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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Хрисанфова Наталья Николаевна683
Россия, Луганская Народная Респ., Петровское

Тема: «Holidays» (10 класс, УМК «Spotlight»)

Цель урока: обобщение лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Праздники», формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе изученных лексических единиц, речевых и грамматических структур, расширение страноведческого кругозора учащихся.

Задачи урока.

Образовательные задачи:

1. Совершенствовать лексические навыки на уровне свободного высказывания в виде монологической и диалогической речи.

2. Тренировать учащихся в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях.

Развивающие задачи:

1. Формировать и развивать коммуникативные умения и навыки (умение пользоваться речью: монологической, диалогической; умение слушать и слышать).

2. Способствовать развитию интеллектуальной, эмоциональной, мотивационной сферы личности учащихся.

3. Развивать познавательную активность и интерес через вовлечение учащихся в творческую деятельность.

4. Развивать внимание, воображение и логику.

Воспитательные задачи:

1. Воспитывать у учащихся интерес к культуре разных стран мира;

2. Формировать навыки и умения интеллектуального труда (поиск информационных источников, навыков самостоятельной и групповой работы).

Ход урока

Организационный момент

Teacher: Good morning children. How are you today?

Do you want to know the topic of our lesson? Read the quotations and say what topic unites them.

(«No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one». Elbert Hubbard

«A holiday is a period of traveling and relaxation when you take twice clothes and half the money you need». An unknown author)

 The topic of the lesson is «Holidays».


Фонетическая зарядка.

Teacher: Let's practice our tongue.

Teacher: And now listen and repeat the poem. Look at the smart board, read after me.

Take a bus or take a train,

Take a boat or take a plane,

Take a taxi, take a car,

Maybe near or maybe far,

Take a rocket to the moon,

But be sure to come back soon.

Teacher: Who wants to read the poem? 

Teacher: I like your reading very much!

Teacher: Brainstorm activity. Holidays…What words do you associate with the word holiday? (gifts, to celebrate, vacation, festivals, cards, sweets, guests, to have fun, tasty dishes, balloon, travelling)

Teacher: Right you are. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays travelling. And we are going to speak about it today as much as possible. You will be doing a lot of different things.

Речевая разминка:

Teacher: First of all, do you remember your last holidays? Please play the game «I did/I didn`t».

Bucket list

On winter holidays I made Christmas cards.

On winter holidays I had hot chocolate.

On winter holidays I made snow angels.

On winter holidays I read Christmas stories by the fire.

On winter break I went ice skating.

On winter break I attended a New Year party.

On winter holidays I built a snowman.

On winter holidays I had travelling.

(Шаг 1. Подготовьте список предложений в прошедшем времени о том, что можно делать во время зимних каникул. Идеи для этого списка можно взять из предновогодних Bucket lists.

Шаг 2. У каждого ученика на столе 2 карточки: I did и I didn’t.

Шаг 3. Вы зачитываете предложение, например: On winter break I attended a New Year party.

Шаг 4. В зависимости то того, сделали ли это ученики во время зимних каникул или нет, они поднимают карточки I did или I didn’t.

Для тех, кто поднимает карточки «I didn’t» необходимо составить собственное предложение.)

Teacher:  Do you like travelling? Can you think of any reasons travelling?

(to meet people, to visit new places, to rest from hard work, to spend money, to learn about art and culture, they want to change their life, they want to investigate the world, they travel because of curiosity, they travel when they feel down or stressed out, they have a sense of adventure…)

Teacher: Thank you children. Very well and correctly responded. And now we have a game «Question Hats». The first hat is for your questions and the second hat is for your opinion.

(У учителя две шляпы с отличительными лентами. В первую шляпу ученики складывают записки с вопросами по теме урока. Во вторую шляпу идут вопросы оценочные, начинающиеся со слов: "Я считаю, что…, а ты как думаешь?" Эта шапка тоже важна, так как учит оценочным суждениям и повторяются разделительные вопросы.

После того, как ученики написали вопросы и разложили в шляпы, учитель перемешивает записки в каждой шляпе и предлагает ученикам вытащить одну и ответить.)

(The first hat:

1.Why do people like to travel?

It is very interesting and exciting to travel and to discover new things, different ways of life. We can visit different places of interest and see ancient palaces and churches, wonderful castles and famous monuments.

2. How can people travel?

They can travel by car, by plane, by bus, on foot.

3. What means of transport do you prefer to travel?

I prefer to travel by car because I can stop when and there I want and enjoy nature.

4. What is your favourite holidays?

As for me, it`s Christmas. It is a family holiday. People stay at home and spend the time with their families.

5. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

No, I haven`t been. But I want very much.

The second hat:

1. In my opinion, travelling broadens the mind. Do you agree with me?

I agree with you. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of interesting things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books.

2. My favorite holiday is my birthday. What about you?

This is a celebration of one person and his family. My favorite holiday is New Year. New Year is celebrated by everyone.

3. People normally think that presents are the most important part of these holidays. What about you?

I suppose, the most important thing is the holiday mood.

4. I prefer to travel by train because it’s the most convenient and not expensive. What about you?

5. To my mind, travelling by plane is the best because it’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable.)

Teacher: Well done. Thanks! Now let’s sing а song «Chill out».

Teacher: Have you ever had any problems during your travelling? Now look at the pictures and name the problems which could happen during your travelling?

(get sunstroke, miss the flight, get seasick/airsick, lose passport/luggage, weather gets bad...)

Teacher: Now let’s sum up. What kind of situation does each picture show?

(The pictures show Holiday problems.)

Teacher: What other holiday problems can you name?

(left passport at home, lose the way, dangerous animals, exotic food, different language, have flat tyre, have an accident, car breaks down,...)

Teacher: How do you think the people feel?

(I think people/they feel... angry (un)happy, sad, depressed, bored, confused, furious, excited, surprised, puzzled, exhausted, worried, embarrassed, upset, frightened, scared...)

Teacher: What adjectives can we use to describe the feelings?

(...angry (un)happy, sad, depressed, bored, confused, furious, excited, surprised, puzzled, exhausted, worried, embarrassed, upset, frightened, scared...)

Teacher: Now let’s describe the pictures. What has happened to the people?

(The picture shows... It looks as if ... ... seems to be...)


Teacher: We have got some situations. Let’s discuss them in groups.

- I left my passport at home.

- I missed my flight.

- Our flight was delayed by six hours.

- The airline lost my luggage.

- It rained every day!

Teacher: Be ready to present your results. 

(1) Alex: Hello! I can’t find my luggage. The airline probably lost it.

Clerk: I am sorry to hear that. But maybe your luggage isn’t lost. It’s probably just delayed.

Alex: Is there a chance that I’ll get it back?

Clerk: Yes, sure.

Alex: What do I need to do now?

Clerk: First you have to fill out this claim form. It will give us information that helps to locate your luggage.

Alex: What happens when you locate my luggage?

Clerk: We will contact you.

Alex: And what if you never find my baggage?

Clerk: Don’t worry, we will replace your property.

2) Policeman: Hello!

Alex: Hello! I would like to report a theft.

Policeman: You will need to fill out this crime incident report form then.

Alex: Will I be able to use that to file an insurance claim when I get back to Russia?

Policeman: Yes, certainly. Can you tell me your name and address?

Alex: It’s Alex Chaikin. I am staying at the Plaza Hotel at Johnson Street.

Policeman: Have you got a contact number?

Alex: My contact number is 555-55-55-55.

Policeman: What items have been stolen?

Alex: My wallet and passport.

Policeman: When was this?

Alex: At about 6 p.m.

Policeman: Where were you at the time?

Alex: I was near the cinema.

Policeman: Could you describe what happened?

Alex: Well, I was looking at the poster, but when I came to the box-office, I realized that my wallet and passport were missing.

Policeman: Did you notice anyone acting suspiciously at the time?

Alex: There was a young man, who bumped me.

Policeman: Could you please describe him?

Alex: Well, it was a man. He was tall, green eyes, and dark hair. I think he is about thirty years old.

Policeman: What was he wearing?

Alex: Jeans and a black jacket.

Policeman: Ok, we will try to help you.

Alex: Thank you!

3) - Hello. Reception. How may I help you?

- Hello. I think I’ve got several problems in my room.

- Excuse me, sir. What’s your room number, please?

- Oh, yes. It’s 447.

- Right. What’s the matter, Mr. Peterson?

- The thing is that the room heating doesn’t seem to be working and it was really freezing in here last night.

- OK. I’m sorry, Mr. Peterson. Would you like me to send you the engineer right away and get it fixed?

- Well, I guess it would be better to change the room as this one is too noisy and small for me. And by the way, the sink is clogged in the bathroom and I cannot use the water in it.

- Please accept my sincere apologies for the inconvenience. I’ll find the plumber and let him know.

- Thanks for your help.

- Enjoy your stay, Mr. Peterson. And feel free to ask or call the reception anytime.)


Burns Night is annually celebrated in Scotland on or around January 25. It commemorates the life of the bard (poet) Robert Burns, who was born on January 25, 1759. The day also celebrates Burns' contribution to Scottish culture.

Robert Burns in a small clay cottage at Alloway, in Ayrshire, Scotland. His father, William Burns, was a poor farmer. He built this small clay cottage with his own hands. There were seven children in the family, and Robert was the eldest.

 Now, let’s begin. Imagine:

   A room in the Burns’ neighbors’ house. A man and a woman are sitting there. The man is making something with a hammer. The woman is sewing.

   (The students perform a short play about Robert’s first day of life.) 

Woman: The night is so stormy. It is snowing. Somebody is knocking.

Husband: I’ll open the door.

Burns’ Mother (coming in): My dear neighbors! The storm has broken the roof of my house. May I spend this night at your place?

Woman: Oh, dear! You are welcome! Sit down, please. Let me have a look at your baby. What a handsome boy!

Husband: Hush! Somebody is knocking again. Who can it be? The storm is so terrible.

Woman: Oh, a stranger may have lost his way. We can’t leave anyone without help. Open the door, my dear.

Gypsy (entering the room): Hello! How are you? I’m cold and wet. May I warm myself in your house?

Woman: Of course, my dear Sarah. She is a gypsy. She can tell fortunes.

Gypsy: What a nice baby! Let me see his hand. Oh, this boy won’t be a fool. He’ll be famous! He will glorify his family and his country.

Шотландский танец мальчиков.

Despite of his hard work and poor conditions he always tried to find some time for writing poems. And that’s why he had to carry on his dual professions or poet and tenant farmer. As a result in 1786 his ‘Poems Chiefly in Scottish Dialect’ were published. Later on, in 1788 he married Jean Armor. Listen to the poem devoted to his wife. It is called “O My Luve's Like A Red, Red Rose”. (There is the standard English translation of the poem).

O, my love is like a red, red rose,

That is newly sprung in June.

O, my love is like the melody,

That is sweetly played in tune.

As fair are you, my lovely lass,

So deep in love am I,

And I will love you still, my Dear,

Till all the seas go dry.

Till all the seas go dry, my Dear,

And the rocks melt with the sun!

O I will love you still, my Dear,

While the sands of life shall run.

And fare you well, my only Love,

And fare you well a while!

And I will come again, my Love,

Although it were ten thousand mile!

FEEDBACK ('Freezer Tag') - have a piece of paper and write on it:

1 wish to the teacher

2 moments you remembered from the lesson    



Thanks a million for your work today! You were amazing. Your marks are exсellent. At home find some information about the most unusual holidays in different countries, write a story and prepare for your test at the next lesson.

Sometimes you say “Hello!”,

Because the bell has gone,

And every day you say "Good day, good day, good day".

It’s time to say “Goodbye",

Goodbye, my children, bye.

The lesson is over. Goodbye, my dear friends!


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