. Z O O 3. B U S 4. P A R K 5. C I T Y 6. S T R E E T 7. B E A U T I F U L 8. P A S S P O R T * 9. H O U S E 10. F A M O U S * 11. L I V E 12. O L D 13. N E W 14. F R I E N D 15. H O T 16. R A I N
THE TOUR of London You’re going to listen and take part in the TOUR of LONDON. You task is to circle the attractions. *Set the order of the attractions. Which sights didn’t you find?
Buckingham Palace
constitution hill
Hyde park, *Hyde park corner
regent's park, *regent's street
Trafalgar Square
White Hall
Downing Street, 10
The houses of parliament
The London eye
Tower Bridge
St Paul's Cathedral
Buckingham Palace
St Paul's Cathedral
The houses of parliament
Tower Bridge
reflection Draw your smile The lesson was boring. I spent my time useless. The lesson was interesting. I took part in all activities and I have learned more about London.