12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Кристина Маркина20

 «The House in the wood»

Narrator – 

Cat – 

Frog 1 –

Frog 2 – 

Fox – 

Hare – 

Mouse 1 – 

Mouse 2 – 

Dog –

Wolf 1 –

Wolf 2 –

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The mice are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

(Выбегают Мышки - Mouse. Замечают теремок, подходят к нему)

Mouse1: What a nice house! It is very nice.

Mouse2: It is not small. It is not big. Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in the house? (Заглядывают в теремок.) Nobody.

Вместе: We can live in the house.

(Выпрыгивают Лягушата- Frogs. Подходят к теремку)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The frogs are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Frog1: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock!

Frog2: Who lives in the house?

Мышкавыглядывая из теремка)

Mouse 2: I am a Mouse. I live in the house. Who are you and what can you do?

Frogs: We are Frogs.

Frog1: I can jump, I can run,

I can sing, I can dance,

Frog2: I can swim, I can not fly,

I can skip and say «good-bye!»

Mouse 2: Very good. Come in. (Лягушата заходят в теремок)

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The hare is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

(Выпрыгивает зайчик-Hare. Подходит к теремку)

Hare: What a nice house! Tock! Tock! Tock! Who lives in the house?

Mouse2: I am a Mouse.

Frog 1: I am a Frog.

Mouse2: Who are you and what can you do?

Hare: I am a Hare. My name is Willy. I am not happy. I have no house (плачет)

Звери поют:

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?

Why, Willy? Why, Willy?

Why, Willy? Why?

Hare: Can I live in the house?

Mouse 2: Come in. Let’s live together.

Выбегает собачка. Подходит к теремку.
Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The dog is running through the wood.

It stops at the door,

It knocks at the door.

Dog: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse1: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Mouse 1: Who are you and what can you do?

Dog: I am a Dog.
My name is Jack.
My coat is white.
My nose is black.

Mouse1: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Let’s play together.

Дети поют песню с движениями «Baby Shark» 

baby shark
MP4 / 3.61 Мб

Выбегает кот. Подходит к теремку.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The cats are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Cat: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse 2: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Mouse 2: Who are you and what can you do?

Cat: I am a Cat. I can count.

1, 1, 1 – Little dog, run!
2, 2, 2 – Cats see you.
3, 3, 3 – Birds in the tree.
4, 4, 4 – Rats on the flour.

Mouse 2: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

На сцене появляются 2 волка

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

The wolves are running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Wolf1: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse 1: I am a Mouse.

Frogs: We are the Frogs.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Mouse 1: Who are you and what can you do?

Wolf: 1.We are brothers.

Wolf: 2. We are singers.

We can sing the songs. Let’s sing together.

Волки поют песню Six in the bedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ARbIcYtSIg

Mouse 1: Very good. Come in. Let’s live together.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

На сцене появляется лиса, танцует

The fox is running through the wood.

They stop at the door,

They knock at the door.

Fox: What a nice house! Who lives in the house?

Mouse 2: I am a Mouse.

Frog: I am a Frog.

Hare: I am a Hare.

Dog: I am a Dog.

Cat: I am a Cat.

Wolves: We are wolves.

Mouse 2: Who are you and what can you do?

Fox: I’m a fox. I know the colors.

Spring is green,

Summer is bright,

Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white.

Narrator: Here is the house in the wood.

And friends in it are really good.

They play and dance, have lots of fun,

This is the song for everyone.

Исполняется песня «The more we are together»https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lldmkrJXQ-E

1. The more we get together, Together, together,

The more we get together,

The happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we get together,

The happier we'll be!

2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate.

2. The more we sing together, Together, together,

The more we sing together, The happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we sing together,

The happier we'll be!

2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate.

3. The more we dance together,

Together, together,

The more we dance together,

The happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we dance together,

The happier we'll be!

2,4,6,8 who do we appreciate.

4. The more we clap together, Together, together,

The more we clap together,

The happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we clap together,

The happier we'll be!


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