12+  Свидетельство СМИ ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 70917
Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Алёна Александровна Р.100

Pros and Cons of Living away from Home.

Тип урока: урок повторения и систематизации изучаемого материала

УМК: Вербицкая М.М. “Forward

Класс: 11

Предмет: английский язык

Дата: …

Цели урока: создать условия для отработки лексического материала по теме «Все за и против жизни вдали от дома».

Ожидаемые результаты:  после проведения урока (занятия) учащиеся смогут применить лексику и грамматику для написания эссе как итогового задания по теме.

Основное содержание  темы:

лингвистический компонент:  ЛЕ по теме «Все за и против жизни вдали от дома», построение простых предложений в устной речи, а также предложения с конструкцией there is (are).

Виды речевой деятельности: говорение, чтение, аудирование

Задачи урока:


повторить употребление ЛЕ в разных ситуациях.

развивать навыки говорения

вовлечь учащихся  в  активную  речевую деятельность на уроке путем использования современных средств обучения и различных организационных форм работы.

подготовка к написанию эссе «Pros and Cons of Living away from Home»


способствовать  развитию  логического  мышления, памяти, внимания и умения  анализа и  сравнения.

создавать благоприятный психологический климат;

способствовать развитию говорения;

               • учить детей проявлять интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
              • повысить мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
              • осуществлять эстетическое воспитание учеников;

воспитывать любовь к своему дому и родителям;

 Планируемые результаты деятельности учащихся:

Предметные: распознавание и употребление в речи  лексических единиц по теме «Все за и против жизни вдали от дома».

Умение применять ЛЕ по теме в объяснении преимуществ и недостатков жизни вдали от дома.

 Метапредметные: использование различных способов сбора, обработки, анализа, организации, передачи и интерпретации информации в соответствии с коммуникативными и познавательными задачами.

Личностные: развитие навыков сотрудничества с учителем и сверстниками в разных социальных ситуациях.

Ход урока:

Организационный момент:

Т: Good morning, students ! I am glad to see you. 3’

P: Glad to see you too.

ТHow are you?

Р: We are fine thank you and how are you?

T: I’m fine thanks. Sit down, please.

T: …, today you are a teacher for asking the day, date , the weather and absent people. Please, choose your duty student.

P: Let it be, … and …. Stand up, please.

P: What date is it today? ( What day of the week is it today? What is the weather like today? Who is absent in the class?)

P: Today is … . The weather is… . Nobody is. (… is.)

Определение темы и цели урока 3’

Т:  Look at the blackboard, guess this rebus and you see the theme of our lesson.

Т: Oh, all right, you’ve guessed. This is “Pros and Cons of Living away from Home “.

Т: Can you name the synonyms to “Pros” and “Cons”?

O: advantages and disadvantages ( pluses and minuses, positive side and negative side).

Т: Guess, What’s the goal of our lesson?

P: To find out what are

Составление плана урока 1’

Т: Explain, please, the plan of our today’s lesson.

P: We will revise pronunciation of words, we’ll revise words, we will speak about… and we will work with the text .

3 Фонетическая разминка. 2’

T: Correct my pronunciation, please (1 slide)

(P’s answers)

T: Well done.

4. Лексическая разминка. 4’

T: Open your books at page 85 ex.4

Let’s match words on the board with their synonyms in the exercise 4.

T: Can you translate?

4.Работа с информацией (работа в парах) 8’

T: What places do you think of when you hear “living away from home”. By the way, don’t forget that you will become a real students soon.

P: I imagine the halls of residence, a rented house or room.( the pictures of these places are on the blackboard). You have 2 minutes

Now, let’s work with information on these sheets of paper. You may add your own information.

You see some words and word expressions. The first row of students thinks about advantages (pluses or positive sides, or pros) of living away from home. The second row chooses only the disadvantages (minuses, negative sides or cons).

Let’s speak about them. I’d like to listen to your thoughts. Let’s speak one by one( in turn).

Разминка 4’

T: In your life you met, meet and will meet different people with their points of view, thoughts and values. Let’s remember a poem about some people. Let’s tell it together.

Some people talk and talk

and never say a thing

Some people look at you

and birds begin to sing

Some people love and love

and yet you want to cry.

Some people touch your hand

And music fills the sky.

Now you should tell it with different emotions which I will show you on cards (loudly, excitedly, romantically, arrogantly, happily, sadly).


Open your books p 84. You see the text in which a boy, David, and a girl ,Lizzie, are discussing the same – pros and cons of living away from home.

Find the information we didn’t mention about.

What pluses and minuses can you add to our discussion?

Домашнее задание 1’

Your home task is to write an essay on the topic “Pros and Cons of Living away from Home “.

The example of tan essay and the rule of writing it you may find on page 68-69.

Рефлексия 4’

Now, I will give technological cards. Look through, please. Is everything clear for you? Estimate your today’s work and put your final mark at the bottom of the card.

Finish the sentence:

It was difficult…/ it was easy… / I think I can…/ It was interesting…



To write an essay on the topic

Pros and Cons of Living away from Home “.

The example of tan essay and the rule of writing it you may find on page 68-69.



To write an essay on the topic

Pros and Cons of Living away from Home “.

The example of tan essay and the rule of writing it you may find on page 68-69.



To write an essay on the topic

Pros and Cons of Living away from Home “.

The example of tan essay and the rule of writing it you may find on page 68-69.



To write an essay on the topic

Pros and Cons of Living away from Home “.

The example of tan essay and the rule of writing it you may find on page 68-69.






anarchical behavior

excessive parents’ control

(not) to get up early at weekends

bass thudding at night

nobody makes you clean the room and wash up

dad’ s or mom’s haranguing

(not ) to spend money as you like

to have an opportunity to find a job and to earn your own money

to have a lot of chores (household duties)

to have different delicious meals

lack of money

Lack of parents’ caress (kindness, care, affection, advice)

To miss relatives ( a boyfriend / a girlfriend)

To discuss something only on the phone or via the Internet

To go to bed when you like ( at midnight or in the afternoon)

There is a strict control under your actions

to share your own food even if you don’t have enough

to make new friends and no matter they are good or bad

weeks last infinitely

to cook by yourself…

Theme: Pros and Cons of living away from home surname____________

Lesson stages






2. words

3. Speaking activities

4. work with the text (find the additional info)

Final mark _____

Theme: Pros and Cons of living away from home surname____________

Lesson stages






2. words

3. Speaking activities

4. work with the text (find the additional info)

Final mark _____

Theme: Pros and Cons of living away from home surname____________

Lesson stages






2. words

3. Speaking activities

4. work with the text (find the additional info)

Final mark _____


Compelled –obliged


Haranguing- criticising

Awkward- uncomfortable

Tiresome- annoying

Alluring- attractive

Inverted- reversed



Anarchical- lawless









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