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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Стрекалова Елена Сергеевна1636
Учителя только открывают двери, дальше вы идете сами. Китайская мудрость
Россия, Коми респ., Ухта


Цель любого УМК по иностранному языку: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.

Задание 41 – написание развернутого высказывания с элементами рассуждения социально-бытового либо социально-­психологического характера на заданную тему.

Рекомендуемое время на выполнение данного задания 40 минут.

В задании приводится высказывание проблемного характера. Надо высказать свое отноше­ние к предложенной в задании точке зрения и обосновать его, в том числе с предвосхищением возможных контраргументов.

Требуемый объем текста для данного задания — 200—250 слов.

Параметрами оценивания данного задания являются:

- точность и полнота выполнения поставленной коммуникативной задачи (содержа­тельная сторона речи);

- соблюдение заданных требований к объему текста;

- структурная организация текста;

- лексическое разнообразие речи и лексическая грамотность;

- грамматическая правильность речи;

- орфографическая грамотность;

- соблюдение норм пунктуации, принятых в английском языке.

На экзамене работа может быть оценена максимум в 14 баллов.



проверить владение когнитивными стратегиями письменной речи:

- способность определять суть заданной проблемы;

- определить свою позицию по заданной проблеме и аргументировать свою точку зре ния;

- анализировать заданную коммуникативную ситуацию с различных позиций и точек зрения, выдвигать контраргументы;

- делать выводы.

проверить речевые умения письменной речи:

- логически выстраивать письменное высказывание определенного объема, используя не­обходимые средства связи;

- грамотно структурировать текст;

- выбирать нейтральный стиль речи;

- использовать разнообразные речевые модели и структуры для реализации коммуникативной задачи (передавать информацию; описывать людей или ситуацию; сравнивать или сопоставлять факты, мнения или суждения; аргументировать свою точку зрения и т.д.);

- грамотно использовать языковой материал (лексику и грамматику) для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач;

Поделюсь опытом подготовки учащихся к напи­санию такого вида эссе.

Во-первых, знакомлю обучающихся с требованиями и структурой написания эссе, следует обратить внимание на то, что в данном задании должно быть пять частей, каждая начи­нается с новой строки:

make an introduction (state the problem)

express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

Explain why you don`t agree with the opposing opinion

Make a conclusion restating your position

Объясняю ученикам, что абзац (paragraph) включает такие типы предложений, как главное предложение (topic sentence), содержа­щее основную идею; предложения, которые под­тверждают, объясняют, детализируют главную мысль (supporting sentences). В данном типе задания это мнение автора и других людей с примерами; заключительное предложение (concluding sentence), в котором формулируется иначе главная мысль абзаца.

Во-вторых, вниманию обучающихся предлагается следующий алгоритм

Понять какие две точки зрения на проблему необходимо рассмотреть. При неправильном выполнении этого задания есть вероятность отклониться от темы и получить 0 баллов за решение коммуникативной задачи и эссе в целом.

Обдумать аргументы в пользу обеих точек зрения.

Выбрать как свою более выгодную для защиты и имеющую более веские аргументы точку зрения.

Приступить к написанию эссе, соблюдая правильную структуру.

В-третьих, предлагаю воспользоваться разработанным мною опорным конспектом с вариантами вводных/связующих фраз, они различаются по длине, обучающиеся делают выбор, исходя из того - нужно ли им сократить или увеличить объем их эссе.


Everybody would agree,/ It goes without saying/ The problem of….. is urgent nowadays/ Today the question of … is becoming more and more widely discussed/

While some people think/are sure/ believe/ consider/ admit/ suppose that…. others claim…..

My opinion

Personally, I think…./ In my opinion,/

+ arguments

Firstly,/ First of all,/ To begin with,/ To start with,/ The first idea that comes into my mind is…/

Secondly,/ Moreover,/ What is more,/ Furthermore,/ In addition,

Thirdly,/Finally,/ Last but not least,/ To crown it all,/ To sum up,/

Opposing opinion

However,/ Meanwhile,/ Nevertheless,/ Another point of view is…/ There is another opinion

Why I disagree

However, other people`s arguments do not sound convincing/ I do not find other people`s arguments convincing/ I cannot agree with other people`s arguments/ I do not think those people are right/….


In conclusion, I would like to say that/ I still stick to my point of view/ To conclude,/….

В-четвертых, На мой взгляд, наибольшую трудность вызыва­ет написание вступления. Примеры того, как мож­но начать сочинение:

- с риторического вопроса: Is it true that a dog is man’s best friend?

- с прямого обращения к читателю: If you take the time to train your dog, it will learn to obey you;

- с цитаты: As G. Orwell wrote, “All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.” Не­обходимо отметить, что используя цитату, сле­дует писать имя автора;

- с описания какой-либо ситуации: Going abroad is a difficult decision for everybody and it is a va­luable experience as well.

Предлагаю учащимся потренироваться в пере­фразировании задания к сочинению, а именно в виде риторического вопроса или объяснения дан­ной ситуации. Для того чтобы избежать повторения одних и тех же слов, прошу подобрать синонимы к некоторым словам и выражениям.

В-пятых, важной задачей в работе над сочинением счи­тается обучение учащихся правильному использо­ванию средств логической связи. Существует мно­жество упражнений, развивающих такие умения. Рекомендую ученикам заполнить таблицу.

Complete the table using the words and phrases:

In the first place, secondly, firstly, furthermore, on the other hand, as far as I am concerned, in my view, however, also, moreover, first of all, to start/begin with, but, on the contrary, in addition, what is more, therefore, it is said that, thus, as a result, in contrast to this, although

To list points


To add more points


To introduce opposing view points


To express result


To express your/ someone else`s opinion


В-шестых, обучающимся предлагается выполнить ряд заданий, которые способствуют формированию навыка написания эссе. Вот примеры заданий такого рода.

- “Some people believe that teenagers today are generally rude, lazy and badly behaved. Other people, however, think that teenagers have a bad reputation for no reason.”

Read the task . Decide whether the statements below are: arguments supporting the behaviour and attitude of teenagers (S), arguments against teenagers’ behaviour and attitude (A) or irrelevant arguments (I).

In my opinion, the vast majority of teenagers are extremely hard-working.

I personally believe that teenagers today are much more considerate and caring than young people were thirty years ago.

Getting a part-time job is a good way for a teenager to make some extra money.

Teenagers today are much more likely to swear in front of their parents and teachers.

At my school, for example, there are very few discipline problems.

Most teenagers understand that they have to work hard at school in order to get a good job when they are older.

Teenagers nowadays often prefer to watch television and play computer games rather than do their homework.

Those people who criticise teenagers should think back to their childhood.

It is certainly true that many teenagers today do not get enough physical exercise; this is probably due to laziness.

According to some experts, exams are not the best way to test how much a teenager knows about a subject.

In pairs or as a group, discuss whether you think teenagers today are generally rude, lazy and badly behaved.

- Look at the task: “Some people believe that animals without owners should have the right to live on the streets in cities. Others say that they could be dangerous and should be collected and found new homes, or even put down.”

Decide if the following is a point for (F) or against (A) allowing stray animals to live on the streets. Write F or A on the line provided.

Stray dogs sometimes bite people. ______

Cats and dogs can receive medical treatment if they are taken off the streets.______

Animals should have the right to live where they want. ______

It’s cruel to take an animal off the streets and then possibly put it down. ______

There are lots of people who would be glad to give a stray animal a home. _______

People’s pets might be taken by mistake and that could be a tragedy. _______

Discuss which of the statements above you agree or disagree with. Explain why.

- Read the task. Decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F).

When you write your composition, you should:

make sure you answer the question.

make a plan before you start writing.

copy whole sentences from the question.

use informal grammar and vocabulary.

use words and phrases such as ‘however’, ‘such as’, etc.

express your own opinion in the conclusion.

give examples where possible.

present a logical argument.

always use very short and simple sentences.

make sure your handwriting is readable.

check your work carefully for mistakes at the end.

- Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the composition.

Almost everyone these days has a Mobile phone and many of us would be unable to live without one.(1) But / However, there are people who argue : that we should not be able to use mobile phones whenever we like.

(2)It / There is no doubt that mobile phones are extremely useful. This is particularly true when you need to contact someone and no ordinary phone is available, (3) For / By example, if your car has broken down and you need assistance, having a mobile phone might mean that you do not have to leave the car and walk a long way to find help.

On the other (4) side / hand, there are many situations when mobiles can cause problems for other people, if you are in the cinema, (5) with / for instance, a mobile ringing can be extremely annoying. There are (б) also / as well times, such (7) like / as in class at school, when it would be disrespectful to have a mobile switched on. A (8) more/ further argument that is made against mobile phones is that they damage our health.. Most scientists, (9) however / although, believe that this is not the case.

To (10) conclusion / conclude, mobile phones make our lives easier in many ways. In my (11) opinion / mind, there are occasions when using a mobile is not appropriate and we should always consider other people before deciding whether to have our phone switched on or not. (12) However / Although, some people believe that mobiles are bad for our health, / (13) individually / personally do not accept that argument, (14) because / so I do not think that should be a reason for restricting their use.

- Read the task: “Some scientists perform experiments on animals. However, some people say that this is cruel and unnecessary.”

Decide whether each of the following is a point for (F) or against (A) performing experiments on animals.

We can test new medicines on animals to see if they are harmful to humans.

A lot of the experiments have been done before and don’t need to be repeated.

Animals have rights, just like people do.

In most experiments on animals, the animals don’t suffer.

It’s important to gain scientific knowledge, even if some animals suffer.

The information we gain from testing medicines on animals is very limited.

Discuss which of the statements above you agree or disagree with. Explain why.

- The task:” Package holidays which include all flights, accommodation and tours are very popular with some holidaymakers. Other travelers say that making your own holiday plans is better.”

Match the viewpoints with the reasons. Then say which are in favour of and which are against going on package holidays.



1.Package holidays are cheaper than travelling on your own

a) As it can be rather confusing to plan everything by yourself

2. Package holiday destinations are usually popular tourist resorts

b) As the price includes the air fare and hotel accommo­dation

3. When visiting a new place it is often much easier to have all the details arranged in advance

c) Therefore they reduce the chances of disappointment

4. People select a package holiday from brochures which give them a good idea of what the resort of­fers

d) Thus there is little opportunity to experience the true culture of the country you are visiting

5. As package holidays are less expensive

e) You feel obliged to stay in that place rather than move around and explore

6. If you arrange everything for yourself

f) You can eat quite inexpensively in local restaurants

7. You have paid for accommodation in advance

g) The hotel is unlikely to be top-class

8. It is more satisfying to plan your own holiday

h) You are able to choose the type of accommodation that suits your budget and how long you stay in a particular place

9.It is much cheaper to make your own arrangements

i) There is no schedule to restrict you, you experience more freedom and independence

10. Package holidays do have some benefits

j) A holiday representative can help you with any prob­lems

Answers – 1-b, 2-d, 3-,4-,5-g, 6-,7-,8-i, 9-h, 10-j

- Below there are sentences from a paragraph in the wrong order. Decide if the sentences are topic sentences (T), supporting sentences (S),I or concluding sentences (C).

So, I bought a bike last week for $250 in a se­cond hand bike sale.

The colours are bright red, white, and dark blue.

It’s a great bike, and I’m going to have a lot of fun on it.

Mountain bikes are really popular where I live.

The bike is one year old but looks new.

It looks like a bike you can ride on very rough mountains and over rocks.

Put the sentences in the logical order.

Then write the sentences into a paragraph.

Give the paragraph a title.

В-седьмых, существует поговорка «На ошибках учатся». На мой взгляд, лучше учиться на чужих ошибках. Поэтому после написания эссе на заданную тему предлагаю ученикам просмотреть работы других обучающихся на эту же тему и отметить слабые и сильные стороны их работ, проанализировать ошибки и выставить баллы. Такой вид работы, когда ребенок понимает за какие ошибки и как наказывают при оценивании, стимулирует учащихся к более внимательному отношению к написанию эссе.

Вот пример такой работы.

Only people who have a lot of money can be successful’

Many people believe that only money makes our life more happy(GR). I don`t agree. (постановки проблемы нет « - « за содержание)

In my opinion, not only people who earn a lot of money are successful. To begin with, money is not the main thing in the world. Family is the most important in life. Family is the cradle of life and love, the place where you feel special, secure and accepted. We need a family for comfort and protection. Moreover, money cannot buy friendship and love. So, will you need the(Gr) huge amount of money if you are alone? And last but not the(Gr) least, what a wonderful thing is working on (Gr) the lovely(Lex) job! If your work gives pleasure you will always be in good mood and happy.

A lot of people consider that money solves all.(Lex) But they can buy(Gr) with the money health? Or if they are on a crash plain(Sp), will their money help them to save(Lex)? All people are equal before the disease and catastrophe. Somebody are(Gr) sure that they will be interesting and important for people only with money. I think differently. Only mercantile and soulless people appreciate a person for his financial position. So, do you need people like this?

In conclusion I would like to say that people should understand the true price of happiness. In other words - money is not the greatest value in our life.

238 words

Это эссе будет оценено в 0 баллов, т.к. автор ушел от темы – спутал понятия счастья и успеха. В общем-то, не было смысла отмечать грамматические и лексические ошибки.

Only people who have a lot of money can be successful’

Nowadays most people think that only rich people can succeed in life. And the question if people`s success depends on money which a person earns has always worried people.

Personally I think being rich does not necessarily mean that you become successful. Firstly, you will not get satisfaction from your job if you work for money. Secondly, while doing your job and earning a lot of money you cannot spend much time with your nearest, so you are risking to have problems in family. Thirdly, lots of money can make people`s characters worsen because rich people are very often greedy, they have no friends.

However, some people suppose that money is an indicator of success. Firstly, they believe that money will bring happiness, because rich people are able to buy luxurious things, travel around the world and realize their dreams. But we know a lot of examples that even millionaires have big problems with health; they are ordinary people who can die of diseases. Secondly, if you have a lot of money you will buy houses and cars. But there are things that cannot be bought with money – love friendship, health. Being wealthy is often a powerful predictor that people waste time doing pleasant things and therefore feel stressed.

In conclusion, I must say that being rich is not the only way which lead to success. I think it is more important to have a good family, interesting job and true friends.


Содержание – 1 балл –приведенные аргументы размыты – нет четкости, нет абзаца Почему я не согласен

Организация – 2 балла

Лексика – 3 балла

Грамматика – 3 балла

Орф./пункт. – 2 балла

Итого – 11 (из мах. 14) баллов


Написание эссе – задание высокого уровня сложности, требует повышенного внимания, тщательной отработки, непрерывной тренировки.


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Клековкина Е. Е. Система подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Письмо. — М. : Педа­гогический университет «Первое сентября», 2008.

Zemach Е D., Islam С. Paragraph Writing from Sentence to Paragraph. — Macmillan, 2009.

Zemach E D.,Rumisek A L. Academic Writing from Paragraph to Essay. — Macmillan, 2009.-

Понасенко И. И. Как написать сочинение-выражение мнения. Все для учителя. Английский язык. Ноябрь 2012 г.


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