Технологическая карта урока англйиского языка для 5 класса «Заказ еды в ресторане»

Материал опубликован 26 June 2017 в группе

Good day, dear students!

Tongue twister Whether the weather is fine, Or whether the weather is not, Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot,   We`ll weather the weather,  Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. Weather-погода, выдержать Whether-ли

Your ideas about… Fast food restaurants

Make dialogues Why can’t you do it? What should we know to order food there?

What’s the aim of our lesson? Learn how to make an order in the fast food restaurant Revise lexis/grammar; find out phrases for the dialogue; make up dialogues

Some/any   Affirmative (+) (утверждение) Interrogative (?) Negative (-) Countable/ Uncountable Some There are (some) apples. There is some cheese. Any Are there any apples? Is there any cheese? Any There aren’t any apples. There isn’t any cheese.  

Which sentences does the cashier/customer say? Customer Cashier Customer Cashier Cashier Customer Customer Cashier Customer

Algorithm of making a dialogue

-Do you understand English menu? Can you read it? -Can your order food in the fast food restaurant? -Where in life can you use this knowledge?

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