Урок «Употребление различных форм пассивного залога в устной и письменной речи» (Английский язык, 11 класс)

Материал опубликован 1 February 2017 в группе

Who is it usually used by? Who is it usually used by? How often is it used by you? Where is it bought? What is it made from?

Topic: _______ is it formed? _______ is it used?

Simple Continious Perfect Present Past Future

What is bubble gum made from? What is bubble gum made from?

to pour [pɔː] - лить to pour [pɔː] - лить flavour ['fleɪvə] = taste to incorporate [ɪn'kɔːp(ə)reɪt] = to unite to blend = to mix to squeeze [skwiːz] = to compress to wrap [ræp] - заворачивать tub = box to seal - запечатывать

It all starts with the gum base. It all starts with the gum base. The gum base is poured into a mixer. The food colouring and flavouring are added. As it begins mixing, syrup is incorporated. Next a powdered sweetener is added. The ingredients are blended for about 20 min. The mixture is transferred by car to the special machine. The mixture is squeezed by the machine through a narrow opening. The mixture is transformed into thin strips. The long strips go into the cooling chamber for 15 min. When it is cooled down, each bubble gum is cut and is wrapped by a machine. Last stop, packaging. The bubble gum is moved to the machine that weights in the right amount of gum in the tub. The tub is sealed with plastic to keep the gum fresh. Then, it’s time to enjoy!

Bubble gum is made from rubber and syrup/sugar. Bubble gum is made from rubber and syrup/sugar. What is bubble gum made from?

Simple Continious Perfect Present Past Future

What is it used for? What is it used for? What is it made of/from? Where is it found? Where is it bought? Who is it used by? Is it being used in the class now? Was it used by you yesterday? How often is it used? …

Five forms of Passive Voice are used. Passive Voice is used only in written texts. Passive Voice is used when it’s not very important who is doing the action. (Ex. The bubble gum is made from rubber and syrup) I have been given very good mark for the English lesson today.

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