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Дарья Зилова37

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме : Мастер-шеф. По учебнику Spotlight 5. Module 8b.

Цели :


- повторить и использовать в связной речи неопределенные местоимения и местоимения much, many;

-повторить и обобщить правила употребления английских существительных (исчисляемых-неисчисляемых).


- развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;

- развивать воображение при моделировании ситуаций общения.


- воспитывать уважение к традициям и обычаям как части культуры разных стран мира.


- активизация изученной ранее тематической лексики, мотивирование учащихся на дальнейшую работу по теме;

- повторение изученных и введение новых слов по теме «Еда», освоение активизации лексики в речи;

-повторение обобщение формообразования и употребления неопределенных местоимений.

Организационный момент:

- Good morning children!

Who is on duty today? Who is absent? What date is it today? What day is it today?

Проверка домашнего задания:

Your homework was ex.1, p 59 in your workbooks. You had to match the words. (The children give their answers: dress up, decorate the house, etc)

Речевая разминка:

Open your books on page 98, the topic of our lesson is “Master Chef”. Who is master chef? Who cooks in your family? Do you like cooking? What do you like for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?

Фонетическая зарядка: (распечатки на партах у детей)

How many cookies could a good cook cook

If a good cook could cook cookies?

A good cook could cook as many cookies

As a good cook who could cook cookies.

Работа с новой лексикой:

Ex 1, p 98- Listen and repeat new words all together (аудирование)

What names of these foods/drinks are sound similar in Russian language?

Which of the food in the pyramid do you like/ not like?

Eg: I like grapes, but I don’t like apples.


I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. I am going to tell you different words. If you can eat or drink it, please, jump,, but if you can’t eat or drink it, please, stand still. Ok?

( milk, desk, phone, apple, pencil, grapes, paper, eggs, sugar, juice, bread, book, blackboard, meat, lemon, onions, TV, flower, seafood, pepper)


Look at ex 4, p 99. You have a rule. (Объяснение правила использования данных местоимений в речи: We use some in the affirmative. We use any in the negative and interrogative. ( Записи в тетради)

Let’s do ex 5a. in oral form ( делаем по цепочке)


It’s time to play. Let’s play domino. The rules you know. Each team has 6 cards. I place one card on the blackboard. The first player tries to put a card on the blackboard that matches one side of what’s already there. If a player can’t go, he/she picks a card from the pile and skips that turn. Continue taking turns putting cards on the board until someone wins. The winner is the firs team to get rid of all their cards. (карты в приложении)

Подведение итогов. ДЗ

So what new words have we learnt? Would you like to be a master chef? Have you liked the lesson? If you like, show me you thumb up. If you don’t like, show me your thumb down.

Marks: …. today you’ve got a ….(5,4,3)

Your homework is Страница 98, упражнение 3 (чтение, перевод)

Now our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your work. Have a good day.

Приложение: (карточки разработала Зилова Д.И.)




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