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Лицензия на образовательную деятельность №0001058
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Костерина Татьяна Сергеевна20

Урок по теме «Lets travel to the UK and the USA» для 4 класса общеобразовательной школы, учебник Spotlight 4. Тип урокакомбинированный. Формой проведения урока было выбрано путешествие, что соответствует интересам и возрастным особенностям учащихся.

Цель урока: расширить знания и кругозор учащихся через лингвострановедческую информацию об интересных местах Великобритании и США.

Деятельностная цель: формирование у учащихся умений реализации новых способов действия.

Задачи урока:

Практическая цель:

Практиковать уч-ся в монологической речи. Совершенствовать навыки чтения и аудирования.

Образовательная цель:

повышать общую языковую культуру. Учить анализировать и делать умозаключения после прочтения / прослушивания текста.

Развивающая цель:

Развивать внимание, память, догадку учащихся, фонематический слух.

Развивать коммуникативные, учебно-организационные, учебно-интеллектуальные и учебно-информационные умения. Развивать языковую догадку, самостоятельность и быструю реакцию, развивать умение работать в группе.


воспитывать культуру общения, создавать атмосферу взаимопомощи, формировать стойкую мотивацию к предмету, воспитывать самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль. воспитывать уважение к культуре страны, язык которой изучается; воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи.

Планируемые результаты: данный урок должен обеспечить умение делать устные сообщения, собирать, обобщать и систематизировать культуроведческую информацию.

Регулятивные УУД: организация учащимися своей учебной деятельности. Планирование составления высказываний, овладение способностью определять цель, выбирать средства достижения цели.

Познавательные УУД: умение структурировать знания; определение основной и второстепенной информации; установление логических связей; умение анализировать, представлять информацию в сжатом и развёрнутом виде.

Коммуникативные УУД: Умение излагать и слушать информацию, а также вступать в коммуникативное взаимодействие.

Личностные результаты - умение делать сообщения по теме урока.

We travel to the USA and the UK


Group 1

London Bridge

Group 2

Birthday Parties

Group 3

Alton Towers



Group 5 Florida

T: Good morning to everyone. How are you today?

Today we are having an unusual lesson. We will travel to the UK and the USA. When we plan to travel we read different leaflets, adverts or go to travel agencies. In our class we have 5 travel agencies today. Let’s watch and listen to them. I hope that their offers will be interesting and you’ll like it.

Group number 1 (3 students)

Good morning! We invite you to London, Great Britain.

Have a look at our board. You can see 2 pictures of bridges. What bridge is called London Bridge? A or B?

The right answer is A. In picture B you can see Tower Bridge, the most beautiful bridge in London.

London Bridge is the oldest one in London. This famous song is about it.

(Sing the song all together. Group 1 hand out the leaflets with brief information about London bridge and vocabulary).

London Bridge is falling down,

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down,

My fair lady!

We hope that one day you will walk along London Bridge and enjoy amazing London landmarks. Draw your lots.

T:- London is a really great place. Would you like to go there one day? Oh, I see. Thanks to group#1.

T:- I’m sure that everyone likes special days, special events.

Group 2 (Happy Birthday Song)

Let’s go to England and join a Birthday party!

Birthday parties are very popular in England. They are a lot of fun!

At the party there is always lots of food and drink. Children always play party games.

1,2,3- Hats! Balloons! Dances! Songs and a birthday cake! Please, come. (hand out leaflets – invitation cards with vocabulary). You will have a lot of fun!

T:- Thank you for your invitation. Draw lots, please. A lot of children dream to spend their birthday at a theme part or funfair.

(Video Alton Towers). Hand out the maps of Alton Towers and the vocabulary on the back.

1- Welcome to Staffordshire!

2- Visit Alton Towers!

3- You will have the best fun day out!

Rita- Queen of speed, Pinball whizzer, Air and other rides are waiting for you.


T: The United Kingdom is a fantastic country. Draw lots, please. Now let’s pay our attention to the USA.

1.- We invite you to Massachusetts, the USA.

( Hand out the leaflets with the lyric of the song and vocabulary).

2.- This state is famous for its beautiful nature and history.

3. - A famous nursery rhyme Mary Had A Little Lamb” appeared there.

1.- Mary went to this school.

2.-Her lamb followed her. They were very good friends.

3.- Let’s sing a song about them. ( Watch a video and sing a song)

T:- Massachusetts is an interesting place. Draw lots, please. In the USA there are a lot of interesting places.

If you want to have some fun, an exciting holiday or relax, the best place for you is Florida state, the USA.

Florida means "Feast of Flowers" in Spanish

Sunny, sandy Miami beaches and water sports.

It is a state of oranges, grapefruits and watermelons.

Interesting wildlife and the world’s greatest fun park- Disney World are waiting for you.

Welcome to Florida! You will have the time of your life!

T: Thank you very much. It was great. Draw lots, please. Now join into groups of five. Take your seats and share information on your topics.

(Работают в группах по 5 человек, обмениваются информацией).

Alton Towers 


О́лтон-Та́уэрз (популярный увеселительный парк в графстве Стаффордшир.

Alton Towers is a theme park, water park, and hotel complex in Staffordshire(/ˈstæfədʃɪər/ or /ˈstæfədʃə/ , England. There are a lot of fantastic rides. It was opened on the 4th of April in 1980. It is 37 years old.

It is divided into 10  themed areas: Towers Street, Mutiny Bay, Katanga Canyon, Gloomy Wood, Forbidden Valley, Dark Forest, Cloud Cuckoo Land, X-Sector and CBeebies Land. There are about 13 cafes and restaurants and 5 hotels. It is 3.7square km.! Compare: Our town, Lutugino, is 2 square km.

In the park there are water rides, children’s rides and other attractions.

Birthday parties

Birthday parties are very popular in England. At the party there is always lots of food and drink. There are a lot of balloons. Children play party games. When it is time for a birthday cake the Birthday Boy or a Birthday girl blows out the candles and make a birthday wish. Guests sing “Happy Birthday song” and give presents. Birthday parties are fun for everyone. Let’s play a party game.

Little crocodiles...

All players divide into teams of 3, 4 or 5 players. Players of each team should form up a line, and between each player there should be one balloon, which is hold by backs and chests.
The aim of this game is to run a certain distance. The fastest team is the winner.
If any balloon is dropped, player should replace it and start moving from the spot where balloon was dropped.
If the balloon had burst, the team is disqualified from the game.

Button Button (Who's got the button?)
You will need a button or another small object such as a penny.   The object of the game is to find out who in the circle has the button.   
Have the kids stand or sit in a circle with their hands in front - palms together.   The child who has the button first takes it and goes around the circle of children.   They will stop at each player and put their hands inside the hands of the children in the circle.  In one of the players hands they will drop the button ... but they will continue going around the circle  so that no one knows which player now has the button.   The child who dropped the button then points to a player and says "Button, button, who has the button?"  and then the player replies "________ has the button!".  If the player is right then they become the new button holder.  If they are wrong then the next player in the circle gets to guess. 

There are a few fun variations to this game:
Players pass the button behind their backs. The button stops randomly.  The player who started the button tries to guess where it stopped.  If they guess right then they take that child's spot in the circle.  

After the button has been passed behind the backs they can ask questions to find out who has the button.   Set a limit on the number of questions they can ask - 4 or 5 is a good number. 

Not meant for children under 3 because of the choking hazard. 

What Time Is It Mr. Wolf? 
Players try not to be tagged by Mr. Wolf.  Choose who will be the Wolf.   Mr. Wolf then lines up at the opposite end of the playing area from the rest of the players.   The Wolf then turns around and has his back to the rest of the players.   The players ask all together "What time is it Mr. Wolf?"   Then the Wolf will answer with a time - "It's 7:00 o'clock".  

Then the players have to take that many steps towards the Wolf.   7:00 would be 7 steps.  At anytime during the game the Wolf can answer "Supper Time!!" and with that they can turn around and try to tag as many kids as possible before they run back to their base where they started.  
Whoever is tagged by the Wolf becomes a wolf and will line up on the Wolf side of the playing field.  All the wolves can tag players after the main wolf calls "supper time!".    The last person left untagged becomes the new Mr. Wolf and the game starts again.

Disney Land, Florida

I want to tell you about Disneyland or Disney world in Florida, the USA. Disneyland was opened on the 1st of October in 1971. It is 110 square km. There are 36 hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks and other attractions. The first theme park was “Magic Kingdom”. We can see Cinderella castle there. Let’s go to Disneyland, Florida. I want to tell you about Disneyland or Disney world in Florida, the USA. Disneyland was opened on the 1st of October in 1971. It is 110 square km. There are 36 hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks and other attractions. The first theme park was “Magic Kingdom”. We can see Cinderella castle there. Let’s go to Disneyland, Florida.

London Bridge

London Bridge is located in central London. It is the oldest bridge in London. It appeared in 50 AD. The first bridge was built by Romans. It was ruined a lot of times. We know that in 1014 King Olaf a Viking/ˈvaɪkɪŋ/ and his men pulled down London bridge. LONDON bridge was rebuilt in 1209, in 1831 and in1973. The song “London Bridge is falling down” is about it.

Mary had a little lamb, Massachusetts

The USA, state Massachusetts.

This state is famous for its beautiful nature and history.

A famous nursery rhyme “Mary Had A Little Lamb” appeared there. Mary went to this school. Her lamb followed her. They were very good friends. Let’s sing a song about them.

Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

У Мэри был маленький барашек,
Его шерсть была белой как снег,
И всюду, куда Мэри шла,
Барашек всегда следовала за ней.

He followed, her to school one day;
That was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play
To see a lamb at school.

Однажды он пошел с ней в школу
Это было против правил
Дети стали смеяться и играться,
Увидев барашка в школе

And so the teacher turned him out,
But still he lingered near,
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear.

Поэтому учитель выгнал его,
Но он задержался рядом
И терпеливо поджидал
Пока Мэри появится

What makes the lamb love Mary so?”
The eager children cry.
“Oh, Mary loves the lamb, you know.”
The teacher did reply.

Почему барашек так любит Мэри?” –
Нетерпеливые дети закричали.
“Видите ли, Мэри любит барашка”, –
Ответил учитель.

Brain Ring Question

1. Is a theme park Alton Towers in




2. Is a theme park smaller than Lutugino?



3. How many roller coasters are there in Alton Тowers?




4. When was a theme park Alton Towers opened?




1. Is London Bridge the oldest one in London?



2. The first London Bridge was built by




3. What picture is London Bridge in: A, B or C?

4. This man ruined London Bridge in 1014. What was his name?

5. What was the last material London Bridge built of according to the song:

iron and steel

silver and gold

bricks and mortar

1. Mary Sawyer lived in



2. She went to

Blackstone School

Whitestone School

Redstone School

3. Where is the lamb in the picture: A, B, C?

4. What was the school rule:

Mary can take a lamb to school

Mary mustn’t take a lamb to school

5. This story became

A fairy tale

A song

A game

1. What does a Birthday boy or girl do with the candles on the cake:

Eat them

Blow out them

Make a wish

2. Do children wear party hats? Yes/No

3. What song do children sing at the Birthday party?

4. How do they decorate the room for the Birthday party?

With pictures

With balloons

With flowers

5. What games do children play at the Birthday party?

1. Is Miami a) a country b) a city

A state

2. What fun park is situated in Florida?

3. Do crocodiles live in Florida?

4. Florida means a) Sunny state; b) Land of flowers; c) Feast of flowers

5. What fruits are very popular in Florida?





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