Лексический тест для 4 класса по УМК «Английский в фокусе»
Лексический тест. 4 класс. Профессии.
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/data/files/n1603866657.docx (Лексический тест. 4 класс. Профессии.)The lexical test. The 4th form. Spotlight. Module 2. Units 3-4. Professions.
Exercise 1. Match the picture and the professions.
A baker | |
A doctor | |
A firefighter | |
A greengrocer | |
A taxi driver | |
A zoo keeper | |
A police officer | |
A bus driver | |
A vet | |
A postman | |
A mechanic | |
A waiter |
Exercise 2. Guess the profession.
I sell fruits and vegetables. I am………..
I fix cars. I am…………………..
I help sick people. I am………………
I bake cakes and bread. I am…………
I drive people around the city in my car. I am……………
I serve food and drinks. I am……………
I feed and look after the animals. I am……
I bring letters and postcards. I am………...
I drive people from one bus stop to another. I am……………….
I work with animals, I do injections. I am…….
I save people from fire. I am……..
I catch burglars and protect people. I am…..
Exercise 3. Write down the place of work.
A baker | A |
A doctor | B |
A vet | C |
A mechanic | D |
A greengrocer | E |
A zoo keeper | F |
A waiter | G |
A police officer | I |
The student gets 1 point for the right answer.
Excellent – 30-32 points.
Good – 27-29 points.
Satisfactory – 24-26 points.
Unsatisfactory – 0-23 points.