12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Кавецкая Наталья Вячеславовна61
Россия, Иркутская обл., Иркутск

Сценарий урока английского языка

Класс 10

Учитель: Кавецкая Наталья Вячеславовна

Тема урока : « How to Budget Your Money»

Цель урока: Развивать финансовую грамотность учащихся , сформировать представление о семейном бюджете и его роли в жизни семьи, закрепоить ЛЕ по теме “Family budget”.


Образовательная: расширение кругозора по теме «Семейный бюджет”,совершенствование аудирования и монологической речи с использованием устойчивых выражений, реализация метапредметных связей (обществознание).

Познавательная: развитие лингвокультурной компетенции, активизация ЛЕ и лексико-грамматических конструкций по теме.

Развивающая: развитие умений работать в паре, группе и индивидуально.

Воспитательная: воспитание умения внимательно слушать и слышать, уважать мнение других, быть толерантным.

Ожидаемые результаты:

Личностные: осознать значение семейного бюджета и более рационально его планировать, критически оценивать свои действия и поступки.

Метапредметные: коммуникативно организовывать , планировать учебное сотрудничество, уметь излагать свое мнение, отстаивать свою точку зрения.

Регулятивные: уметь самостоятельно выделять цель деятельности, оценить степень достижения цели.

Познавательные: находить и систематизировать достоверную информацию для решения целей и задач, строить логически обоснованные рассуждения.

Формы организации работы учащихся: фронтальная, в парах, в группах и индивидуально.

Методы и технологии: ИКТ, методы развития критического мышления и технология ситуационного анализа.

Ход урока:

I. Warming up:

Приветствие учителя

Прослушивание песни “Money” группы Абба

Формирование проблемы и темы урока

II.Pre-Reading activities: Look through and translate the phrases:

to pay money to sb income (
to spend money on sth budget
to waste money on sth expenses (
to borrow money from sb cash or cash money (
to lend money to sb bank card
to budget money cashpoint (
to change money debt [det] (
to exchange money pocket money (
to save (
копить) money change (мелочь, сдача)
toafford (
позволить себе) allowance (пособие, деньги, выдаваемые
регулярно на повседневные нужды)

B. Complete the sentences using the words from the box.

afford, expenses, save, cash, debts, pocket, allowance, cashpoint, change
1)... money is money that you get from your parents and can spend as you like.

4) Instead of paying for the coat with my bank card I paid for it with....
5) How much is your weekly...?

7) I gave the shop assistant a dollar bill and got forty cents in....

2) Jeff is going to... some money to buy a new iPad . 3) My family cannot... to buy a new car this year . 6) The company pays all our... which is really nice . 8) A... is a machine outside a bank or in a public place that you use to take money from your bank card .
9) Many people experience difficulty in paying off their....

III. While-Speaking activities:

Mr Robinson is a millionaire, Mr Tramp has no job now and is penniless. Say which of the following Mr Robinson can afford to do but Mr Tramp can’t.

a) to go to the Bahamas;
b) to buy a new make of a Mercedes;
c) to stay at a five-star hotel;
d) to buy a villa in Spain;
e) to travel business class;
f) to fly to space;
g) to wear designer clothes with fashionable labels.

B. Complete these sentences. Follow the example and go on with the list.
Example: If you can’t afford to go to Bahamas, you can afford to go to the country.
Life is full of compensations!
1) If you can’t afford to stay at expensive hotels, you…
2) If you can’t afford to eat mangos or pineapples, you…
3) If you can’t afford to buy a BMW, you…
4) If you can’t afford to go to the Bolshoi Theatre, you…
5) If you can’t afford to go to Mexico, you…
6) ….

IV. While-Reading activities:

A. Read the text and say how helpful the advice given in it may be to you.

How to Budget Your Money
A budget is a plan for your future income and spending. The problem is that a lot of people tend to spend more than they can afford and get themselves into debt. The key to spending within your means is to know your expenses and to spend less than you get.
Create a healthy budget for your family or yourself following these simple steps.
1. Add Up Your Income
First try to understand how much income you have. Remember your sources of income, make sure you include them all. Calculate the total figure.
2. Add Up Your Expenses
During a month write down carefully how much money you spend on different things. People usually have expenses which change from month to month and those which do not. For instance, flexible expenses are the money you pay for food and entertainment and fixed expenses are what you pay for renting a house or a flat. Keep a record of your expenses for three months and take a three-months average for your total.
3. Calculate the Difference
When you’ve totalled up your monthly income and your monthly expenses, calculate the difference between them. A positive number shows that you’re spending less than you earn or get (well done!) A negative number indicates that your expenses are greater than your income. (Economize on your expenses to begin living within your means.)
You’ve created a budget. Now don’t forget to compare it with what actually happens to your money. Try to follow your budget successfully.

V. Past-Reading activities:

B. Speak about your expenses.

• What do you usually spend your money on?
• Does your pocket money cover your expenses?
• What else would you like to spend your money on?
• Do you think you often waste money?
• Do you sometimes save money? What for?
• How easy is it for you to give up the idea of buying something if you can’t afford it?
• Do you think it is a good idea to have a monthly allowance? How big should it be? Why do you think parents prefer to give pocket money to their kids instead of allowances?
• Have you ever thought of taking a job? In what way can it be a problem for a pupil?

VI. Reflection: How are you going to plan your family budget in your own families?

VII. Homework: To make up a story about your family budget.


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