12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Кулакова Елена Викторовна19
Россия, Ставропольский край

План-конспект урока «Древнегреческая и древнеримская мифология»


урока английского языка по теме

«Древнегреческая и древнеримская мифология»

10 класс


Цель: совершенствование компонентов коммуникативной и общекультурной компетенции посредством английского языка.



1. Образовательные:

- развивать у учащихся умения монологической речи;

- развивать у учащихся умения понимать иноязычную информацию на слух.

2. Развивающие:

- формировать умение выдвигать гипотезу и обосновывать логику доказательства своего предположения в процессе анализа изученного материала;

- способствовать развитию интеллектуальных навыков: анализа, синтеза, оценки.

3. Воспитательные:

- содействовать формированию у учащихся мировоззренческих понятий через исторические данные и факты;

- формировать потребность в практическом использовании английского языка в социально - культурной сфере.


Форма организации: урок актуализации знаний и умений.


Оборудование: вспомогательные печатные материалы, дидактические модели, иллюстрации, компьютер, проектор


Технологии продуктивного обучения: технология развития критического мышления (кластеры, синквейн).


Ход урока

Org. moment

T: Hello boys and girls! Happy to see you!

S-s: Happy to see you too!

T: There are some guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them. Take your seats, please. How are you? It’s a nice day today, isn’t it? OK. There is a table on the screen. Look and pronounce the words after me.























transformed oneself into

fall in love


So, can you guess the main theme of our lesson?

S-s: We are going to speak about Greek and Roman gods/mythology.

T: What else do you think we are going to discuss?

S-s: We are going to discuss their characters.



T: You are quite right. Civilization of the Western world goes back to Ancient Greece and Rome. One of the most fascinating things that the Greeks and Romans have left us is their myths and legends. We remember them as they have become part of our culture too.

The Romans were influenced by the Greeks and adopted many of their Gods and gave them Roman names. Let’s match the names of Greek and Roman gods and say what the responsibilities of the gods were. Let’s draw up the clusters using the cards on the blackboard. (Ex. 9, 10 A, B, p. 57-58)


T: Awesome! Your home task for today was to describe pictures, depicting Greek and Roman Gods and heroes. Please, tell us a few words about the picture you’ve chosen. You can use your topical vocabulary.







Exercises to strengthen eye muscles and improve vision

T: Now it’s time to have a rest. Let’s do some exercises for our eyes. Make yourselves comfortable. Close your eyes. Open your eyes (2 t). Look up. Look down. Look to the right/left. Open your eyes. Put your index finger about 10 inches in front of you and focus on it. Move it forward, move it backward. Close your eyes. Count from one to five. That will do!


T: Now let’s listen to the myth about Zeus and Europa. (Ex.6, p. 55)

Read the statements and say which of the statements are true, false or not mentioned in the text.


T: As you see, all Gods and heroes are different: wise, happy and naughty, hard-working and creative. But what do you think about them? Please, use the cards and your topical vocabulary and write a cinquain about Greek and Roman gods.


T: Please read your cinquains.


T: So, we’ve met a lot of characters. They are all different. Do you agree with me?

S1: Yes, we do. Some of them are kind and some of them are wicked/cruel.

S2: Some of them are helpful.

T: OK. Let’s read the adjectives on the blackboard: agreeable, understanding, generous, amiable, energetic, charming, polite, clever, considerate, sympathetic, impartial, sincere, brave, creative, powerful. Now please, compare and describe gods. Let’s take Poseidon and Ares. Which of them is better/kinder?

S: Poseidon. He is ________

T: And what about Hera and Aphrodite? Which of them is more positive?

S: Aphrodite. She is _______.

T: And now choose between Prometheus and Heracles.

S: ______. He _______________.

T: Like people in real life, Greek gods can be kind and cruel. They can do bad and good things. So can they be ethical models for people? Can people analyze the lives of the Gods and find the answers to the most difficult questions?


T: You are right. That’s why later people created new gods to provide moral principles.


Summary of the lesson

T: Today we’ve come to the conclusion that all Greek gods were like human beings, only bigger and more powerful. Greek and Roman culture have had a lasting influence on our civilization.

Our lesson is coming up to the end. You were very active, creative. Your marks are ____. At home read the text of the Ex. 14, p. 61. Our lesson is over. Good bye.


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