Конспект внеклассного занятия на английском языке «Теремок» (5 класс)
Сценарий сказки «Теремок»
Действующие лица: 6 Жуков (six bugs), Мышка (a mouse), Лягушка (a frog),Собака (a dog), Лиса (a fox), Заяц (a hare), 2 Поросёнка (2 pigs), Медведь a bear, Автор(narrator).
Narrator: There is a house in the woods, woods, woods. The bugs fly-fly-flying through the woods.
They see the house.
Song “We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.”
I. What a nice house!
II. It is very nice.
III. It is not small. It is not big.
IV. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывают в теремок.)
V. Nobody! Now we can live in it.
VI. I like this house. It’s our home now.
Mouse: What a beautiful house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
I. We live in the house.
II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
III. And who are you?
Mouse: I am a little grey mouse. My name is Mighty-Mouse.
Bugs: Can you do morning exercises?
Mouse: Yes, of course, I do.
Let’s do morning exercises!
Hands up, hands down
Bend left, bend right,
Turn around.
Jump up high
Sit down.
Stand up.
Hands up, hands down
Hands on hips,
Sit down.
Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.
Скачет лягушка.
Frog: What a good house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
I. We live in the house.
II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
Mouse: I live in the house. I am a little grey mouse. And who are you?
Frog: I am a little green frog. My name is Kwa. And what is your name?
Mouse: My name is Mighty-Mouse. What can you do?
Frog: I can jump, swim and sing. (Изображает и квакает.)
Mouse: Sing a song, please!
Frog (поет): How many eyes have you got? Just two.
How many ears have you got? Just two.
How many noses have you got? Just one.
How many heads have you got? Just one.
Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together in the house.
Бежит Собачка. Принюхивается. Увидела дом.
Dog: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
I. We live in the house.
II. We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
Mouse: I live in the house. I’m a little grey mouse.
Frog: I live in the house. I’m a little green frog. And who are you?
Dog: I’m a dog. I’m clever, brave and pretty. I am not ugly. I’m not big.
I’m small.
Frog: What is your name?
Dog: My name is Jack.
Frog: Can you dance?
Танцует собачий вальс и декламирует стишок:
Dog: Yes, I can.
I am a dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.
Mouse: You are very nice.
Bugs: Come in. Let’s live together.
Бежит лиса. (Звучит ламбада.)
Fox: I’m a fox. I’m very cunning. I’m pretty and clever. (Видит теремок.)
What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
We live in the house.
We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.
I am a little green frog. I live in the house.
I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?
Fox: I’m a fox.
Dog: Can you read?
Fox: Yes, I can. I like to read very much.
Dog: Read, please.
Лиса читает “One, one, one…”
1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.
Fox: And what can you do?
Mouse: I like to skip.
Frog: I like to jump.
Dog: I like to run about.
Mouse: I like to play.
Frog: I like to sing.
Bugs: We like to laugh and shout.
Dog: Come in, Fox. Let’s live together.
Бежит заяц (звучит весёлая полька).
Hare: What a nice day! What a fine weather! What is it?
This is a small house. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
We live in the house.
We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.
I am a little green frog. I live in the house.
I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?
I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?
Hare: I’m a hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I haven’t a house.
Звери поют:
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
Hare: I want to live with you.
Mouse: Don’t cry, Willy. You are lovely. Come in. Let’s live together.
Fox: What can you do?
Hare: I can count. (Обращается к залу). Let’s count with me!
Считает до 30.
Dog: Come in, Hare. Let’s live together.
Появляются два поросенка с гитарами (звучит “тяжёлый металл”).
1. Look!
2. What a nice house!
1. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
We live in the house.
We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.
I am a little green frog. I live in the house.
I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?
I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?
I’m a hare. I live in the house. And who are you? What are you?
1.We are brothers.
2. We are singers.
Fox: What can you do?
1. We can play the guitar.
2. We can sing merry songs.
Frog: Sing, please.
Pigs (поют): I see green, I see yellow
I see that funny fellow
I see white, I see black
I see pink, I see brown
I stand up and I sit down.
I red, I see blue.
I see you, and you, and you.
Animals: It’s great! You are merry. Let’s live together.
Появляется медведь.
Bear: What a nice house! Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house?
Звери по очереди:
We live in the house.
We are 6, big, red, fat bugs.
I am a little grey mouse. I live in the house.
I am a little green frog. I live in the house.
I’m a dog. I live in the house. And who are you?
I’m a fox. I live in the house. And who are you?
I’m a hare. I live in the house.
We are pigs. We live in the house. And who are you?
Bear: I’m a bear. I’m kind. I’m lazy a little.
Pigs: 1. What do you like to do?
Bear: I like to play tennis.
Animals: Let’s go for a walk!
“Let’s play tennis!”- says the bear.
“Let’s play football!”- says the hare.
“Let’s play basketball!”- says the frog.
“Let’s play volleyball!”- says the dog.
Animals: Summer time is fine for a play
We are happy
All the day.
МКОУ «Северная СОШ им. Лиджи-Горяева Т.Л-Г.»
Сценарий сказки «Теремок»
учитель английского языка
Батырова Г.В.
с.Северное, 2019г.