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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Материал опубликовала
Серова Александра Вадимовна51
Учитель английского языка в школе, репетитор с 2013 года.
Россия, Нижегородская обл., Нижний Новгород

t1596119148aa.gifУрок введения лексики по теме «A day in the life»

Этап урока

Д-ть учителя

Д-ть учащихся

Орг. момент

Hello, everyone! How are you today?

OK, then let’s start our lesson.

Hello! Fine, thanks.

Основной этап

Today we speak about things we do every day. Look at the picture on the board. This is Sally’s day. What can she do? Repeat the phrases after me:

Wake up

Get up

Get dressed

Get undressed

Have a shower

Have breakfast/lunch/dinner

Go to school

Do homework

Watch TV

Go to bed

Well done! You have a list. There are 3 boxes in it (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening). You should put all these phrases into the boxes. What can we do in the morning, afternoon, evening? Is the task clear? OK, you have 2 minutes.

So, time’s up. What can we do in the morning?

Good! In the afternoon?


Excellent! The next task is to match the phrases 1-14 with the pictures. You have 3 minutes.

Exchange the lists. Check each other.

Good job! Are you tired? Let’s relax.


We continue the lesson. You will see the video about Jack’s day. He’ll tell what he does in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening. What do you remember about Jack’s day?

Now you work in pairs. Tell your partner about your day. What do you do in the morning, afternoon, evening? You may use phrases from the video and from the board.

Wake up

Get up

Get dressed

Get undressed

Have a shower

Have breakfast/lunch/dinner

Go to school

Do homework

Watch TV

Go to bed

Уч-ся работают самостоятельно

Wake up, get up, have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, go to school

Have lunch, do homework

Watch TV, get undressed, go to bed

Уч-ся работают самостоятельно


Yes, we are

Выполняют упражнения

Смотрят видео

He gets up at

He has a shower at…

He works

Работа в парах, мини-диалоги

Завершающий этап

Good job! Your hometask is to write a short paragraph about your typical Monday.

Did you enjoy yourselves?

Did you work hard?

Did you like to work in pairs?

Select the face.

Учащимся раздаются карточки-настроения

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