Современное домашнее задание по английскому языку

Write English words according to this transcriptions:
1.[mi:]; 2. [ki:]; 3. [si:]; 4. [hi:]; 5. [bi:n]; 6. [bizi]; 7. [siti]; 8. [fifti]; 9. [leidi]; 10. [men]; 11. [giv]; 12. [ais]; 13. [aut]; 14. [taun]; 15. [mein]; 16. [fa:st]; 17. [meil]; 18. [west]; 19. [vju:]; 20. [dei]; 21. [wi:]; 22. [wi:k]; 23. [plein]; 24. [heit]; 25. [i:st]; 26. [ka:d]; 27. [plei]; 28. [pa:t]; 29. [si:m]; 30. [spein]; 31. [nais]; 32. [ju:z]; 33. [krai]; 34. [stri:m]; 35. [nju:].
Score: 35______________
Choose one variant of translation for each phrase:
on Sunday а) в субботу; в) на воскресенье; с) в воскресенье.
at home а) на дому; в) дома; с) перед домом.
by car а) на машине; в) около машины; с) перед машиной.
on foot а) на ногах; в) пешком; с) футбол.
for breakfast а) завтракать; в) на завтрак; с) обедать.
by heart а) наизусть; в) сердце; с) в сердце.
by name а) по имени; в) перед именем; с) к имени.
to book the tickets а) билеты в книге; в) бронировать билеты; с) книга.
The Pacific Ocean а) Тихий Океан; в) Атлантический Океан; с) океан.
The English Channel а) английский канал; в)Ла-Манш; с) Темза.
Score: 10_________
Choose one variant of translation for each English verb:
bring up – а) воспитывать; в) принимать; с) приносить.
cheer up – а) устраивать вечеринку; в) ободрить; с) танцевать.
drive at – а) вести машину; в) намекать; с) играть.
hand in – а) сдавать; б) передавать; в) содержать.
point out – а) ставить точку; в) указывать; с) показывать.
turn out – а) поворачиваться; в) оказываться; с) разворачиваться.
find out – а) находить; в) узнавать; с) выясняться.
give up – а) бросать чем-то заниматься; в) отдавать; с) передавать.
draw in – а) вовлекать; в) рисовать; с) воспринимать.
rely on – а) поддерживать; в) надеяться; в) полагаться.
Score: 10_____________
Compare English and Russian equivalents:
For example: round-up ticket – return ticket
Subway; cab; apartment; corporation; downtown; highway; attorney; baggage; soccer; railroad; salesman; ticket-office; one-way ticket; fall; gas; schedule.
Shop assistant; company; autumn; petrol; city centre; underground; time table; luggage; taxi; football; railway; motorway; lawyer; flat; single ticket; booking office.
Score: 16_____________
Compare English proverbs with their Russian equivalents and write your results in the table below:
1. Don’t cross the bridges before you come to them. | a. Лучше мало, чем ничего. |
2. The nearer the bone, the sweeter the flesh. | b. Дуракам закон не писан. |
3. Everything comes to him who waits. | c. Не кричи «Гоп!» пока не перепрыгнешь |
4. A barking dog doesn’t bite. | d. Посади свинью за стол, она и ноги на стол. |
5. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow. | e. Остатки сладки. |
6. A bit in the morning is better than nothing all day. | f. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят |
7. Set a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride to the devil. | g. Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. |
8. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. | h. Терпенье и труд все перетрут |
9. As the fool thinks, so the bell clinks. | i. Не бойся собаки брехливой, а бойся молчаливой. |
Пословица на английском | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Русский эквивалент | | | | | | | | | |
Score: 9__________
Fill in the gaps with the words which are given below. Write your answers in the table:
Founded discover invented decreased survived |
The crime rate____________by 3 % last year.
When did Colombus _________America?
The plane crushed but fortunately everybody _____________
Who _______________ the wheel?
Do you know when the city of Brussels was______________________________?
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 | |
Score: 5_________
Choose the correct tense for each English verb:
I (to go) to the cinema next weekend.
He (to write) a report now.
She (to buy) a car yesterday.
He often (to have) breakfast in the morning.
I already (to read) a book.
He (to go) to work every day.
They (not to build) their house yet.
She (not to sleep) at the moment.
I (to live ) in Paris two years ago.
I (not to see) her for ages.
Score: 11_________
Choose the correct answer:
I have known him……….a long time.
Since; b) for; c) about.
East or West, …….is best.
Home; b) house; c) South.
He did the task…………
Good; b) better; c)well.
This bag is …………than mine.
Heavy; b)heavier; c) heavily.
Can you come to see me………Sunday.
in b) at 3) on
There is so …….snow in the street
Much; b) many; c) more.
This is ………book we have got in our library.
Older; b) the oldest; c) the eldest.
Who is going to look …..the children?
At; b) behind; c) after.
9) Have you ……spoken to a famous person?
a) already; b) ever; c) yet.
10) There are………..yellow leaves in the trees in September.
a) much; b) most; c) many.
Score: 10___________
Read the text and answer the questions, choosing the correct one.
David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David’s father gives him $ 5 a week pocket money and David puts $ 2 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes $ 20 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks for a perfect gift.
Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to himself “Mother loves jewelry and the brooch costs only $ 17”. He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present, she screams with fright because she sees a spider.
What does David want to buy for his mother?
a special birthday present;
a Christmas present;
a spider ring.
Who does David get his money from?
his grandfather;
his grandmother;
his father.
How much money does David have in the bank?
$ 20;
$ 5;
What does David buy for his mother?
a ring;
a brooch;
a spider.
What’s David’s favourite pet?
a cat;
a spider;
a parrot.
What does David do with the present when he takes it home?
he gives it to his mother;
he wraps it in Christmas paper;
He puts it under his pillow.
Why does David’s mother scream?
because the present is beautiful;
because she doesn’t like Christmas present;
because she thinks she sees a real spider.
Why does David buy a spider brooch?
spiders are his favourite pets;
he loves Christmas;
to scare his mother.
Where does David put the present on Christmas Eve?
under his pillow;
under the paper;
under the Christmas tree.
Score: 9___________
Read the texts 1-5 and choose the right headings A-F. One heading is unnecessary. Write your answers in the table below:
A. The creator of Christmas cards;
B. The pictures on the cards;
C. Christmas invitations;
D. The ancestors of the Christmas card;
E. Beautiful invention;
F. Christmas greetings.
Today, we send millions of Christmas cards every year. But in fact the Christmas card is a relatively modern invention. In the Middle Ages, European wood engravers produced prints with religious themes. But the first real Christmas card, as we understand the term today, was designed in London, England in 1840. It went on sale in 1843.
The designer was John Callcott Horsley, a well known British painter and member of the Royal Academy. He designed the card at the suggestion of his friend Sir Henry Cole, who was the first director of the Victoria & Albert Museum. Horsley produced 1,000 cards and offered them for sale at one shilling each.
They were printed on stiff card and coloured by hand, with the greeting: «A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You». The card showed three pictures: in the centre, a family party; to one side the hungry receiving food; to the other side the poor being clothed. Puritans immediately denounced the card, since it showed people drinking in the family party. But with most people the idea was a great success and the Christmas card quickly became very popular.
Christmas cards were not the first greetings cards. Since 1796, with the improvements in printing, merchants had been sending cards to their customers offering «best wishes» for the New Year. In many countries, Christmas cards gradually became even more popular than New Year's cards.
As Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ, cards often show scenes of his nativity. Others show images associated with Christmas such as wintry scenes of snow-laden pines, Father Christmas (Santa Claus), stars, candles or holly. The traditional greeting written on a Christmas card is «Merry Christmas», but many other greetings are also used, such as «Happy Xmas» or «Happy Noel».
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
| | | | |
Score: 5_________
TOTAL SCORE: 120___________________
Напишите английские слова согласно их транскрипции:
1.me; 2.key; 3. sea (see); 4. he; 5. been (bean); 6. busy; 7. city; 8. fifty; 9. lady; 10. men; 11. give; 12. ice; 13. out; 14. town; 15. main; 16. fast; 17. mail; 18. West; 19. view; 20. day; 21. we; 22. week; 23. plain; 24. hate; 25. East; 26. card; 27. play; 28. part; 29. seem; 30. Spain; 31. nice; 32. use; 33. cry; 34. stream; 35. new.
Score: 35______________
Choose one variant of translation for each phrase:
on Sunday а) в субботу; в) на воскресенье; с) в воскресенье.
at home а) на дому; в) дома; с) перед домом.
by car а) на машине; в) около машины; с) перед машиной.
on foot а) на ногах; в) пешком; с) футбол.
for breakfast а) завтракать; в) на завтрак; с) обедать.
by heart а) наизусть; в) сердце; с) в сердце.
by name а) по имени; в) перед именем; с) к имени.
to book the tickets а) билеты в книге; в) бронировать билеты; с) книга.
The Pacific Ocean а) Тихий Океан; в) Атлантический Океан; с) океан.
The English Channel а) английский канал; в)Ла-Манш; с) Темза.
Score: 10_________
3. Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским глаголам:
bring up – а) воспитывать; в) принимать; с) приносить.
cheer up – а) устраивать вечеринку; в) ободрить; с) танцевать.
drive at – а) вести машину; в) намекать; с) играть.
hand in – а) сдавать; б) передавать; в) содержать.
point out – а) ставить точку; в) указывать; с) показывать.
turn out – а) поворачиваться; в) оказываться; с) разворачиваться.
find out – а) находить; в) узнавать; с) выясняться.
give up – а) бросать чем-то заниматься; в) отдавать; с) передавать.
draw in – а) вовлекать; в) рисовать; с) воспринимать.
rely on – а) поддерживать; в) надеяться; в) полагаться.
Score: 10_____________
4.Сопоставьте русские и английские эквиваленты слов:
For example: round-up ticket – return ticket
Subway - underground; cab - taxi; apartment - flat; ; corporation - company;; downtown - city centre; highway - motorway; attorney - lawyer; baggage - luggage; soccer - football; railroad - railway; salesman - shop assistant; ticket-office - booking office; one-way ticket - single ticket; fall - autumn; gas - petrol; schedule - time table.
Score: 16_____________
5.Сопоставьте английские пословицы с их русскими эквивалентами. Результаты запишите ниже в таблице:
Пословица на английском | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Русский эквивалент | c | e | h | i | g | a | d | f | b |
Score: 9__________
6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами, данными ниже. Запишите результаты в таблицу:
1 | decreased |
2 | discover |
3 | survived |
4 | invented |
5 | founded |
Score: 5_________
1. Поставьте глаголы в предложениях, данные в скобках, в нужную грамматическую форму:
I will go to the cinema next weekend.
He is writing a report now.
She bought a car yesterday.
He often has breakfast in the morning.
I have already read a book.
He goes to work every day.
They haven’t built their house yet.
She isn’t sleeping at the moment.
I lived in Paris two years ago.
I haven’t seen her for ages.
Score: 11_________
2. Выберите один из трех вариантов ответа:
I have known him……… a long time.
Since; b) for; c) about.
East or West, …….is best.
Home; b) house;c) South.
He did the task…………
Good; b) better; c)well.
This bag is …………than mine.
Heavy; b)heavier; c) heavily.
Can you come to see me………Sunday.
In; b) at; 3) on.
There is so …….snow in the street
Much; b) many; c) more.
This is ………book we have got in our library.
Older; b) the oldest; c) the eldest.
Who is going to look …..the children?
At; b) behind; c) after.
9) Have you ……spoken to a famous person?
a) already; b) ever; c) yet.
10) There are………..yellow leaves in the trees in September.
a) much; b) most; c) many.
Score: 10___________
1.Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы, данные после текста:
David wants to buy a Christmas present for a very special person, his mother. David’s father gives him $ 5 a week pocket money and David puts $ 2 a week into his bank account. After three months David takes $ 20 out of his bank account and goes to the shopping mall. He looks for a perfect gift.
Suddenly he sees a beautiful brooch in the shape of his favourite pet. He says to himself “Mother loves jewelry and the brooch costs only $ 17”. He buys the brooch and takes it home. He wraps the present in Christmas paper and places it under the tree. He is very excited and he is looking forward to Christmas morning to see the joy on his mother’s face. But when his mother opens the present, she screams with fright because she sees a spider.
1.What does David want to buy for his mother?
a special birthday present;
a Christmas present;
a spider ring.
2.Who does David get his money from?
his grandfather;
his grandmother;
his father.
How much money does David have in the bank?
$ 20;
$ 5;
What does David buy for his mother?
a ring;
a brooch;
a spider.
What’s David’s favourite pet?
a cat;
a spider;
a parrot.
What does David do with the present when he takes it home?
he gives it to his mother;
he wraps it in Christmas paper;
He puts it under his pillow.
Why does David’s mother scream?
because the present is beautiful;
because she doesn’t like Christmas present;
because she thinks she sees a real spider.
Why does David buy a spider brooch?
spiders are his favourite pets;
he loves Christmas;
to scare his mother.
Where does David put the present on Christmas Eve?
under his pillow;
under the paper;
under the Christmas tree;
Score: 9___________
2. Прочитайте мини-тексты и сопоставьте их с заголовками, данными ниже. Результаты запишите в таблицу после текстов:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
E | A | B | D | F |
Score: 5_________
TOTAL SCORE: 120__________________