Развернутый план урока английского языка по теме «Еда»
Наглядные пособия: муляжи овощей и фруктов (яблоки, апельсины, бананы, морковь, помидор, картофель, виноград, слива и т.д.), 2 игрушечные рыбы, конфеты, пакетик чая, 2 меню, кроссворд, WORD-box, карточки с частями предложений нa Past Indefinit.
План урока:
1. Организационный момент
a) приветствие
- Stand up Good afternoon Sit down
b) Объявление задач урока:
Сегодня мы проведем необычный заключительный игровой урок по теме “Food”.
Для этого мы поделили нашу группу на 2 команды.
За каждый правильный ответ участник той или иной команды получит звездочку, победит та команда, которая наберет больше звездочек.
Now let's begin our lesson, с) Речевая зарядка.
What the date is today?
What day is it today?
What the weather like today?
What season is it now?
Do you know any poems about winter?
Do you like winter and why?
2. Основная часть урока
I задание.
Look at the blackboard.
This is word-box. You are to find food words and underline
w |
c |
o |
f |
f |
e |
e |
j |
a |
m |
o |
l |
g |
a |
b |
r |
e |
a |
d |
g |
p |
a |
r |
a |
g |
h |
t |
p |
n |
o |
t |
r |
u |
l |
r |
a |
t |
e |
a |
k |
s |
e |
n |
m |
s |
w |
e |
e |
t |
a |
s |
k |
s |
o |
u |
p |
(Coffee, jam,
bread, tea,
sweet, soup,
carrot, meat,
egg, apple,
II задание.
The teacher gives the menus to the teams.
Menu! |
Menu 2 |
po-r-d-e |
i-e с r--m |
b r- - d |
m - -t |
s--p |
f i - h |
с h - - s - |
v e - e t b l - s |
с a - r –t |
f r-- t |
t--- |
с о - f e - |
Now we are in a cafe.
Take the menu and complete the words in it.
Then say what would you like to have for
III задание.
Was/were -I'll show you the products and then hide them. You should recall, what was/were in the basket.
I basket
5 sweets (were)
banana (was)
apples (were)
lemon (was)
potatoes (were)
tomato (was)
4 carrots (were)
II basket
tomatoes (were)
banana (were)
1 apple (was)
oranges (were)
1 sweet (was)
lemon (was)
fishes (were)
IV задание.
The rhymes.
На доске приклеены листья со словами. Учащиеся должны сорвать листок, подорвав рифмующееся слово по теме«Food».
- You should find the rhymes.
pam – ham
dish - fish
peg – egg
could - food
silk – milk
street – sweet
luggage – cubbage
sea – tea
parrot -carrot
eat - meat
V задание. Кроссворд
F |
I |
О |
V |
А |
Р |
р |
L |
Е |
G |
Е |
Т |
R |
u |
s S |
I |
А |
N |
А |
В |
I |
С |
L |
О |
С |
к |
N |
Е |
Carrots, potatoes, onions are... (vegetables)
English proverb about what should we cat to keep the doctor away? (apple).
Who lives in a lake and has 2 friends Polly and chat? (flop)
How do English people call tea with lemon? (Russian)
English people drinks tea from cups not from... (glasses).
What falls but never raises? (rain)
7. It hat got a face
It has got 2 hands
It goes
And yet stand (clock)
VI Задание.
Questions and Negative Sentences.
-I'll show you the parts or questions. You are to make sentences as quickly as possible.
Cards with parts of questions:
Did |
your sister |
go to school |
last year? |
When did |
your brother |
come home |
yesterday? |
My parents |
didn't |
watch TV |
yesterday |
His sister |
didn't |
eat porridge |
for breakfast |
VII Задание. |
Much тaпу. |
- You are to choose much or many.
_____________cheese ___________glasses of water
_____________apples ___________hamburger’s
_____________cups of tea ________bread
_____________jam ______________coffee
_____________soup ______________sweets
3. Заключительная часть урока
а) звучит музыка. Дети поют песню «He likes chicken»
b) пересказ стихотворения «Robbin»
c) пересказ стихотворения «Who likes what?»
4. Итог урока.
Подсчитывание звёздочек обоих команд, объявление команды-победителя, выставление оценок.
5. Объяснение домашнего задания.
Повторить весь материал по теме «Food».