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Статья «Смысловое чтение. Работа с вопросами к прочитанному тексту»

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Read the text, pay attention to the details of the story.

Give detailed answers to the questions. Try to mention as many facts as you can. You may use your own means of language, not only the context. Your creativity and imagination are welcome!

Mind your grammar and spelling!




What was Charlie like?

What can you say about Charlie’s family?

Why did Charlie want to go inside the chocolate factory?

Who found five Golden Tickets?

Who was Mr Willy Wonka? Can you describe him?

How did the factory look like?

What did the children do in the chocolate factory? What places did they visit?

What happened to the children in the factory?

What was the end of the story?

What is your favourite moment in the story and why?














1. Charlie Bucket is the main character of Dahl`s book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Young Charlie Bucket lived with his parents and grandparents in a dilapidated house on the outskirts of the city, not far from the amazing chocolate factory of the famous eccentric Willy Wonka, whom no one has seen for ten years. Charlie and his parents slept in the same room upon mattresses on the floor. In the summertime, this wasn`t too bad, but in the winter, it was awfully cold to sleep there. Despite the terrible poverty and a life of starvation, the boy grew up in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect. He was a very honest and kind boy: he treated his family and other people well. Very often his parents, Mrs and Mr Bucket, gave him their supper, but still the food wasn`t enough for a growing boy. Charlie loved chocolate, but got only one bar a year – for his birthday. The whole family saved up their money for that special occasion and wanted him to eat chocolate by himself. But Charlie always tried to share it with his family, despite the protests of adults. Do you know many children who will do the same?

2. There were six people in his family, but none of them were Charlie’s brothers or sisters. So who were they? First, Mr and Mrs Bucker, Charlie’s mother and father. His family had also four elderly people, who were already over 90 years old. They were two grandmothers and two grandfathers. Grandpa Joe was the oldest of the four grandparents. He was ninety-six and a half. The house wasn`t large enough for so many people (the six grown-ups and little Charlie) and life was extremely uncomfortable for them all. There were only two rooms in this place, and there was only one bed. The bed was given to the four old grandparents because they were very old and tired. They were so tired that they almost never got out of it. And, only Charlie's father, Mr. Bucket, made a living for such a large family. He closed the tubes of toothpastes and the salary for this was very little, so the family lived very poorly. They didn't starve, but they only had bread and margarine for breakfast, cabbage and potatoes for lunch and watery cabbage soup for dinner. Nevertheless, they lived fairly well as they loved and respect each other. The four elderly people (Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine, and Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina) waited for Charlie`s coming home every evening. As soon as they heard the door opening, and heard the boy`s voice saying, “Good evening, Grandpa Joe and Grandma Josephine, and Grandpa George and Grandma Georgina,” they would suddenly sit up, and their old wrinkled faces would light up with smiles of pleasure. For they loved this little boy. Charlie was the only bright sun in their lives, and his evening visits were something that they looked forward to all day long. In the evenings, after he had finished his supper of watery cabbage soup, Charlie always went into his grandparents` room to listen to their stories, and then to say good night.

3. Little Charlie was a great lover of chocolate and he considered Mr Willy Wonka, the owner of the chocolate factory, to be the greatest inventor and maker of chocolates and Wonka`s Factory seemed to him the most tremendous and marvelous place in the world. Twice a day, on his way to and from school, little Charlie Bucket had to walk past the gates of the factory. And every time Charlie passed by the chocolate factory, he always enjoyed the smell of magical sweets. The gorgeous chocolate smell was around him in the air. Oh, how he loved that smell! Grandpa Joe told the boy amazing stories about the incredible miracles that were happening at the factory. So, Charlie Bucket wished he could go inside the factory and see what it was like! Two hundred kinds of chocolate, chocolate ice cream that never melts, marshmallows with the smell of violets, caramels that change colour - isn't that what all the children in the world dream of?

4. The first holder of the golden ticket was a nine-year-old boy Augustus Gloop. He looked like a round fat pancake, and all he liked to do was eat food. The second ticket was found by Veruca Salt, a girl living in an incredibly wealthy family, spoiled by her parents. The third ticket went to Violet Beauregarde. Violet loved to chew gum all the time, and was proud that she had been chewing the same one for 3 months, taking a break only for sleep and food. The fourth ticket was in the possession of a nine-year-old boy named Mike Teavee. The boy watched TV all the time, not sticking away from the screen. He really liked the action movies, and he himself was hung with pistols. The last golden ticket finally made Charlie Bucket happy. Fate presented him with a well-deserved gift for his kind soul and for what he had to endure up to this moment.


5. Mr Willy Wonka was the owner of a chocolate factory where real magic happened. He seemed to be a clever and a very talented man. He himself invented a lot of amazing things: more than two hundred new kinds of chocolate bars, each with different centre, each far sweeter and creamier and more delicious than anything the other chocolate factories could make, he invented a way of making chocolate ice cream so that it could stay cold for hours and hours without being in the refrigerator. Willy Wonka was very hospitable. He clearly did not look like an ordinary person. He wore a black top hat. His beautiful tail coat was made of dark purple velvet. He wore bottle green trousers and pearl grey gloves. And in his hand he held a cane with a gold top. Covering his chin, there was a small, neat, pointed black beard – a goatee. The eyes were surprisingly bright. Bright sparks seemed to flicker in them. He looked very smart though! Dexterous, fast, energetic! Every minute he turned his head, seeing everything, noticing everything with his shining eyes. With the quickness of his movements, he resembled a squirrel - an old smart nimble squirrel from a city park.

6. The chocolate factory wasn't just big. It was the largest and most famous chocolate factory in the world - the WONKA FACTORY. It was owned by Mr. Willy Wonka, the greatest inventor and chocolate king. It was an amazing factory! A high wall surrounded it. You could get inside only through the large iron gates, smoke was coming from the pipes, and a strange buzzing came from somewhere in the depths, and outside the walls of the factory for half a mile around the air was saturated with a thick smell of chocolate.

It was a huge factory, with machines that worked all the time and produced amazing recipes for sweets. The factory has countless workshops, laboratories, and warehouses.

The Chocolate Room was the most important room, the nerve centre of the whole factory and the heart of the whole business. It was very beautiful as well. There was a lovely valley, green meadows, and a great brown river with a tremendous waterfall


t1673273103ag.gifhalfway along the river in that room. The Inventing Room was the most important room in the entire factory. All Mr Wonka`s secret new inventions were cooking and simmering in it.


t1673273103ah.gifTiny men –they were no larger than medium-sized dolls- were working at the factory. They were Oompa-Loompas, real people who had been imported from a terrible country Loompaland.

7. At the factory, children amazed at miracles of the factory. They visited the chocolate workshop - the heart of the entire factory. Everything inside was amazing and edible as well. Then they sailed down the chocolate river in a huge boat made of candy. They sailed to the workshop of inventions. There Willy Wonka offered his latest inventions: the everlasting candy and gum - a three-course lunch. After this workshop, they swiftly followed their invention along the pink miracle corridor, passing rooms with various inventions of the Great Master of Chocolate. They rushed on to the nut shop. There, specially trained squirrels hulled nuts. After, the rest of the people went on a glass elevator in a TV chocolate, along the way they all also saw the wonders of the candy factory. At the TV Chocolate Center, after Willy Wonka presented his next setting, Mike also wanted to be transferred to the TV. After the TV Chocolate Center, only Charlie and his grandfather remained with Mr. Wonka. And in honor of the victory, Wonka launched his glass elevator "Up and Nowhere."

8. The first who got into trouble was Augustus stupid. Despite Mr. Wonka's warnings, he climbed into the fountain for chocolate and was sucked into the pipe that led the chocolate from the waterfall to the chocolate-covered strawberry toffee shop. The second incident happened to Violet Beaurgarde. She, as a true lover of chewing gum, wanted to be the first in the world to try a chewing gum lunch. But the gum was not yet ready, and when its taste reached the blueberry pie, Violetta herself began to look like a huge blueberry. In the walnut workshop, where the squirrels peeled nuts from the shell, Veruca liked the squirrels and she wanted to take them to her home. Mr. Wonka did not allow this to be done, so Veruka decided to take what she wanted herself. But when the squirrels checked the head of faith to see if it was spoiled, they decided that she should still be among the bad nuts. The fourth victim was Mike Teavee. At the TV Chocolate Center, after Willy Wonka presented his next development, Mark also wanted to be transferred to the TV. He, like a chocolate bar, has decreased in size. In the end, thanks to his good manners, only Charlie remained.

9. After visiting the factory, the children did not come out the way they entered it, but safe and sound. And each one, as promised by Mr. Wonka, was waiting for trucks of sweets. Charlie was the winner, so Mr. Wonka decided to donate his factory to him. Soon Charlie and his entire extended family moved to live in the Chocolate Factory. The author makes an attempt to convey to his readers that the social status of a person is unimportant — a poor boy can be much better and more worthy than spoiled rich children who are used to selfishly indulge their whims.

t1673273103ai.gif10. We have several favourite moments in this story. It is the emergence of the Oompa Loompas. They are funny and hardworking little people who compose funny songs and love the factory.

It is, probably, the moment when Charlie Bucket found the Golden Ticket, which he got really honestly, because he was very different from the other children or because he believed in his dream and it came true, even though he wasn`t rich. Maybe, it`s the moment when Charlie discovered that he was the winner and he became the owner of his favourite Chocolate factory.
















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