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Материал опубликовала
Макарова Н. В.79
учитель английского языка
Россия, Чувашская респ.

Открытый урок английского языка "В мире музыки". 10-й класс

Цель урока: формирование социокультурной компетенции.

Задачи урока:


обобщение лексического материала по теме, его углубление и расширение;

приобретение дополнительных знаний о культуре разных стран (в частности, о музыке);

формирование коммуникативной культуры учащихся, развитие культуры устных выступлений;

удовлетворение личных познавательных интересов учащихся;


развитие навыков монологической речи и чтения с извлечением необходимой информации;

развитие метапредметных связей (музыка, музыкальные инструменты и оркестр);

развитие навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения, формирование умения выражать мнения по высказываниям с элементами рассуждения;

развитие умения сравнивать и анализировать, развитие способностей к логическому изложению;


воспитание у учащихся ценностного отношения к жизни, чувства уважения к культуре, как своих соотечественников, так и к мировым достижениям,

формирование эстетических вкусов учащихся: вызвать интерес к музыке, музыкальным инструментам.


учебник “Английский язык: учебник для 10 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Базовый уровень” Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, Р. Араванис, Дж. Вассилакис, изд. “Русское слово”, 2017.

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музыкальные инструменты,

раздаточный материал (коллаж, схема оркестра, текст, иллюстрации музыкальных инструментов, цитаты…)

Ход урока

Начало урока

1. Приветствие и организационный момент.

Good morning. Sit down, please. My name is Natalia Vitalyevna and I am your English teacher for today.

I heard that you are very friendly boys and girls, very intelligent and active. I`m very pleased to be here with you today. Let's start our lesson.

2. Введение в тему.

Слайд 1 - Introductory picture. (Учащимся предлагается рассмотреть картину художника С.А.Виноградова «Играет…1914г» и определить тему урока).

Please, look at this picture. What is depicted here?

You are right. Our today’s lesson is devoted to music. We are going to read, speak, listen, ask and answer, share different opinions and finally learn about a new domain in the world of music (orchestra and different instruments).

Слайд 2 – Название темы «The world of music» (вызываю 1 ученика прочитать название темы на слайде).

Cлайд 3 – A brief history of music.

Prehistoric men and women started making music to imitate the sounds of nature and for religious reasons.

The first ever-written piece of music was found in Syria about 3400 years ago. It was presented in a cuneiform «alphabet».

The first music instrument found by the archeologists was a flute.

What is music?

Let’s plunge into the world of music today. We can’t live without it and can’t even imagine our day without music. But do you know the definition of the word MUSIC ?

3. Учебный разговор.

According to several authors, MUSIC is the combination of sounds and silence in an organized fashion.

The Oxford Primary Dictionary gives us 2 definitions of music.

So, your first task will be to glue the pieces of paper in order to make correct/relevant definitions (ученикам раздаются отдельные слова, заранее напечатанные и вырезанные на бумаге, чтобы они смогли склеить из них целое предложение.

1) Pleasant or interesting sounds made by instruments or by the voice;

2) A system of printed or written symbols for making this kind of sound.

You have only 2 min to complete this task.

Very nice! Well done! Perfect!

Sheet music millExample (вывешивается на доске заранее распечатанный нотный стан с нотами и скрипичным ключом).

Here you can see an example of how the music is written on paper. There are musical symbols to indicate the pitches, rhythms or chords of a song or melody.

Основная часть урока.

1. Речевая разминка.

Коллаж – Music in our life (вывешивается на доске заранее приготовленный коллаж с наглядными рисунками, показывающими, где встречается музыка: нарисованы некоторые публичные места – театр, кино, церковь, кафе…, политические и спортивные мероприятия – олимпийские игры, коронация, парад…, музыка встречается в природе – шум ветра в лесу, пение птиц, шум волн, нарисованы разные источники, откуда слышится музыка – из телевизора, радио, телефона… ).

When you hear the word music, what do you imagine? Probably, different musical places, instruments or maybe devices from which the music is heard.

Please, have a look at these pictures.

We can enjoy listening to music everywhere – during Royal coronations, in churches, during soldier parades, at sports events, during different celebrations and political events, at theatres, cinemas, in films, concerts, even birds’ singing in the nature and wind sounds in the sea or park create music…

We can hear music by the radio, on TV, in the street or supermarkets, in the cafes and parks…

Wherever we go, whatever we do, we can hear the music everywhere.

2. Повторение и закрепление ранее изученного лексического материала. 

Слайд 4 – Have a look at the major music genres.

Popular music 

Classical music

Country music (or western)

Electronic music


Hip Hop music (or rap music)


Blues (R&B)

Reggae music (Jamaican)

Rock music

Heavy metal

Traditional and folk music

Religious music

Military songs (Marches)

Упражнение на соответствие по картинкам. (Ученики выполняют устно).

Слайд 5 – Let’s check, what genres of music do you remember? Which music do the singers perform in these pictures? Which is modern? Which is the oldest?

3. Введение новой темы.

Слайд 6Introductory orchestra picture.

You can admire an illustration for a musical tale by Erna Voigt. What is depicted in this picture?

There are several musicians with their instruments. They are playing at the same time. Today we will speak about this type of ensamble.

Definition of orchestra.

An orchestra is a large instrumental ensemble typical of classical music, which combines instruments from different families.

4. Совершенствование навыков информативного чтения раздаточный материал.

Учащимся раздаются тексты об оркестре (учащиеся самостоятельно прочитывают текст за 2 минуты и по очереди (или по командам) отвечают на вопросы).



An orchestra is a group of musicians who play together on various instruments.

The word orchestra was first used by the ancient Greeks and meant the front part of a stage. During the Middle Ages it also included the musicians on the stage. The first orchestras were organized by kings and queens of France and in Italian churches during the late 6th and early 7th centuries. Most of these orchestras used stringed instruments and played for ballets, operas and at dance parties.

Nowdays, orchestras give concerts and also play for ballets or operas. 

When we speak of orchestras we usually mean symphony orchestras. They have many instruments and play mostly classical music which is performed in concerts.

A conductor directs the musicians with a stick, called the baton. But he does important things before the performance. He chooses the music and decides how it should be played – loud or soft, fast or slow.

There are several kinds of orchestras, such as:

symphony orchestra

chamber orchestra

jazz orchestra

wind orchestra

orchestra of folk instruments

symphony-pop orchestra

A symphony orchestra can simply play music for listening, or it can accompany the action of a performance. In this case, the orchestra is not located on the stage, but in a special niche in front of the stage. This niche is called the orchestra pit.

A modern orchestra consists of four families of instruments.

The string section - the most important part, it has more than half of the musicians.

The woodwind section - can have between two and four of each instrument.

The brass section - the instruments create the most volume with their long curled tubes.

The percussion section - has all sorts of instruments that you can hit, rattle or shake.

Other instruments (like harp, piano, saxophone) may be added to the orchestra if they are needed.

Orchestra [ˈɔːkɪstrə]-оркестр

Various [ˈve(ə)rɪəs] – различный

Ancient [ˈeɪnʃnt] – древний, старинный

Stage [steɪʤ] - сцена

Mean-meant-meant - означать

Stringed [strɪŋd] – струнный, смычковый

Ballet [ˈbæleɪ] – балет

Symphony [ˈsɪmfənɪ] - симфонический

Perform [pəˈfɔːm] - исполнять

Conductor [kənˈdʌktə] - дирижер

Direct [dɪˈrekt] - руководить

Stick [stɪk] - палочка

Baton [ˈbætɒn] - палочка

Chamber [ˈʧeɪmbə] - камерный

Jazz [ʤæz] - джазовый

Wind [wind] - духовой

Folk [fəʊk] - народный

Pop [pɒp] - популярный

Accompany [əˈkʌmpənɪ] - сопровождать

Niche [nɪʧ] – ниша, место

Pit [pɪt] - яма

consist of [ˈkɒnsɪst ɒv] - состоять

string [strɪŋ] - струнный

woodwind [ˈwʊdwɪnd] - духовой

brass [brɑːs] - медный

percussion [pəˈkʌʃn] - ударный

all sorts [sɔːts] – все виды

rattle [rætl] - греметь

shake [ʃeɪk] – трясти

harp [hɑːp] – арфа, лира

saxophone [ˈsæksəfəʊn] - саксофон

Answer the questions.

1. What is called an orchestra?

2. Which country was the first to use the word orchestra?

3. When and where were the first orchestras organized?

4. What kinds of orchestras are there nowadays?

5. What is the oldest type of orchestra?

6. What does a conductor do in an orchestra?

7. What is the baton?

8. What is the orchestra pit?

9. How many families/sections of instruments are there in orchestras? What are they?

10. What other instruments can be added to the orchestra?

11. Which section includes instruments you blow into?

12. Which section includes instruments you can hit, rattle or shake?

13. Which section is the most important section in an orchestra?

5. Знакомство с видами инструментов - Families of instruments.

Слайд 7 – You can hear the most of these families of instruments at the same time in an orchestra.

string instruments        


brass instruments

percussion instruments

Закрепление знаний - упражнения на соответствие. 

Now try to match the music instruments and their families.

string instruments  such as the violin, viola, cello, and double bass

woodwinds   such as the flute, oboe, clarinet, and bassoon

brass instruments such as the horn, trumpet, trombone, and tuba

percussion instruments  such as the timpani, snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, triangle,

tambourine, and  mallet.

Слайд 8Other instruments

Other instruments such as the pianoharpsichord, and celesta may sometimes appear in a fifth keyboard section or may stand alone as soloist instruments and, for performances of some modern compositions, electronic instruments and guitars.

6. Знакомство с симфонической сказкой для детей.

Слайд 9 – Peter and the Wolf, by Sergei Prokofiev.

As an exemple, let’s see a musical tale “Peter and the Wolf” (that combines narration style storytelling with classical music themes). Have you ever heard about it?

This musical tale tells the story of Peter, a young boy that gets into some trouble after ignoring his grandfather’s warnings. The theme for each character is played by an instrument or section.

7. Развитие навыков аудирования Listening (прослушиваем короткое звучание разных инструментов по каждому герою, отрывки взяты из самого произведения «Петр и Волк»).

Now, we are going to listen to some extracts of music. The heroes are represented by the instruments.

The bird’s theme is played by a flute.

The duck’s theme is played by an oboe.

♪ ♫ The cat’s theme is played by a clarinet.

The Grandfather’s theme is played by the bassoon.

The wolf’s theme is played by the French horns.

The hunters’ theme is played by the timpani drums.

And lastly, Peter’s theme is played by the strings in the orchestra.

Did you like the sound of instruments? Which instrument sound did you like the most?

8. Игровая физкультминутка. < Let’s have a BREAK and create our own improvised music >

(Учащимся раздаются детские музыкальные инструменты для того, чтобы они попробовали поиграть и запомнили названия инструментов: детская гитара, барабаны с барабанными палочками, бубны, погремушки, дудка, детское пианино, детский ксилофон, губная гармошка… Обязательно называем по-английски каждый музыкальный инструмент).

9. Опрос учащихся. Соревновательная игра Квиз. QUIZ. (Предлагается иллюстрированная презентация с русским названием музыкальных инструментов, учащиеся должны перевести эти названия на английский язык).

10. Использование приобретенных знаний на практике. Совершенствование навыков говорения, монологической речи.

Подготовка к монологической речи.

So, we talked about music and orchestra today. I would like to ask you some questions.

What is music for you? How often do you listen to music?

Can you play any music instrument? If no, which instrument would you prefer to learn to play?

What does the orchestra mean? Would you like to go to the symphonic orchestra concert?

Монологическая речь.

Now, would you express your opinion about what is music in your life? Please, make a conclusion about what new information have you learned today: orchestra, music genres, different kinds of instruments…

11. Развитие навыков перевода. (Вывешиваются на доске 4 распечатанные цитаты).

How would you translate these quotations about music?

Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life” Ludwig van Beethoven (Музыка - посредник между духовной и чувственной жизнью.)

The beauty of music is… in simplicity and naturalness” – P.I. Chaikovsky (Красота в музыке состоит в простоте и естественности).

When words fail, music speaks” – Hans Christian Andersen (Когда слов недостаточно, говорит музыка).

Without music, life would be a mistake” ― Friedrich Nietzsche (Без музыки жизнь была бы ошибкой).

III. Конец урока.

1. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок и объяснение домашнего задания.

Слайд 10 – You can see here some well-known orchestras and famous conductors (учащиеся видят некоторые названия Симфонических оркестров России, Чувашии, США, Великобритании, а также имена некоторых известных дирижеров – В.Спиваков (Россия), М.Яклашкин (Чувашия), Т.Бичем (Великобритания), Л.Бернштейн (США)).

There are a few minutes left before the bell, so write down your homework for the next lesson. You should find some information about one orchestra ensemble and tell about it to the class during the next lesson.

2. Рефлексия.

What new information have you learnt during our lesson? (Учащиеся высказываются об уроке).

3. Прощание. And now I’d like to tell you that I’m really pleased with you today. You’ve worked hard. Thank you and have a nice day. Good-bye.


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