Методическая разработка по обучению взаимосвязанному иноязычному чтению и говорению с использованием технологии учения в сотрудничестве

Материал опубликован 29 October 2019

В наше время, когда количество информации на иностранных языках растет, чтение на иностранном языке играет все большую роль. Чтение информации на иностранном языке является источником знаний для учащихся. В процессе обучения чтению учащиеся обогащают свой лексический потенциал, овладевают грамматическими навыками. Чтение иноязычного текста является основой для развития устной речи. Именно благодаря чтению человек удовлетворяет свои личные познавательные потребности[9].

В настоящее время осуществляется поиск эффективных путей обучения чтению. В связи с необходимостью формирования личности, способной участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации, возникает необходимость разработки альтернативного варианта традиционной классно-урочной системы. Технология «Учение в сотрудничестве» представляет в данном случае особый интерес. Основная идея этой технологии – создать условия для активной совместной учебной деятельности учащихся в разных учебных ситуациях. Ее авторы объединили в едином процессе три идеи:

обучение в коллективе,


обучение в малых группах.

Эффективность урока иностранного языка обуславливается,  прежде всего, способностью учителя создать условия и организовать ситуации, в которых ученики осваивают язык как средство общения. Урок иностранного языка  для организации межличностного общения учеников друг с другом имеет преимущество перед другими предметами. Практика показывает, что вместе учиться не только легче и интересней, но и значительно эффективней. Учиться вместе, а не просто что-то выполнять вместе – вот, что составляет суть данного подхода[8].

Необходимо отметить также, что перед современным обществом возникает острая потребность заложить в ребенке механизмы самореализации, саморазвития, адаптации, саморегуляции, самозащиты, самовоспитания и другие, необходимые для становления самобытного личностного образа, что является первостепенными задачами личностно-ориентированного подхода. Технология учения в сотрудничестве же непосредственно отражает данные задачи на этапе усвоения знаний, формирования общеучебных умений и навыков[6].

Таким образом, обращаем ваше внимание на методическую разработку по теме «Have you ever been to a national park?», разработанную в соответствии с требованиями программы по иностранным языкам для VII класса средней школы, согласно которой учащиеся должны уметь обсуждать проблемы окружающей среды.

Цели урока:

Образовательный аспект:

Совершенствование навыков иноязычного говорения;

Развитие умений ознакомительного чтения;

Расширение знаний учащихся о проблемах окружающей среды.

Развивающий аспект:

Развитие умений межличностного общения, сотрудничества при групповом решении познавательно-поисковых задач и оказание взаимопомощи;

Развитие творческих способностей учащихся;

Развитие автономности учения и рефлексивных умений.

Воспитательный аспект:

Воспитание бережного отношения к природе и формирование ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам;

Формирование потребности и способности понимать чужую точку зрения на проблему и достигать согласия в ее решении.

Сопутствующая задача: совершенствование навыков письменной речи.

Problem Focus: During the previous lessons we were discussing the most common ecological problems. Today we are going to touch upon one more problem which is called «Have you ever been to a national park?»


To begin with let’s discuss the following questions:

Our planet is in danger, isn’t it? Why? Why not?

How can we help?

What is national park? What are they for?

Why do we need them?(pupils share their ideas with the class)

Setting the Scene:

And now you’ll work cooperatively. I’ve brought three different texts about national parks in the UK, the USA and Russia. You are supposed to split into 3 groups (pupils split into 3 groups and have a badge with a number). The first group will read the texts about the national parks in the UK, the second in the USA and the third in Russia.

Your first task is to read your text and choose the main points in it and write them down in your exercise-books. Then retell your text to your partners. While listening to your partner, try to remember as much as possible, so that later to tell the information about the national parks in your country to another group. Ask each other questions in case you don’t understand anything. Your final task is to make a brief report about the aims, necessity and variety of the national parks in the world for Ecology TV Program.

Remember your final mark will greatly depend on how well you will cooperate, help, encourage each other. Pay attention how well your partners will do their tasks, participate in group discussions, how bright and clever their ideas, suggestions and solutions will be.

Step 1. Individual task: read your text and put down the main points from it. Get ready to retell your part to the group.

Text 1 “National Parks in the UK”.Group 1.

P1. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.

The Lake District

The Lake District is the largest national park in Britain. It is popular with walkers, cyclists, and people who go boating. It is one of the most beautiful and
attractive places in the country. It has Windermere the longest lake in England, and Scafell Pike the highest mountain in England. In 1810 William Wordsworth described the
beauty of the Lake District in his poems. The works of Wordsworth* and other romantic poets attractedvisitors to the lakes. And now the Lake District is one of the most popular tourist places in Britain. Here you can enjoy fishing in the rivers and lakes, boating on the quiet waters or walking and cycling along the shores of the lakes. There's something for everyone!

P2. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.


Snowdonia  it is the second-largest National Park after the Lake District. It was founded in 1951.Snowdonia National Park’s geology consists of four types of rock, Pre-Cambrian, Cambrian, Ordovician and the youngest, Silurian over 400 million years old. In the 19th century, Snowdonia was the setting for early investigations and studies of some of the world’s oldest rocks. Man has also brought about changes to Snowdonia, mining for minerals such as copper, and the quarrying of slate over the last two centuries have left their mark upon the landscape. Some mines are open to the public and are fascinating to visit.

Snowdonia contains much of Wales’s history, castles such as Harlech Castle (the fortress of Edward I and now a World Heritage Site), ‘Plasdai’ (manor houses), farm houses, cottages and museums all have a story to tell about this special region of Wales. Also Snowdonia was the training ground for some of the early mountaineers, who conquered Everest.

P3. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.


Now there are fifteen national parks in the UK. They cover more
than one tenth of the land area. 90 million visitors come to national parks every year.
The first
aimof national parks is to protect the countryside; the second aim is
о let people enjoy the countryside, enjoy trees, flowers, animals and birds.The Yorkshire Dales National Park was founded in 1954, and was extended in 2016. Over 20,000 residents live and work in the park, which attracts over eight million visitors every year. The Yorkshire Dales National Park offers visitors opportunities for many outdoor pursuits including walking, climbing, horse riding, bird watching and caving. The Yorkshire Dales National Park has outstanding scenery, a range of wildlife habitats and a rich cultural heritage.

Text 2 “National Parks in the USA”.Group 2.

P1. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.


America was the first country to start up “National Parks”, beginning with
Yellowstone in 1872. Now this and other parks together
covera large area of
the country.
Among the attractions within Yellowstone National Park are the regularly spewing geyser known as Old Faithful, numerous hot springs and vast wilderness filled with elk, wolves and grizzlies. Tourists come to the nation’s first national park, located in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, to fish, hunt, hike, camp and explore. Those who want to find additional activities outside of the park’s boundaries will find a lot to do nearby. Nowadays there are more than 60 national parks in the USA.

P2. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is a very colorful, steep-sided gorge that has been carved by the Colorado River in Arizona in the United States of America. It is one of the most studied geologic landscapes in the world. It was officially designated a national park on February 26, 1919.People have been part of Grand Canyon’s history and culture from 10,000 years ago through today. Passing through or calling the canyon home, many people have influenced the development and protection of Grand Canyon for themselves, for visitors, and for the National Park Service.The National Park Service (NPS) will work with cooperating agencies and partners to reduce the size of the bison herd on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park (Park).

P3. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.

The Everglades

The Everglades are subtropical wetlands in the US state of Florida. The idea of a national park for the Everglades appeared in 1928. But the park opened in 1947. Now it protects the largest wilderness area near the Mississippi River. There are many different experiences that a visitor can have at Everglades National Park. You can come for a few hours a week. Camping, walking, boating, having a picnic or more of a wilderness experience are all possible. Many have enjoyed exploring some of the 156 miles of canoe and walking trails. You may spend a morning photographing the birds, an afternoon walking and seeing the alligators, an evening enjoying the warmth of your campfire.

Text 3 “National Parks in Russia”.Group 3.

P1. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.

Kenozersky National Park

Kenozersky National Parkis one of the most beautiful natural and historical parks of Russia located in Arkhangelsk Region. Here you will be impressed both by the nature and by the ancient style of life of the people of the Russian north. This is the only national park of Russia that is so rich in architectural monuments. On the banks of transparent lakes there are wooden churches of the XVII-XVIII centuries and the surrounding forests are rich in northern berries: cloudberry, red bilberry, and cranberry. At the Vershinino Village there is a museum where you can see ancient household items and arts and crafts items. Fishing is good at this area too.Today there are 49 national parks in Russia.

P2. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.

Valdaysky National Park

Valdaysky National Park is above all famous with its lakes: there are 76 large and small lakes at its territory with the total water surface area of 14,704.5 hectares. The largest lake is Lake Valdayskoye. The beautiful XVII-XVIII century ValdayIversky Monastery is located on its bank. The Seliger is another most popular lake of the park. It often hosts festivals of song composed and performed by amateur singer and composer and tourist meetings. The lake is boatable, you can take a cruise by a passenger motor boat. The flora and fauna of the park includes species living in areas from the border of southern taiga to mixed coniferous-broad leaved forests. Here you can see moose, marten, wild boar, great grouse, and hazel grouse. Lakes are populated by tench, crucian carp, and bream. Ancient provincial Valday Town is also located at the territory of the park. The park is very popular due to its good access by transport and relative proximity to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

P3. Read your part of the text put down the main points from it. Retell your part of the text to your groupmates. Turn to your partners in case you need help.

Samarskaya Luka

Samarskaya Luka is One of the few Russian parks protected by the UNESCO. It is located not far from the town of Samara, on the bank of a reservoir. In the park you can admire the forest steppe nature with its broad-leaved forests and rocky steppes. Some plants have preserved from the Pliocene and the Ice Age. Part of the park territory is occupied by the low (up to 381 m) Zhiguli Mountains covered with pine forests. Tourists can climb to many peaks and admire the impressive views over the river. The picturesque territory is cut by over 500 karst funnels and cavities. The caves are populated by the largest in Europe colony of bats – about 30 thousand species. The “water population” is also numerous (especially rich in bream and pike), which attracts fishermen to the park. Beside natural attractions there are interesting museums including the Memorial House of famous Russian painter I.E. Repin, the Museum of History and Everyday Life, and the Memorial House of the Fox – the talisman of those lands.

Step 2. After-reading discussion points

Task: Discuss the following points in your group. Listen to each answer, add your own ideas, turn to your partner in case you need help.

a) What are national parks in the UK/USA/Russia for?

b) What are some of these parks? When did they appear?

c) What can people enjoy there?

d) How many parks are there in the UK/USA/Russia?

c) Do we need them?

Step 3.Writing main points about national parks in your countries (group work)

Task: Fill in this table (each group has the same table)


How many parks are there


National Park

When did it appear

What can people enjoy there

Step 4. Forming new groups for retelling the whole text to the new partners ( the first group includes the students numbered 1, the second – numbered 2, the third – numbered 3)

Task: Retell your text to your new partners. While listening, fill in the table. After that discuss and compare the information so that the group agrees on the information about each text.

Text 1

National parks in the UK

Text 1

National parks in the USA

Text 1

National parks in Russia

How many parks are there


National Park When did it appear

What can people enjoy there

Step 5. Joining the former groups and filling in the cooperative self-evaluation sheet

Cooperative Self-Evaluation Sheet

Name______________ Date________


What did you learn about this topic?


Why were you a good team member?


I managed to express my ideas clearly and convincingly.

Yes_____ No______ Not always_____


My contribution to the team work was that_________________________


Next time I should improve at_______________________________________


I think I deserve the following grade for this activity:

5__ 4__ 3__ 2__

Step 6. Completing the table to illustrate what the national parks are.

National Parks


What are they for

What can people enjoy there

The most famous representatives. Their brief description.

Step 7.Making a report.

Task: Ecology TV Program wants you to make a brief report about the aims, necessity and variety of the national parks in the world. Compare your points in the group and decide on the most important ones. Then read your points to the class, choose the best ones and discuss the final version of the report.

Step 8. Filling in the cooperative group processing sheet

Cooperative Group Processing Sheet



We finished our task on time and did a good job

Yes___________ No_____________


We encouraged each other and we cooperated with each other

Yes___________ Not always___________ No__________


We were polite in communication. We were friendly and helpful

Yes___________ Not always___________ No__________


We shared our ideas and appreciated them

Yes___________ Not always___________ No__________


We did best at___________________________________


Next time we improve at_____________________________


We realized all the advantages of cooperative learning

Yes___________ Not always___________ No__________


We believe we deserve the following grade for this activity

5__ 4__ 3__ 2___

As a team, decide which answer best suits the way your team worked together and complete the remaining sentences.

The teacher agrees or disagrees with the students’ evaluation and assessment of their team work and gives his/her arguments.

Round-up: Teacher’s evaluation and assessment

Teacher’s Observation and Evaluation of Cooperative Team Work

Team 1

Team 2

Team 3


The team finished our task on time and did a good job



The team cooperate with each other

Yes/Not always/No


Each member shared ideas with the team, listened and valued each other’s ideas


The team did best at…


The team should improve…


The team should deserve the following mark for the activity

Список использованных источников

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Гальскова, Н. Д. Современная методика обучения иностранным языкам: пособие для учителя / Н. Д. Гальскова. – М.: АРКТИ, 2003. – 192с.

Кузовлев В.П., Jlana Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. и др.Англ. яз-к: УМК для 7 кл. общеобразоват. Учреждений. М.: Просвещение, 2017

Панина, Т. С. Современные способы активизации обучения: учебное пособие / Т. С. Панина, Л. Н. Вавилова; под ред. Т. С. Паниной. – 4-е изд., стер. – М.: «Академия», 2008. -176с.

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